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99 Cards in this Set

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(FUROSEMIDE [LASIX] - Diuretics (Ch 15)) - fyoor OH se mide
Loop diuretics - G2 Inhibit Na+/K+/2Cl− transporter in thick ascending limb of loop of Henle. Increased Na+, K+, & Ca2+ excretion - Heart failure, pulmonary edema, severe hypertension; other forms of edema - Metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis • hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia • increased serum glucose, lipids, uric acid
hydrochlorothiazide - Diuretics (Ch 15) - hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Thiazide diuretics - G2 Inhibit Na+/Cl− transporter in distal convoluted tubule. Cause moderate diuresis and reduced excretion of calcium - Hypertension, mild heart failure, hypercalciuria with stones • excessive ADH secretion - Metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis • early hyponatremia • increased serum glucose, lipids, uric acid
spironolactone [Aldactone] - Diuretics (Ch 15) - speer on oh LAK tone
Potassium-sparing diuretic - G2 Steroid inhibitors of cytoplasmic aldosterone receptor in collecting ducts • reduce K+ excretion - Chronic heart failure, aldosteronism • hypertension usually in combination with thiazides - Hyperkalemia • endocrine effects, gynecomastia
(eplerenone) - Diuretics (Ch 15) - e PLER en one
Potassium-sparing diuretic - G2 Steroid inhibitors of cytoplasmic aldosterone receptor in collecting ducts • reduce K+ excretion - Chronic heart failure, aldosteronism • adjunct in hypertension - Hyperkalemia
triamterene - Diuretics (Ch 15) - trye AM ter een
Potassium-sparing diuretic - G2 Inhibitor of ENaC epithelial sodium channels in collecting ducts, reduces Na+ reabsorption and K+ excretion - Hypertension, usually in combination with thiazides - Hyperkalemia
mannitol - Diuretics (Ch 15) - MAN i tole
Osmotic diuretic - G2 Osmotically retains water in tubule by reducing reabsorption in proximal tubule, descending limb of Henle's loop, and collecting ducts - Solute overload in rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis • brain edema with coma • acute glaucoma - Peripheral edema • headache, nausea, vomiting
furosemide [Lasix]* - Diuretics (Ch 15) - fyoor OH se mide
Loop diuretics - G2 Inhibit Na+/K+/2Cl− transporter in thick ascending limb of loop of Henle. Increased Na+, K+, & Ca2+ excretion - Heart failure, pulmonary edema, severe hypertension; other forms of edema - Metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis • hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia • increased serum glucose, lipids, uric acid
hydrochlorothiazide* - Diuretics (Ch 15) - hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Thiazide diuretics - G2 Inhibit Na+/Cl− transporter in distal convoluted tubule. Cause moderate diuresis and reduced excretion of calcium - Hypertension, mild heart failure, hypercalciuria with stones • excessive ADH secretion - Metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis • early hyponatremia • increased serum glucose, lipids, uric acid
clonidine [Catapres] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - KLON i deen
Centrally acting alpha2 antagonis - G2 Agonist at α2 receptors • in CNS this results in decreased sympathetic nervous systemoutflow - Hypertension - Sedation, danger of severe rebound hypertension if suddenly stopped
prazosin [Minipress]* - Sympatholytics (Ch 10) - PRAZ oh sin
Selective α1 antagonist - G2 Competitive antagonism at α1 receptors - Hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia - Orthostatic hypotension (especially first dose), but little reflex tachycardia
(doxazosin) [Cardura]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - doks AY zoe sin
Selective α1 antagonist - G2 Competitive antagonism at α1 receptors - Hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia - Orthostatic hypotension (especially first dose), but little reflex tachycardia
(terazosin) [Hytrin]* - Sympatholytics (Ch 10) - ter AY zoe sin
Selective α1 antagonist - G2 Competitive antagonism at α1 receptors - Hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia - Orthostatic hypotension (especially first dose), but little reflex tachycardia
propranolol* - Sympatholytics (Ch 10) - proe PRAN oh lole
Nonselective β antagonist - G2 Prototype nonselective β blocker • reduces cardiac output • possible secondary reduction in renin release, local anesthetic effect - Angina, arrhythmias (treatment and prophylaxis), hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, tremor, stage fright, migraine - Excessive β blockade: bronchospasm (can be fatal in asthmatics), atrioventricular block, heart failure • CNS sedation, lethargy, sleep disturbances
atenolol [Tenormin]* - Sympatholytics (Ch 10) - a TEN oh lole
Selective β1 antagonist - G2 Competitive block of β1 receptors - Hypertension, angina, arrhythmias - Like propranolol with somewhat less danger of bronchospasm
(metoprolol) [Lopressor]* - Drugs for Heart Failure Treatment (Ch 13) - me toe PROE lole
Selective β1 antagonist - G2 Competitive block of β1 receptors - Hypertension, angina, arrhythmias. Shown to reduce mortality in heart failure - Like propranolol with somewhat less danger of bronchospasm
(carvedilol) [Coreg] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - KAR ve dil ole
Mixed α + β antagonist - G2 Block both α and β receptors - Hypertension, hypertensive emergencies. Shown to reduce mortality in heart failure - Like propranolol with somewhat less danger of bronchospasm
verapamil - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ver AP a mil
Cardiac-acting calcium channel blocker - G2 Prototype L-type calcium channel blockers • combine moderate vascular effect with strong cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension, arrhythmias - Excessive cardiac depression • constipation
