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10 Cards in this Set

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There are two main types of cholesterol:

high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), which _ _ from tissues and transport it to the liver for _. They help protect _ against heart disease.

low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), which _ _ from the liver to the tissues, including the _ _, which they infiltrate, leading to the development of _, which may lead to heart disease.

remove cholesterol / excretion. / arteries

transport cholesterol / artery walls, / atheroma,

There are a number of aspects of diet that increase the risk of heart disease, both _ and _:

_ levels of _ raise blood pressure.

_ levels of _ _ increase low-density lipoprotein levels and hence blood _ concentration.

directly / indirectly.

high / salt

high / saturated fat / cholesterol

Foods that act as _, for example, _ _, reduce the risk of heart disease, and so does non-starch _ (_ _).

antioxidants, / vitamin C, / polysaccharide (dietary fibre).

The heart undergoes a sequence of events that is repeated in humans around 70 times each minute when at rest. This is known as the _ _. There are two phases to the beating of the heart:

_ (_) and _ (_).

Contraction occurs separately in the _ and the _ and is therefore described in two stages.

cardiac cycle.

contraction (systole) / relaxation (diastole).

ventricles / atria

Stages of the Cardiac Cycle

Relaxation of _ (_) : Blood enters atria and ventricles from _ _ and _ _. _ are relaxed and fill with blood. _ are also relaxed.

Contraction of _ (_ _) : _ contract, pushing blood into the _. _ remain relaxed.

Contraction of _ (_ _) : _ relax. _ contract, pushing blood away from the heart through _ _ and the _.

heart (diastole) : / pulmonary veins / vena cava. Atria / Ventricles

atria (atrial systole) : Atria / ventricles. Ventricles

ventricles (ventricular systole) : Atria / Ventricles / pulmonary arteries / aorta.

Blood will always move from a region of _ pressure to one of _ pressure. There are situations within the circulatory system when pressure differences would result in blood flowing in the _ _ from that which is desirable. In these circumstances, _ are used to prevent any unwanted backflow of blood.

higher / lower / opposite direction / valves

Valves in the cardiovascular system are designed so that they open whenever the _ in _ _ either side of them favours the movement of blood in the _ _. When pressure differences are reversed, that is, when blood would tend to flow in the _ _ to that which is desirable, the valves are designed to _.

difference / blood pressure / required direction. / opposite direction / close.

Examples of such valves include:

_ _ between the left atrium and ventricle and the right atrium and ventricle. These prevent backflow of _ when _ of the ventricles means that _ _ exceeds _ _.

_-_ _ in the aorta and pulmonary artery. These prevent backflow of _ into the _ when the pressure in these vessels exceeds that in the _. This arises when the _ _ of the vessels recoil increasing the _ within them and when the ventricle walls _ reducing the _ within the _.

Atrioventricular valves / blood / contraction / ventricular pressure / atrial pressure.

Semi-lunar valves / blood / ventricles / ventricles. / elastic walls / pressure / relax / pressure / ventricles.

Examples of such valves include:

_ _ in veins that occur throughout the venous system. These ensure that when the veins are _, e.g. when skeletal muscles _, blood flows _ _ the heart rather than _ from it.

Pocket valves / squeezed, / contract, / back towards / away

_ _ is the volume of blood pumped by one ventricle of the heart in one minute. It is usually measured in dm³ min-¹ and depends upon two factors:

the _ _ (the rate at which the _ _)

the _ _ (_ of _ pumped out at each beat)

Cardiac output

heart rate / heart beats)

stroke volume (volume / blood