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77 Cards in this Set

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______% of weight in a typical adult is made of fluid. What can affect this percentage?
Age-young or old
Gender-male vs. female (men have > muscle)
Body Fat-thin vs. obese
Two fluid compartments
Intracellular space (fluid inside of the cell)
Extracellular space-(fluid outside of cell)
Intracellular space
fluid inside of cell, also referred to as ICF, 2/3 of fluid is here.
Extracellular space (ECF)
Fluid outside of cells, also referred to as ECF, 1/3 of fluid is here.
ECF (extracellular space) contains 3 things
Interstitial Fluid
Transcellular Space
inside blood vessels or Plasma
Interstitial Fluid
Fluid in the tissue spaces (fluid that surrounds the cells)
Transcellular space
Very small amount of fluid, example is CSF
How can your body fluid balance be disrupted?
loss of fluid
too much fluid
"third-space" fluid
The "path" of how fluids and solutes constantly shift?
from cells to interstitial spaces to blood vessels and back again.
the movement of fluids from one compartment to another to keep things "normal" or level
type of transport that moves solutes from higher to lower concentrations, eventually both sides equal out. Example is a cup of tea with sugar that dissolves or O2 going into alveoleos then crosses membranes which make RBC
lets fluids through, water moves from area of low concentration to a higher concentration of particles, stops when both sides are equal. Example: diabetic with high sugar pulls fluid from tissue so that there is equal amounts of sugar and water.
The location where there is a critical movement of fluid balance?
At the capillary level
Capillary Filtration
movement of fluids through capillaries, results from blood pushing against walls of capillary, this push creates a pressure
Hydrostatic pressure
created by fluid pushing against the walls of capillary, forces fluids and solutes through capillary walls. It also creates a filtration process
What happens when hydrostatic pressure inside a capillary is > than the pressure in the interstitial space?
Fluid and solutes are forced out into those interstitial spaces.
What happens when hydrostatic pressure inside a capillary is < pressures in the interstitial spaces?
Fluid and solutes move back into the capillary
Reabsorption and Albumin prevents what?
Too much fluid from leaving capillaries no matter how much hydrostatic pressure is present.
As fluid is "filtered" at the capillary what happens to the protein Albumin?
Remains behind because it's too large to go through the membrane.
Albumin stays behind due to it's size what happens then?
Albumin concentration increases as fluid levels decrease. Albumin then acts as a magnets (osmotic pressure) to pull fluid back into the capillary on it's venous side...this process is plasma colloid osmotic pressure (COP)
plasma colloid osmotic pressure (COP)
a pressure created by albumin left behind creates a osmotic pulling forced created by proteins or plasma. (all on venous side of capillary)
Summary: What is the "path of the fluid/filtration in the capillary?
Fluid leaves capillary at the arterial end (filtration) by hydrostatic pressure then it bathes interstitial cells with O2 and nutrients, then waste products return to capillary at the venous end where it's reabsorbed by COP (plasma colloid osmotic pressure) and circulated back to the heart...it's that easy!
What can we record that is an example of homeostasis?
I & O because homeostasis is maintaining balance, intake must equal or almost equal output,
Insensible losses? Include examples.
Cannot be seen or measured. Skin/sweat
Sensible losses, include example.
Can be measured, GI tract
How many ML can your input/output differ to be considered =, and how many days does it take of recording?
no more than 500cc difference and it takes 3 days to balance.
Oliguria =

