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78 Cards in this Set

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A seller has knowledge of an environment impact report that is being done on a nearby industrial park. Because the report is not complete, the seller does NOT have to disclose the report

False. Because the report may impact the value and the buyers decision, this is a material fact that must be disclosed.

A seller of a property that was built in 1988 will need to give the buyer a lead-based paint disclosure

False. Only before January 1, 1978

Lead might be found in paint


Lead might be found in insulation


Lead might be found in flooring


Lead might be found in house paint after 1978


Lead might be found in pipes


Lead might be found in Soil


Stigmatized property laws are determined at the federal level

False. By each state

Environmental issues, known and latent material facts, and issues in the surrounding areas that might impact value are examples of stigmatized issues that do not have to be disclosed

False. Material facts that must be disclosed

Radon, mold, and asbestos may require mitigation, cleanup, or abatement


A seller tells the broker the radon issue has been solved, but the broker suspects it may still be an issue. The broker does NOT have to disclose because his duty is to the seller.

False. A real estate professional must disclose all material facts or suspicions if he believes they might change a buyers decision

Radon and carbon monoxide are colorless and odorless gases that can cause harm or death


Asbestos encapsulation is often a safer and better solution than abatement or removal


All molds are considered toxic and must be removed

False. Many molds are beneficial

Lead-based paint disclosures allow the buyer to waive the right to an inspection.


Sellers must remove all known lead-based paint

False. Must disclose, not test or remove

Landlords must give tenants a lead-based paint disclosure if the property being rented was built before January 1, 1978 (memory aid: 1-1-78)


The EPA regulates MOST environmental issues, including lead based paint


Septic systems, back lines, and sealed wells should be mitigated.

False. Disclosed

Environmental issues rarely impact value

False. Often impact value

Radon, mold, asbestos, lead based paint, and other environmental hazards must be disclosed if they are known.


Radon is relatively easy to detect and inexpensive to mitigate.


HIV and AIDS are covered under the original fair housing law.

False. Covered under disability, which was added in 1988

Federal fair housing protected classes of familial status and disability were added in 1977.

False. 1988

An owner of a five unit building that lives in one unit may refuse to tenants with children

False. Could refuse if the building was for units or less

An owner of a multiple unit property could legally refuse to rent to a tenant of a different race, if the building was four units or less and the owner lived in one unit

False. May not discriminate based on race.

Antitrust laws are used to promote and maintain competition


A group of brokers setting fees for the area are in violation of Regulation Z.

False. Sherman Antitrust Act

Employing brokers are allowed to discuss commissions at REALTOR meetings.

False. Real estate professionals may not discuss commissions outside the office

Someone who has recovered from a mental disability is protected under the Fair Housing Act

True. Mental disability, or a history of having had such a disability, is covered.

A person who suffered from a mental disability but has now recovered is no longer protected under the Fair Housing Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act

False. The history of having had such a disability is covered

A landlord may charge a handicapped tenant additional monies to pay for extra insurance


A landlord may require a handicapped tenant to restore his apartment to its original condition at termination of the lease.


It is acceptable to discriminate on the basis of race in the rental of a duplex where the owner occupies the other unit

False. No exceptions for race

An aggrieved party can file a federal lawsuit under the Fair Housing Act for up to one year following the alleged offense

False. Two years to court; one year to make complaint to HUD

A person who believes she has been discriminated against can file a civil lawsuit in federal court for up to two years after the act has been committed.


A property manager can market rental units as being for seniors only if 70% of the residents are at LEAST 65 years old.

False. If 80% of residents are at least 55 years old

Panic peddling, blockbusting, steering, and redlining are violations of the federal Fair Housing Act.


Under the federal Fair Housing Act, it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of age.

False. Age is not a protected housing class.

A broker fails to show rental properties to non-christian prospects because the owners have indicated that they do not want to rent to non-christian tenants. This is a violation of the federal Fair Housing Act.


