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48 Cards in this Set

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anthony comstock/comstock law
enforce sexual morality in late 19th century to clean up cities.
walter rauschenbusch
major proponent of social gospel movement- churches should be doing social work.
jane addams
founder and guiding light of hull house [settlement house for immigrants]
emma lazarus
author of the poem on the base of statue of liberty
american fever, intense desire to immigrate
effect of letters home from American immigrants
henry bessemer
he started mass producing steel by burning impurities in iron
brooklyn bridge
symbol of America's industrial might and ingenuity
cornelius vanderbilt [former steamboat person]
new york central railroad operated by..
interstate commerce commission
enforce fair and above-board business practices required by interstate commerce act
gov. land grants
means of financing railroad construction, esp. transcontinental railroads
divide up and control business, monopoly to control prices
american protective association
nativist organization supported restrictions on imigration
W.E.B. DuBois
advocated this position w/regard to black/white relations: equality, the talented 10th lead rest of black population to equality. immediate integration.
first group to be banned for nationality
land profits
in "progress and poverty" henry george proposed hefty tax on this "unfair" profit.
sherman anti-trust act
activity of labor unions was restricted by a loose interpretation of this law
terrence powderly
most famous leader of the knights of labor
Booker T. Washington
view on black/white relations: wants white people to hir black people
yellow dog contracts
factory owners required workers to sign these contracts to keep labor unions out
new immigrants
ethnic enclaves is characteristic of this segment of American society
weakened/divided knights--skilled craftsmen defected to exclusively skilled
inclusion of skilled and unskilled in knights of labor
Great Northern railroad
first railroad unsupported by government aid
Joseph L. Pulitzer and William Randolph Herst
became associated with yellow journalism [tabloids]
pullman strike
court injunction used for the first time on this strike
lewis wallace's anti-darwinist work
victoria woodhull
"free love" advocate, feminist
morrill act of 1862
established land grant colleges
Horatio Alger
"rags to riches" stories
grouped together to monopolize or driven to bankruptcy
cut throat competition w/railroads
John D. Rockefeller
compared company to American beauty rose
ghost dance
battle of wounded knee
became employee of large mining corp w/capital to dig deep mines
high costs of hard rock mining put placer miner in this position
great plains farmers depended on these for access to eastern/western markets
new south movement
henry grady- goal to diversify and industrialize southern economy
judiciary branch/supreme court
corporations generally favored by decisions of this government branch
herbert spencer
british philosopher of social darwinism
dawes severalty act
encouraged indians to own their own farms and assimilate
william jennings bryan
cross of gold speech
free coinage of silver
advocates of this monetary policy wanted to cause inflation so debts easier to pay
settlement/agricultural tech in great plains
windmills, etc.
darwin's "on the origin of species"
split church into modernists/fundamentalists
Ida B. Wells
led crusade against lynching
states began to regulate railroads
state legislature led way w/this railroad policy
charles crocker
first transcontinental railroad chief engineer
frederick jackson turner
frontier is the key to development of American character
little big horn
discovery of gold in black hills led to landmark clash w/sioux and allied tribes
oklahoma land rush nickname for those who jumped the gun.
populist party
free coinage of silver, graduated income tax, lower tariff rates, gov ownership of railroads