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175 Cards in this Set

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how often should you come in for a physical?
The determination of the cause and nature of a disease
the determination of the cause and nature of a disease after all tests, procedures, and examinations
medical diagnosis
this is also called "working diagnosis"
clinical diagnosis
a preliminary presumptive diagnosis made by the physician based on the health history and physical examination
clinical diagnosis
the determination of which of several diseases is the cause of a problem
differential diagnosis
the prediction of the course of a disease and the recovery rate
the patient's medical history is a legal document (true/false)
the patient's bill of rights reminds health care workers that patients have the right to ______, ______
respectful, considerate care
the federal government's _______ mandates that facilities make every effort to preserve confidentiality of patient information
HIPAA - health insurance portability and accountability act
the patient history should include the following six areas:
1. chief complaint
2. present illness
3. past medical history
4. familty medical history
5. social history or personal history
6. assessment of body system preformed by physician
complaints that are felt by a patient but are not apparent to observers or measurable
subjective symptoms
what the patient tells you whether you can measure it or not
subjective symptoms
complaints that are felt by the patient and are apparent to observers, such as rash or fever, and they can be measured
objective symptoms
a more complete chief complaint, including a detailed description of symptoms, is called
present illness (PI)
what are the six C's of charting
1. client's own words in quotes
2. clarity must be used, proper spelling and medical terminology
3. completeness is essential for all information recorded in the medical record
4. conciseness of the entry saves time both writing and reading entries in the chart
5. chronological order of information is imperative
6. confidentiality of patient information is mandatory
for correct documentation you must date and time every entry (true / false)
you must use dark ink on documentation (true / false)
you must sign or initial every entry on health documentation true / false
correct errors by whiting out entry and initializing it (true / false)
false - single line and initial
to convert kilograms to pounds
1kg = ?lbs
convert pounds to kilograms
1 lb = ? kg
the science of size, proportion, weight, and height
a patient's height is measured while wearing shoes, with the heel, buttocks, and back of head touching measuring stick
(true / false)
false - no shoes
to convert centimeters to inches divide by -
the pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and rate, rhythm, and depth of respirations
vital signs
T, P, R, BP =
vital signs
this is considered the fifth vital sign
the sum of all physical and chemical changes that take place within the human body
4 specific enzymes required to maintain metabolism are
amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and essential trace minerals
this controls the autonomic nervous system and body temperature
normal body temp is ?F
body temp may vary _ or _ degrees during the day
1 or 2
another term for fever is
a body temp above 100.4 degrees
pyrexia (fever)
having a body temp above 100.4 at which point the body is producing more heat than it is losing
absense of fever
name 4 types of fever
1. intermitent
2. remittent
3. relapsing
4. constant
body temperature alternates between fever and normal or subnormal
intermittent fever
wide range of temp fluctuations over a 24hr period
remittent fever
short febrile periods of a few days with a few days of normal temp readings
relapsing fever
body temp fluctuates small amount but is always above normal
constant fever
body temp below 97 degrees is called
hypothermia menas the body temp has dropped below __degrees
97 degrees
a fatal body temp is below __degrees
93.2 degrees
4 places to take body temp
oral, aural (tympanic), axillary (under arm), rectal
oral and aural normal body temp is __degrees
98.6 degrees
normal axillary body temp is __degrees
97.6 degrees
normal rectal body temp is __degrees
99.6 degrees
the least accurate spot to measure body temp is
axillary (under arm)
the most accurate place to take body temp is
state the formula to convert farenheit and celcius
when reading a non-mercury glass thermometer, it should be held how?