(diltiazem) [Cardizem] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - dil TYE a zem
Cardiac-acting calcium channel blocker - G2 Prototype L-type calcium channel blockers • combine moderate vascular effect with strong cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension, arrhythmias - Excessive cardiac depression • constipation
nifedipine [Procardia, Adalat] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - nye FED i peen
Vasculature-specific calcium channel blocker - G2 Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker; vascular > cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension - Pretibial edema, flushing, dizziness; hypotension • less constipation and more reflex tachycardia than verapamil
hydralazine - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - hye DRAL a zeen
Direct vasodilator - G2 Probably causes release of nitric acid (NO) by endothelial cells • causes arteriolar dilation - Hypertension, also used in heart failure - Tachycardia, salt and water retention, lupus-like syndrome
minoxidil - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - mi NOKS i dil
Direct vasodilator - G2 Prodrug, sulfate metabolite opens K+ channels, causes arteriolar smooth muscle hyperpolarization and vasodilation - Severe hypertension • male-pattern baldness - Marked tachycardia, salt and water retention • hypertrichosis
nitroprusside - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - nye troe PRUS ide
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in blood • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle - Hypertensive emergencies • cardiac decompensation - Excessive hypotension • prolonged infusion may cause thiocyanate and cyanide toxicity
captopril - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - KAP toe pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(enalapril) [Vasotec] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - e NAL a pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(lisinopril) [Prinivil, Zestril] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - lyse IN oh pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(ramipril) [Altace] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - RA mi pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
losartan [Cozaar] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - loe SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(valsartan) [DIOVAN] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - val SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(candesartan) [Atacand] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - kan de SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(irbesartan) [Avapro] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ir be SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(olmesartan) [BENICAR] - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ole me SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide [Dyazide]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - trye AM ter een & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination K-sparing diuretic/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide [Prinzide]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - lyse IN oh pril & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ACE inhibitor/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
benazepril/hydrochlorothiazide [Lotensin HCT]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ben AY ze pril & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ACE inhibitor/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
benazepril/amlodipine [Lotrel]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ben AY ze pril & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ACE inhibitor/calcium channel blocker - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
valsartan/amlodipine [Exforge]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - am LOE di peen & val SAR tan
Combination ARB/calcium channel blocker - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide [DIOVAN HCT]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - val SAR tan & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ARB/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
losartan/hydrochlorothiazide [Hyzaar]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - loe SAR tan & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ARB/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide [BENICAR HCT]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ole me SAR tan & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ARB/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide [Avalide]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ir be SAR tan & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ARB/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide [Micardis HCT]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - tel mi SAR tan & hye droe klor oh THYE a zide
Combination ARB/thiazide diuretic - G2 See individual drugs - Hypertension - See individual drugs
nitroglycerin [Nitro-Dur] - Antianginal Drugs (Ch 12) - nye troe GLI ser in
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in smooth muscle • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle - Acute angina pectoris • acute coronary syndrome - Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, headache
(isosorbide mononitrate) [Imdur] - Antianginal Drugs (Ch 12) - eye soe SOR bide mon oh NYE trate
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in smooth muscle • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle• slower acting than nitroglycerin - Acute angina pectoris • acute coronary syndrome - Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, headache