Anuria =
< 30cc/hr of urine output, also <500cc/day

No urine output
How do kidneys play a vital role in regulating fluid volume?
-Their role is vital
-regulate ECF (extracellular fluid) volume & osmolarity (concentration)
-regulate electrolyte concentration
-excrete metabolic waste
What role does the heart play in regulating fluid volume?
-pumping action circulates blood to kidneys and other organs
-results in good renal perfusion
What role to your glands play in regulating your fluid volume?
Pituitary-anidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Adrenal gland-Aldostrone
(Always know your K+ levels)
Pituitary gland produces what?
ADH (antidiuretic hormone),
-"water-conserving" hormone
-secreted when blood volume decreases or particles in blood increase
-with low volume cells get bigger, it releases ADH and kidneys then hold onto water making volume = as cells get smaller again.
Adrenal Gland produces what?
-promotes Na, chloride, and water reabsorption from renal tubules
-overall increases water in the body
-causes loss of K+
Parathyroid Glands
-regulate calcium and phosphate
How do baroreceptors help regulate your fluid volume?
-nerve receptors that detect changes in BP
-send signals to CNS
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
-promotes peripheral vasoconstriction and releases of aldosterone
-effect: Na+ & water retention
The "path" of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
renin is secreted in the kidney where it then travels in the blood to the liver.
renin converts angiotensin in the liver to angiotensin I (causes a slight vasoconstriction).
Angiotension I travels to the lungs where it is converted into angiotension II (strong vasoconstritor)
Angiotension II travels to the adrenal gland where it stimulates the production of aldostrone.... whew...got that?
-on surface of hypothalamus
-sense changes in sodium concentrations
-ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is released
If you were stranded on an island with do water, the amount of ADH secreted would most likely?
When a person BP drops, the kidneys respond by?
secreting renin
Hydrostatic pressure, which pushes fluid out of the capillaries, is opposed by colloid osmotic pressure, which involves:
the pulling power of albumin to reabsorb water
measures concentration of solutes in blood
275-300 mosm/kg (blood)
measures protein->amino acids->ammonia->absorbed into bloodstream->urea->out in urine
-10-20 mg/dl
-if its too high the kidneys are having problems
-end product of MUSCLE metabolism
-also can indicate kidney problems
Volume % of RBC's in whole blood (low volume = high HCT)
Electrolytes test looks at?
Na and K+
Urine specific gravity
-measures kidney's ability to excrete or conserve water
Patients to monitor for I&O?
IV's, foley's, GI distress, fluid retention, dehydration, kidney problems, on diuretics, surgical patients, trauma burns, drainage or suction, NPO, fluid restriction, elderly
Types of edema
Pitting edema; causes.
CHF, HTN, kidney problems
Measurement of pitting edema
+1 barely detectable
+2 <5mm indent
+3 5-10mm indent
+4 >10mm indent
Dependent Edema
Collects in lower or dependent parts (legs, feet, sacrum)
Nonpitting edema
-short term
-caused by inflammation or traum
Sodium (Na+) function
-the main ECF cation
-effects fluid balance
-helps regulate acid-base balance
Potassium (K+)
-major ICF cation
-regulate cell excitability
-too much K+ =v-fib
-too little K+ = irr HB, confusion, constipation
Calcium function
Muscle contraction, including heart muscle
Phosphates function
Inverse relationship to calcium
-high calcium, low phosphate
Too much extracellular fluid increases what?
fluid intake, sodium content....water follows sodium
can lead to circulatory overload
Signs/symptoms of fluid volume excess
pitting edema, crackles, full bounding pulse, JVD, low Hct & BUN, decreased urine specific gravity <1.003,
Fluid volume deficit is
loss of ECF > intake , water & electrolytes lost in same proportion, dehydration can lead to FVD
Signs/Symptoms and causes of fluid volume deficit
insufficient water intake, vomiting, diarrhea, trauma, prolonged sweating, kidney and neuro disorders (DM), thrid spacing
What is Third-spacing?
fluid shifts from the blood to the 3rd space
-these fluids not available for use
-can lead to kidney failure and shock
-example: ascites
Signs of fluid volume deficit
-postural hypotension
-weight loss
-dry mucous membrane
-depressed periorbital spaces
-concentrated urine (increase specific gravity >1.030)
-increased lab values (HCT and BUN)
What causes fluid shifts of surgical patients in the first 2-5 days?
stress from surgery causes, increased aldosterone and glucocorticoids
-increased ADH
Results of increased aldosterone, glucocorticoids and ADH from surgery?
-decreased weight
-increased blood sugar
-decreased K+
-decreased urine output
-nonpitting edema
-IV w/ K+in it
1 kg of weight gained or loss =
1 liter of fluid gained or lost
3 main types of IV fluid
Isotonic fluids
-close to the same osmolarity as serum (blood)
-contains ~ = #of molecules as serum
-no movement across membrane
-no fluid flow into or out of blood vessels
Isotonic fluid uses
-hypovolemic patients
Isotonic fluid can be harmful for
-risk for "fluid overloading" in patients with CHF, HTN
Examples of Isotonic solution
Lactated ringers
normal saline
Hypotonic solution
-less osmolarity than serum
-dilutes the serum
-fluid shifs from vascular compartment into interstitial fluid compartment
-interstitial fluid compartmentbecomves diluted, fluid ultimately shifts into tissue cells
Hypotonic solution is helpful for?
-cellulary dehydration-fluid shifts out of blood vessel to the tissue cells
-examples: dry mucous membranes, DKA
Hypertonic solution
-higher osmolarity than serum
-pulls fluids and electrolytes from the intracellular and interstitial compartments into the intravascular compartment
Examples of hypertonic solution
-D5W.45 NaCl
Hypertonic solution helps to:
-decrease edema
-increase urine output
-stabilize BP
Potential complications from Central lines
-handout from packet
-circulatory overload
-local infilitration
-pyrogenic reaction
-anaphylactic reaction