between thumb and index finger, at eye level, by the stem end
the non-mercury glass thermometer must be cleaned and _____ after each use
soaked in a disinfectant
the tympanic thermometer is almost as accurate as a rectal thermometer (true/false)
measurement of the number of times the heart beats per minute
a pulse rate of __ to __ is normal
60 to 80 bpm
a pulse above 100 bpm is ___
a pulse below 60 bpm is ____
tachycardia is a pulse rate above ___ bpm
100 bpm
bradycardia is a pulse below ___ bpm
60 bpm
an increased volume or force in the pulse
bounding pulse
barely perceptible volume or force in the pulse
thready pulse
name the nine areas you can get a pulse
1. radial 2. brachial 3. carotid 4. temporal 5. fermoral 6. popliteal 7. posterior 8. dorsalis 9. apical
radial pulse is on __ side of wrist
thumb side
inner aspect of elbow pulse
brachial pulse
side of neck pulse
side of head above ear pulse
groin pulse
behind the knee pulse
popliteal pulse
medial surface of ankle near tibial ankle bone pulse
on top of foot pulse
apex of heart left of sternum below nipple pulse
this pulse is taken in infants and young children, and requires __ people
apical, 2 people
the difference between the radial pulse and the apical pulse
pulse deficit
the normal range of respiratinos is __ to __ cycles per minute
14 to 20
a respiratory rate below 12 is called
a respiratory rate above 40 is called
bradypnea is a respiratory rate below __
tachypnea is a respiratory rate above __
lack of breathing is called
normal breathing is called
difficulty breathing is called
this refers to the volume of air being inhaled and exhaled
depth of respiration
this refers to deep rapid respirations
this refers to shallow respiration
condition in which a patient does not take in enough oxygen during inhalation
a shrill, harsh sound heard more clearly during inspiration
noisy breathing such as those heard in snoring
stertorous sounds
sounds resembling crushing tissue paper, caused by fluid accumulation
crackles or rales
sounds caused by fluid accumulation which do not clear
crackles or rales
rattling, whistling sounds, sometimes heard in patients with a tracheostomy, which clears
rhonchi, aka gurgles
irregular breathing that may be slow and shallow at first, then becomes faster and deeper, then may stop before beginning pattern again
cheyne-stokes breathing
this is not a breathing sound but a pattern
cheyne-stokes breathing
this breathing sounds like gurgling sounds
bubbling breathings
normal oxygen saturation is from __ to __ percent
95 to 100 percent
below __ percent oxygen saturation is life threatening
70 percent
means without symptoms
blood pressure is __ over __
systolic over diastolic
blood pressure readings should routinely be started at age __
normal blood pressure is __ over __ or below
prehypertension is __/__ to __/__
120/80 to 139/89
hypertension is __/__ or above
average normal blood pressure for a newborn is __/__
average normal blood pressure for a child 6-9 yrs of age is __/__
average normal blood pressure for a child 10-15 yrs of age is __/__
average normal blood pressure for a person 16 yrs to adulthood __/__
average normal blood pressure for an adult is __/__
this refers to the lowered blood pressure that occurs when a patient moves from a lying down to an erect position
orthostatic hypotension
a hemorrhage causes volume and blood pressure to ___
cholesterol deposits result in __ blood pressure due to narrowing of the lumen
a weak heart muscle can cause a ___ or ___ in blood pressure
increase or decrease
nonelastic blood vessels, as in arteriosclerosis cause an ___ blood pressure
the components of this instrument are manometer, inflatable rubber bladder, cuff, and bulb
this instrument consists of a chestpiece containing a deaphragm and a bell, tubing, binaurals, and earpieces
the feeling of the radial pulse while the blood pressure cuff is deflating, used to determine systolic pressure
palpatory method
the universal symptom is
name the six kinds of pain
1. acute 2. chronic 3. radiating 4. referred 5. intractable 6. phantom
pain associated with trauma or surgery that is to be expected and lasts through the recovery
acute pain
long term pain, persisting for more than six months
chronic pain
cholesterol deposits result in __ blood pressure due to narrowing of the lumen
a weak heart muscle can cause a ___ or ___ in blood pressure
increase or decrease
nonelastic blood vessels, as in arteriosclerosis cause an ___ blood pressure