verapamil* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ver AP a mil
Cardiac-acting calcium channel blocker - G2 Prototype L-type calcium channel blockers • combine moderate vascular effect with strong cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension, arrhythmias - Excessive cardiac depression • constipation
(diltiazem) [Cardizem]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - dil TYE a zem
Cardiac-acting calcium channel blocker - G2 Prototype L-type calcium channel blockers • combine moderate vascular effect with strong cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension, arrhythmias - Excessive cardiac depression • constipation
nifedipine [Procardia, Adalat]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - nye FED i peen
Vasculature-specific calcium channel blocker - G2 Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker; vascular > cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension - Pretibial edema, flushing, dizziness; hypotension • less constipation and more reflex tachycardia than verapamil
(amlodipine) [Norvasc] - Antianginal Drugs (Ch 12) - am LOE di peen
Vasculature-specific calcium channel blocker - G2 Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker; vascular > cardiac effect - Angina, hypertension - Pretibial edema, flushing, dizziness; hypotension • less constipation and more reflex tachycardia than verapamil
propranolol* - Sympatholytics (Ch 10) - proe PRAN oh lole
Nonselective β antagonist - G2 Prototype nonselective β blocker • reduces cardiac output • possible secondary reduction in renin release, local anesthetic effect - Angina, arrhythmias (treatment and prophylaxis), hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, tremor, stage fright, migraine - Excessive β blockade: bronchospasm (can be fatal in asthmatics), atrioventricular block, heart failure • CNS sedation, lethargy, sleep disturbances
atenolol [Tenormin]* - Sympatholytics (Ch 10) - a TEN oh lole
Selective β1 antagonist - G2 Competitive block of β1 receptors - Hypertension, angina, arrhythmias - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(metoprolol) [Lopressor]* - Drugs for Heart Failure Treatment (Ch 13) - me toe PROE lole
Selective β1 antagonist - G2 Competitive block of β1 receptors - Hypertension, angina, arrhythmias. Shown to reduce mortality in heart failure - Like propranolol with somewhat less danger of bronchospasm
ranolazine [Ranexa] - Antianginal Drugs (Ch 12) - ra NOE la zeen
Antihypertensive sodium channel blocker - G2 Blocks late Na+ current in myocardium, reduces cardiac work - Angina - QT prolongation on ECG • P450 inhibitor
furosemide [Lasix]* - Diuretics (Ch 15) - fyoor OH se mide
Loop diuretics - G2 Inhibit Na+/K+/2Cl− transporter in thick ascending limb of loop of Henle. Increased Na+, K+, & Ca2+ excretion - Heart failure, pulmonary edema, severe hypertension; other forms of edema - Metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis • hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia • increased serum glucose, lipids, uric acid
spironolactone [Aldactone]* - Diuretics (Ch 15) - speer on oh LAK tone
Potassium-sparing diuretic - G2 Steroid inhibitors of cytoplasmic aldosterone receptor in collecting ducts • reduce K+ excretion - Chronic heart failure, aldosteronism • adjunct in hypertension - Hyperkalemia • endocrine effects, gynecomastia
(eplerenone)* - Diuretics (Ch 15) - e PLER en one
Potassium-sparing diuretic - G2 Steroid inhibitors of cytoplasmic aldosterone receptor in collecting ducts • reduce K+ excretion - Chronic heart failure, aldosteronism • adjunct in hypertension - Hyperkalemia
captopril* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - KAP toe pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(enalapril) [Vasotec]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - e NAL a pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(lisinopril) [Prinivil, Zestril]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - lyse IN oh pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(ramipril) [Altace]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - RA mi pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
losartan [Cozaar]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - loe SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(valsartan) [DIOVAN]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - val SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(candesartan) [Atacand]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - kan de SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(olmesartan) [BENICAR]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ole me SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
digoxin [Lanoxin] - Drugs for Heart Failure Treatment (Ch 13) - di JOKS in
Cardiac glycoside - G2 nhibits Na+/K+ ATPase sodium pump and increases intracellular Na+, decreasing Ca2+ expulsion and increasing cardiac contractility - Heart failure, nodal arrhythmias - Arrhythmogenic! Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, visual changes (yellow-green halos)
metoprolol [Lopressor] - Drugs for Heart Failure Treatment (Ch 13) - me toe PROE lole
Selective β1 antagonist - G2 Competitive block of β1 receptors - Hypertension, angina, arrhythmias. Shown to reduce mortality in heart failure - Like propranolol with somewhat less danger of bronchospasm
(carvedilol) [Coreg]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - KAR ve dil ole
Mixed α + β antagonist - G2 Block both α and β receptors - Hypertension, hypertensive emergencies. Shown to reduce mortality in heart failure - Like propranolol with somewhat less danger of bronchospasm
nitroprusside* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - nye troe PRUS ide
