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19 Cards in this Set

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the "unhappy triad" consists of injuries to which three structures? What causes these injuries?
ACL, MCL, LATERAL meniscus, occurs when the knee is struck from the outside when the foot is planted
An inversion sprain will damage which ligament
anterior talofibular (note the ankle moves out (varus) but the foot inverts
Describe hammer toe
the PIP joint is permanetnly bent poor fitting shoes, heels
Describe plantar faciitis
inflammation of plantar nerves, pain/ numbness over nerve's distribution
Describe morton's neruoma
bengin tumor of plantar nerves, pain and numbness over nerve's distribution
Describe tinea pedis
athlete's foot
describe the trendelenburg gait. What muscle? what nerve? which hand do you put a cain in?
This gait occurs when there is injury to the superior gluteal n. and/ore gluteus medius muscle. The gluteus medius is responsible for abduction of the thigh. In a normal person, the GM contracts as soon as the contralateral leg is lifted to prevent the pelvis from tipping to the side where the leg is lifted. When there is an injury to the right gluteus medius and the person is asked to lift their left leg, the pelvis will tilt to the left because the right GM can't hold the pelvis up. The left foot will hit the ground too soon so to compensate the person will lean to the right, TOWARDS the injury. In sum, the pelvis tips away from the injury, the torso tips towads. A cain should be used on the healthy side to provide additional support and prevent the pelvis from tipping
Posterior dislocation of the knee joint can damage which nerve? What would be the result
Tibial nerve. Severance of the tibial nerve produces paralysis of the felxor muscles in the leg and the intrinsic muscles in the sole of the foot. The pt will be unable to plantarflex their ankle or flex their toes. Loss of sensation over the sole of the foot
Shin splints are usually due to overuse of which muscle
tibialis anterior
Fracture of the fibular neck may damage which nerve? Result?
Fracture of the fibular neck may damage the common fibular nerve as it wraps around the knee into the anterior compartment. Severance of the common fibular n. resutls in paralysis of all muscles in the anterior (deep fibular) and lateral (superficial fibular) compartments. The loss of dorsiflexion of the ankle causes footdrop, which is further exacerbated by unopposed inversion of the foot
Compression of the deep fibular nerve (ski boot syndrome) will result in pain over which areas of the skin
the dorsum o fthe foot radiating into the web space between the 1st and 2nd toes
If plantar flexion is inhibited (paralysis of calf muslces, rupture achilles) how would you expect a person to walk?
The person will rotate the foot as far laterally as possible to disable passive dorsiflexion and allow for a push off through the hip and knee extension exerted at the midfoot. The push off is acomplishe dusing the gluteaus maximus and hamstrings to extend the thigh at the hip and the quadracepts in extending the knee
In which direction is the hip most commonly dislocated
posteriorly, commmon in car accidents when knee hits dahsboard and the femoral head is foreced backwards. The limb will appear shortened and medially rotated. The siatic nerve may also be injured
Although less common than posterior dislocations, anterior dislocation of the hip can be caused by violent injuries such as catching a ski. When this injury does occur, which direction is the hip forced to cause the disolocation
The hip is forced into extension, abduction, and lateral rotation
Severe force directed anterioly against the femur with the knee semiflexed can result in a tear to which knee ligament
How would you test for an ACL injury
Anterior drawer sign/ Lachman test. The ACL attaches to the anterior tibia and prevents the femur from sliding posterioly on the tiba. If the ACL is torn, the leg will slide too far foward when the examiner graps the back of the leg and pulls it toward them.
How would you test for a PCL injury
Posterior drawer sign. The PCL attaches to the posterior tibial and prevents the femur from sliding anteriorly. If the PCL is torn, the leg will side too far back when the exmainer pushes on the front
Violent forced eversion of the ankle can tear which ligament
medial/ deltoid ligament, often tears the off the medial malleolous or breaks the fibula superior to the tibiofibular syndesmosis
aquired flat feet or "fallen arches" are usually due to dysfunction of which muscle
tibialis posterior (think about it's broad attachment to the medial side of the plantar surface of the foot). This muscle provides dynamic arch support to the calcaneonavicular ligament