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14 Cards in this Set

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What is a 527 group?
A group whose only goal is to influence elections through advertising.
What is AARP?
American Associations for Retired Persons
What is a blanket primary?
A primary election in which you do not have to register with a party
What happened in Buckley vs. Valeo?
It was decided that donating to candidates is part of the first amendment
What was the Campaign Reform Act of 1974?
It was a trial in which the FEC was born
What is a closed primary?
a primary where a voter must register with a party beforehand to vote.
what is an open primary?
a primary where a voter can vote without registering in advance but still must register with a party (in the booth)
What are coattails?
Associating yourself with a popular candidate because they are in the same party. Using their fame to bring yourself up to the top
What are realigning elections?
Elections in which a major party shift occurs.
What is dealignment?
When voters go independent.
What is the Equal TIme rule?
If a station sells time to one candidate, that station must be willing to sell equal time to the opposing candidate
What is the fairness doctrine?
A rule, that was later repealed, that made the media have to show both sides of an issue
What is hard money?
Documented money, limited contributions
What is Front-loading?
It is when a state moves their primary elections to make it earlier than most. They do this to influence other people's decisions