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in blood • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle - Hypertensive emergencies • cardiac decompensation - Excessive hypotension • prolonged infusion may cause thiocyanate and cyanide toxicity
hydralazine* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - hye DRAL a zeen
Direct vasodilator - G2 Probably causes release of nitric acid (NO) by endothelial cells • causes arteriolar dilation - Hypertension, also used in heart failure - Tachycardia, salt and water retention, lupus-like syndrome
captopril* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - KAP toe pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(enalapril) [Vasotec]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - e NAL a pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(lisinopril) [Prinivil, Zestril]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - lyse IN oh pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(ramipril) [Altace]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - RA mi pril
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor - G2 ACE inhibitor • reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone secretion • increases bradykinin - Hypertension, heart failure - Cough, teratogenic, hyperkalemia
losartan [Cozaar]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - loe SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(valsartan) [DIOVAN]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - val SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(candesartan) [Atacand]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - kan de SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
(olmesartan) [BENICAR]* - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - ole me SAR tan
Angiotensin receptor blocker - G2 AT1 receptor inhibitor; reduces effects of angiotensin II - Hypertension, heart failure - Teratogenic, hyperkalemia
nitroglycerin [Nitro-Dur]* - Antianginal Drugs (Ch 12) - nye troe GLI ser in
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in smooth muscle • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle - Acute angina pectoris • acute coronary syndrome - Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, headache
(isosorbide mononitrate) [Imdur]* - Antianginal Drugs (Ch 12) - eye soe SOR bide mon oh NYE trate
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in smooth muscle • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle• slower acting than nitroglycerin - Acute angina pectoris • acute coronary syndrome - Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, headache
(nitroprusside) - Antihypertensive Drugs (Ch 11) - nye troe PRUS ide
Organic nitrate (Nitric oxide donor) - G2 Release NO in blood • increase cGMP synthesis and cause relaxation in smooth muscle - Hypertensive emergencies • cardiac decompensation - Excessive hypotension • prolonged infusion may cause thiocyanate and cyanide toxicity
heparin, unfractionated - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - HEP a rin
Parenteral anticoagulant - G2 Complexes with antithrombin • irreversibly inactivates the coagulation factors thrombin and factor Xa - Venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, adjuvant to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and thrombolytics - Bleeding (monitor with aPTT, protamine is reversal agent) • thrombocytopenia • osteoporosis with chronic use
enoxaparin [LOVENOX] - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - ee noks a PA rin
Parenteral anticoagulant (LMW heparin) - G2 Low molecular weight heparin with more selective anti-factor X activity, more reliable pharmacokinetics with renal elimination, less risk of thrombocytopenia; admin SubQ - Venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, adjuvant to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and thrombolytics - Bleeding (monitor with aPTT) • thrombocytopenia
rivaroxaban [Xarelto] - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - riv a ROX a ban
Direct factor X inhibitor - G2 Binds to the active site of factor Xa and inhibits its enzymatic action - Venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation - Bleeding • no specific reversal agent, no specific monitoring required
dabigatran [Pradaxa] - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - da BIG a tran
Direct thrombin inhibitor - G2 Binds to thrombin active site and inhibits its enzymatic action - Anticoagulation in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) - Bleeding (monitor with aPTT)
warfarin [Coumadin] - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - WAR far in
Oral anticoagulant - G2 Inhibits vitamin K epoxide reductase and thereby interferes with production of functional vitamin K-dependent clotting and anticlotting factors - Venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, prevention of thromboembolic complications of atrial fibrillation or cardiac valve replacement - Bleeding (monitor with PT) • extreme number of DDIs • thrombosis early in therapy due to protein C deficiency • teratogen
alteplase (tissue-type plasminogen activator) - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - AL te plase
Thrombolytic - G2 Converts plasminogen to plasmin, which degrades the fibrin in thrombi - Coronary artery thrombosis, ischemic stroke, pulmonary embolism - Bleeding, especially cerebral hemorrhage
aspirin* - Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors & Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis (Ch 36) - AS pir in
