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31 Cards in this Set

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An alert cognitive state of mind in which you are aware of yourself and your environment

Focused Awareness

One is fully absorbed with the task at hand

Drifting Awareness

Categorized by drifting thoughts or mental imagery


Divided Consciousness

Hypnosis theory that says that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where the conscious mind is split


A resevoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories

That thing Freud studied

Altered States of Consciousness

Mental state that noticeably differs from normal waking consciousness

Hypnosis, Daydreaming, Meditation, etc.

Circadian Rhythm

Regular body rhythms that occur on a 24-hour rotation

Typical Nights Sleep


10-15 min

20 min

very short

30 min

Few minutes to an hour

1. Light sleep

2. Transition

3. Deep sleep

4. Deepest sleep

5. REM


Rapid eye movement

Stage 5 sleep

Paradoxical Sleep

REM sleep

Body is paralyzed

Sounds like what it means

Why do we sleep?

1. Protection

2. Conservation of energy

3. Restoration of brain chemicals

4. Memory consolidation

5. Feeds creative thinking

6. Growth (for youth)

There are 6

Why do we dream?

(3 Theories)

1. Psychoanalytic Theory

2. Activation-Synthesis Model

3. Problem Solving/Information Processing

Psychoanalytic Theory

1. Dreams are symbolic messages from our subconscious mind

2. They act as a form of wish fulfillment and allows us to act out our inner fantasies/desires


Activation-Synthesis Model

Dreams are result of randomly firing neurons (b/c of Pons) which stimulates random memories in cerebral cortex


Problem Solving/Information Processing Model

1. Dreams are a reflection of our daily lives

2. Sort/store memories and relive the day's events


Effects of Sleep Deprivation

1. Slowed reaction time

2. Impaired concentration

3. Impaired memory

4. Impaired problem solving ability

5. Harder to retain new info

6. Impaired academic performance (math especially)

7. Weakened immune system

8. Linked to diabetes, high BP, obesity, heart attack, and depression

There are 8


Inability to fall/stay asleep


Sudden, unexplained "sleep attacks" during daytime hours

Sleep Apnea

Briefly stop breathing during sleep, wakes up to resume breathing


Walk/talk while sleeping

Deep sleep (NREM)

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Physically act out dreams

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Can't fall asleep at a reasonable time and then can't wake up in the morning


Disturbing bad dreams

REM sleep

Night Terrors

Intense, frightening dream images

Stage 4


Sleep disorders that involve unnatural movements, emotions, or behaviors

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Sleeping infant stops breathing and dies


Teeth grinding


Excessive sleep (more than 12 hours a day)

Hypnic Myclonia

Vivid image and muscle contractions soon after falling asleep

Hypnic jerk


Involves practices that induce an altered state of consciousness through techniques of focused attention

Therapeutic Uses of Meditation

1. Seek inner peace and spiritual enlightenment

There are 6