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22 Cards in this Set

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Combined biotic and abiotic factors found in the area where an organism lives
Ecological niche
all of the physical, chemical and biological factors an organism needs to survive, stay healthy and reproduce in an ecosystem.
Competitive exclusion
Theory that states that no two species can occupy the same niche at the same time.
ecological relationship in which two organisms attempt to obtain the same resources.
predation symbiosis
a process by which one organism hunts and kills another one for food.
ecological relationship between two organism where each species gets a benefit from the relationship
an ecological relationship where one species benefits while the other species is not affected one way or another
ecological relationship in which one organism benefits by hurting another
population density
The number of organisms in a species in one area
Population dispersion
way in which a population is spread out in one area
probability of surviving to a specific age
the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
average long term weather pattern of a region
A type of land form
Biogeochemical cycle
a pathway by which a chemical element or molecule moves through both biotic and abiotic compartments of Earth.
Hydraulic Cycle
the natural sequence through which water passes into the atmosphere as water vapor, precipitates to earth, and returns to the atmosphere through evaporation.
Carbon Cycle
Ecology The combined processes, including photosynthesis, decomposition, and respiration, by which carbon as a component of various compounds cycles between its major reservoirs the atmosphere, oceans, and living organisms.
Nitrogen Cycle
Ecology The circulation of nitrogen in nature, consisting of a cycle of chemical reactions in which atmospheric nitrogen is compounded, dissolved in rain, and deposited in the soil, where it is assimilated and metabolized by bacteria and plants, eventually returning to the atmosphere by bacterial decomposition of organic matter.
Nitrogen Fixation
The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds, such as ammonia, by natural agencies or various industrial processes.
Phosphorus cycle
the biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
Carrying capacity
the number of individuals an environment can handle
Limiting Factor
environmental factor that limits the size and growth of an ecosystem