Irreversible cyclooxygenase inhibitor - G2 Irreversibly inhibits COX-1 and COX-2 • reduces synthesis of prostaglandins • reduces platelet production of thromboxane A2 - Analgesia, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antithrombotic • prevention of colon cancer • prevention & treatment of arterial thrombosis - Gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity, nephrotoxicity, and increased bleeding time at therapeutic levels • hypersensitivity reaction due to increased leukotrienes • tinnitus, hyperventilation metabolic acidosis, hyperthermia
clopidogrel [PLAVIX] - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - kloh PID oh grel
ADP receptor antagonist - G2 Irreversibly inhibits platelet ADP receptor, blocking ADP-mediated platelet aggregation - Acute coronary syndrome, prevention of restenosis after PCI, prevention and treatment of arterial thrombosis - Bleeding, gastrointestinal disturbances, hematologic abnormalities
dipyridamole - Anticoagulants (Ch 34) - dye peer ID a mole
Adenosine uptake inhibitor - G2 Prevents ADP from entering platelet and inhibits phosphodiesterase enzymes that degrade cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) - Prevention of thromboembolic complications of cardiac valve replacement • combined with aspirin for secondary prevention of ischemic stroke - Headache, palpitations, contraindicated in congestive heart failure
atorvastatin [Lipitor] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - a TORE va sta tin
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - G2 Inhibits rate-limiting enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in hepatic cholesterol synthesis, leading to increase in hepatic LDL receptor production and removal of circulating LDLs • increases plaque stability - Atherosclerotic vascular disease (primary and secondary prevention) • acute coronary syndromes - Myopathy leading to rhabdomyolysis, hepatic dysfunction, teratogen
(simvastatin) [Zocor] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - sim va STAT in
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - G2 Inhibits rate-limiting enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in hepatic cholesterol synthesis, leading to increase in hepatic LDL receptor production and removal of circulating LDLs • increases plaque stability - Atherosclerotic vascular disease (primary and secondary prevention) • acute coronary syndromes - Myopathy leading to rhabdomyolysis, hepatic dysfunction, teratogen
(rosuvastatin) [CRESTOR] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - roe soo va STAT in
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - G2 Inhibits rate-limiting enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in hepatic cholesterol synthesis, leading to increase in hepatic LDL receptor production and removal of circulating LDLs • increases plaque stability - Atherosclerotic vascular disease (primary and secondary prevention) • acute coronary syndromes - Myopathy leading to rhabdomyolysis, hepatic dysfunction, teratogen
(pravastatin) [Pravachol] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - prav a STAT in
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - G2 Inhibits rate-limiting enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in hepatic cholesterol synthesis, leading to increase in hepatic LDL receptor production and removal of circulating LDLs • increases plaque stability - Atherosclerotic vascular disease (primary and secondary prevention) • acute coronary syndromes - Myopathy leading to rhabdomyolysis, hepatic dysfunction, teratogen
(lovastatin) - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - LOE va sta tin
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - G2 Inhibits rate-limiting enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) in hepatic cholesterol synthesis, leading to increase in hepatic LDL receptor production and removal of circulating LDLs • increases plaque stability - Atherosclerotic vascular disease (primary and secondary prevention) • acute coronary syndromes - Myopathy leading to rhabdomyolysis, hepatic dysfunction, teratogen
cholestyramine [Questran] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - koe LES teer a meen
Bile acid-binding resin - G2 Prevents reabsorption of bile acids from the gastrointestinal tract - Elevated LDL cholesterol, pruritus - Constipation, bloating, impaired absorption of vitamins A,D,E,&K
(colesevelam) [WELCHOL] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - koh le SEV a lam
Bile acid-binding resin - G2 Prevents reabsorption of bile acids from the gastrointestinal tract - Elevated LDL cholesterol, pruritus - Constipation, bloating, impaired absorption of vitamins A,D,E,&K
ezetimibe [Zetia] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - ez ET i mibe
Sterol absorption inhibitor - G2 Reduces intestinal uptake of cholesterol by inhibiting sterol transporter - Elevated LDL cholesterol, phytosterolemia - Potential hepatotoxicity
fenofibrate [TRILIPIX] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - fen oh FYE brate
Fibric acid derivative - G2 PPAR-α agonist - Hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol - Myopathy, hepatic dysfunction, cholestasis
(gemfibrozil) [Lopid] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - jem FI broe zil
Fibric acid derivative - G2 PPAR-α agonist - Hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol - Myopathy, hepatic dysfunction, cholestasis
niacin (nicotinic acid) [NIASPAN] - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - NYE a sin
Triglyceride synthesis inhibitor - G2 Decreases VLDL synthesis and LDL cholesterol concentrations • increases HDL cholesterol - Low HDL cholesterol, elevated VLDL and LDL - Gastrointestinal irritation, flushing, hepatic toxicity, hyperuricemia
ezetimibe/simvastatin [Vytorin]* - Antidyslipidemic Drugs (Ch 35) - ez ET i mibe & SIM va stat in
Combination sterol absorption inhibitor/HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor - G2 See individual drugs - Hypercholesterolemia - See individual drugs