A broker obtains listings in an integrated neighborhood by telling property owners that the value of their property is declining as the result of the influx of ethnic property owners. This is a violation of the federal Fair Housing Act.

True. Called blockbusting or panic peddling

Denying a rental based on marital status violates the federal Fair Housing Act.

False. Not covered in federal law

Denying housing to families with dependent children in a building where 80% of the units have at LEAST one person over 55 living in them violates the federal Fair Housing Act.

False. Are exempt from familial status as long as 80% of the units have persons over age 55.

A homeowner lives in his house, rents out four extra rooms, and refuses to rent to students violates the federal Fair Housing Act.

False. Students are not a protected class

The landlord runs an ad for a studio apartment that states no children are allowed violates the federal Fair Housing Act.


National origin is the only protected classification contained in both the 1866 Civil Rights Act and the 1968 Fair Housing Act.

False. Race

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) prohibits discrimination based on a borrower's age


It is acceptable to limit occupancy of studio apartments to adults only

False. Familial status states must allow children

Familial status refers to whether the parties in question are married or single

False. Children under age 18 or a pregnant woman

According to the federal Fair Housing Act, a handicapped individual is one with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities


A person who is suffering from drug abuse is protected under anti-discrimination law

False. Drug abuse is not a protected classification unless the person is in recovery and not currently using illegal drugs

A person who is suffering from alcoholism is protected under antidiscrimination law.


The purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is to ensure equal access to public accommodations for disabled people


A landlord must rent to a convicted drug dealer who no longer deals drugs

False. Law excludes those convicted of dealing drugs

A person who is suffering with AIDS or who is HIV-positive is protected under antidiscrimination law


Public accommodations are required to remove architectural and communication barriers when readily achievable


A lenders prohibited practice of refusing to give loans secured by mortgages in a certain neighborhood or community because of the area's crime rate or racial or ethnic composition is known as steering

False. Redlining

Blockbusting is also known as panic peddling or panic selling


Failure to display the HUD equal housing opportunity poster can shift the burden of proof to a broker responding to a HUD complaint


If a building requires all units to be occupied by tenants age 35 or older, the landlord may discriminate on the basis of familial status, refusing to rent to pregnant women or families with children

False. Must be at least 80% of the units occupied by people age 55 and older

It is a violation of fair housing laws to refuse to rent to qualified individuals simply because a child will be occupying the residence


A landlord can refuse to allow a disabled tenant to make changes to a rental unit

False. Must allow the changes but can require the tenant to return the unit to the same condition

A disabled tenant may make reversible changes at her own expense and without permission


Homosexuals and students are covered under federal fair housing laws.

False. Sexual orientation is protected on some local levels, but not federally; occupation is not protected

Senior housing discriminates based on age.

False. Familial status

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires lenders to give written explanations of why credit was denied


A lender may refuse to loan in an area based on crime rates

False. Would be redlining

Minors are protected under ECOA.

False. Minors are not allowed to enter into contracts or loans

A lender may refuse to lend to someone who has retired because he might not live long enough to pay off the loan

False. Age discrimination is not permitted under ECOA

A seller has refused to accept a full price offer because it comes from a protected class. The broker could file a complaint and request the commission as damages.


ADA ensures private accommodations for the disabled

False. Public

A bank turning down a seasoned creditworthy investor who wants to buy in a high crime neighborhood is an example of legal redlining

False. Redlining is never legal

A broker against whom a discrimination claim has been filed will immediately have her license revoked

False. HUD will first investigate the claim

The law that requires lending to a qualified person who is receiving public assistance is the Trust in Lending Act.

False. Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)

An owner selling his own property (FSBO) may advertise that the property will NOT be sold to families with children

False. May not use a broker or advertise exclusion

A for sale by owner may refuse to sell the property to anyone with a different religion


Baptists, Iranians, Pueblo Indians, pregnanty women, and a drug user in rehab would all be covered uner fair housing law.