the components of this instrument are manometer, inflatable rubber bladder, cuff, and bulb
this instrument consists of a chestpiece containing a deaphragm and a bell, tubing, binaurals, and earpieces
the feeling of the radial pulse while the blood pressure cuff is deflating, used to determine systolic pressure
palpatory method
the universal symptom is
name the six kinds of pain
1. acute 2. chronic 3. radiating 4. referred 5. intractable 6. phantom
cholesterol deposits result in __ blood pressure due to narrowing of the lumen
pain associated with trauma or surgery that is to be expected and lasts through the recovery
acute pain
a weak heart muscle can cause a ___ or ___ in blood pressure
increase or decrease
long term pain, persisting for more than six months
chronic pain
nonelastic blood vessels, as in arteriosclerosis cause an ___ blood pressure
cholesterol deposits result in __ blood pressure due to narrowing of the lumen
the components of this instrument are manometer, inflatable rubber bladder, cuff, and bulb
a weak heart muscle can cause a ___ or ___ in blood pressure
increase or decrease
this instrument consists of a chestpiece containing a deaphragm and a bell, tubing, binaurals, and earpieces
the feeling of the radial pulse while the blood pressure cuff is deflating, used to determine systolic pressure
palpatory method
nonelastic blood vessels, as in arteriosclerosis cause an ___ blood pressure
cholesterol deposits result in __ blood pressure due to narrowing of the lumen
the components of this instrument are manometer, inflatable rubber bladder, cuff, and bulb
the universal symptom is
name the six kinds of pain
1. acute 2. chronic 3. radiating 4. referred 5. intractable 6. phantom
a weak heart muscle can cause a ___ or ___ in blood pressure
increase or decrease
this instrument consists of a chestpiece containing a deaphragm and a bell, tubing, binaurals, and earpieces
pain associated with trauma or surgery that is to be expected and lasts through the recovery
acute pain
the feeling of the radial pulse while the blood pressure cuff is deflating, used to determine systolic pressure
palpatory method
nonelastic blood vessels, as in arteriosclerosis cause an ___ blood pressure
long term pain, persisting for more than six months
chronic pain
the components of this instrument are manometer, inflatable rubber bladder, cuff, and bulb
the universal symptom is
cholesterol deposits result in __ blood pressure due to narrowing of the lumen
name the six kinds of pain
1. acute 2. chronic 3. radiating 4. referred 5. intractable 6. phantom
this instrument consists of a chestpiece containing a deaphragm and a bell, tubing, binaurals, and earpieces
a weak heart muscle can cause a ___ or ___ in blood pressure
increase or decrease
pain associated with trauma or surgery that is to be expected and lasts through the recovery
acute pain
the feeling of the radial pulse while the blood pressure cuff is deflating, used to determine systolic pressure
palpatory method
nonelastic blood vessels, as in arteriosclerosis cause an ___ blood pressure
long term pain, persisting for more than six months
chronic pain
the universal symptom is
the components of this instrument are manometer, inflatable rubber bladder, cuff, and bulb
name the six kinds of pain
1. acute 2. chronic 3. radiating 4. referred 5. intractable 6. phantom
this instrument consists of a chestpiece containing a diaphragm and a bell, tubing, binaurals, and earpieces
pain associated with trauma or surgery that is to be expected and lasts through the recovery
acute pain
the feeling of the radial pulse while the blood pressure cuff is deflating, used to determine systolic pressure
palpatory method
long term pain, persisting for more than six months
chronic pain
the universal symptom is
name the six kinds of pain
1. acute 2. chronic 3. radiating 4. referred 5. intractable 6. phantom
pain associated with trauma or surgery that is to be expected and lasts through the recovery
acute pain
long term pain, persisting for more than six months
chronic pain
pain that spreads out from an originating area
radiating pain
pain that is overwhelming, difficult to relieve, and all consuming
intractable pain
a sensation felt in a missing body part after it has been removed
phantom pain
measurement of body fat involving special skin calipers
skin-fold fat measurement
patient's weight divided by the patient's height gives you the ___
BMI - body mass index