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20 Cards in this Set

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1. accomplice

(e kam' plis)

(n.) a person who takes part in crime

Synonyms: partner in crime

2. annihilate

(e ni' e lat)

(v.) to destroy completely

Synonyms: obliterate, decimate

Antonyms: foster, promote, encourage, nurture

3. arbitrary

(ar' be trer e)

(adj.) unreasonable; based on one's wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness

Synonyms: capricious, high-handed, autocratic

Antonyms: reasoned, rational, objective, equitable

4. brazen

(bra' zen)

(adj.) shameless, impudent, made of brass

Synonyms: saucy, bold

Antonyms: deferential, respectful, self-effacing

5. catalyst

(kat' el ist)

(n.) a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change

Synonyms: stimulus, spur, instigator

6. exodus

(ek' se des)

(n.) a large-scale departure or flight

Synonyms: escape, hegira

Antonyms: immigration, influx, arrival, entrance

7. facilitate

(fe sil' e tat)

(v.) to make easier; to assist

Synonyms: ease, smooth the way, simplify

Antonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede

8. incorrigible

(in ka' re je bel)

(adj.) not able to be corrected; beyond control

Synonyms: unruly, intractable, incurable, inveterate

Antonyms: tractable, docile, curable, reparable

9. latent

(lat' ent)

(adj.) hidden, present but not realized

Synonyms: dormant, inactive, undeveloped

Antonyms: exposed, manifest, evident

10. militant

(mil' e tent)

(adj.) given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause; (n.) an activist

Synonyms: (adj.) truculent

Antonyms: (adj.) unassertive, peaceable, passive

11. morose

(me ros')

(adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable

Synonyms: morbid

Antonyms: blithe, jaunty, buoyant

12. opaque

(o pak')

(adj.) not letting through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid

Synonyms: hazy, cloudy, foggy, murky, dull, obtuse

Antonyms: transparent, clear, bright, perceptive

13. paramount

(par' e maunt)

(adj.) chief in importance, above all others

Synonyms: supreme, primary, dominant

Antonyms: secondary, subordinate, ancillary

14. prattle

(prat' el)

(v.) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble (n.) baby talk; babble

Synonyms: (n.) twaddle, gibberish, piffle

15. rebut

(ri bet')

(v.) to offer arguments or evidence to contradict an assertion; to refute

Synonyms: disprove, confute, shoot holes in

Antonyms: confirm, corroborate, substantiate

16. reprimand

(rep' re mand)

(v.) to scold; find fault with; (n.) a rebuke

Synonyms: (v.) reproach; (n.) reproof

Antonyms: (v.) pat on the back

17. servitude

(ser' ve tud)

(n.) slavery, forced labor

Synonyms: bondage, thralldom,

Antonym: liberty

18. slapdash

(slap' dash)

(adj.) careless and hasty

Synonyms: cursory, perfunctory, slipshod

Antonyms: painstaking, thorough, in-depth

19. stagnant

(stag' nent)

(adj.) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive

Synonyms: still, motionless, inert, sluggish, dull

Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh, sweet

20. succumb

(se kem')

(v.) to give way to superior force, yield

Synonyms: submit, die, expire

Antonyms: overcome, master, conquer