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23 Cards in this Set

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Reasons for Change in the Law

- Change in values and attitudes

- Change society

- Advances in tech

- Protection of the community

Informal Methods to Influence change in the Law

- Demonstrations

- Petitions

- Media

VLRC Process

- Matter referred by Commission AG

- Commission publishes issue paper

- Submissions relieved

- Public consultations

- Deliver report to ag

- Report tabled into Parliament

- Bill introduced


To undertake research and make recommendations for changes in the law on issues that are referred to them by the Government

Stages of a Bill

- Introduction

- First Reading

- Committee Stage

- Third Reading

- Passes first house/ second

- Certification

- Royal Assent

- Proclamation

Second Reading

- Statement of compatibility, read by introducer of Bill

- Purpose of the Bill

- Scrutiny

- Members can make speeches in favour or against the Bill

Strengths of Parliament as a Law-Making Body

- Elected by the people

- Make laws at any time

- Investigate a need for change

- Access to expert information

- Compatible with human rights

- Debate

Weaknesses of Parliament as a Law-Making Body

- Not able to respond quickly

- Time consuming

- Conflicting views

- Restricted in jurisdiction

- Difficult to keep up with changing attitudes

- Changing technology

- Not able to foresee all circumstances

- Subordinate authority not elected

VLRC Strengths

- Government has asked therefore Government more likely to act on report

- Can gauge public opinion by receiving submissions

- Able to investigate comprehensively so Government and initiate new laws that cover whole issue.

VLRC Weaknesses

- Can only investigate issue referred by government or minor issues

- There's no obligation from Government to act on their findings, therefore the whole exercise may be made redundant

- Investigations can be time consuming

Medicinal Cannabis

- December 2014, referred by AG (Martin Pakula)

- March 2015, commission published issue paper

- April 2015, Submissions closed, 99 received

- May-June, held public consultations

- August 2015, AG

- October 2015, Report was tabled into Parliament accepted 40 recommendations, and said they have intention to legalise

- December 2015, Bill introduced.


Group of people gather with intention of gaining attention from the general public and intern the Parliament to express their common opinion on such issue.

E.g. Climate Change, November 2013

Pressure Groups

Dying with Dignity Victoria

- Lobbying

- Working

- Informing

- Providing

Committee Stage

- Speaker of LH or President of UH leave

- Replaced bu the Chairman of Committees

- Informal discussion of Bill course

- Bill examined clause by clause (optional)


Written request to Parliament usually to change a law/pass a new law. Includes a collection of signatures supporting the request. Presented to a member of Parliament to tabling into Parliament - E.g. Abortion for 2008


Mat takw form of television: radio print media. Important role informing the public and parliament of community views and need for law reform.

E.g. Facebook, twitter on puppy farming

Ratio Decidendi

Obiter Dictum

- Reason

- Hypotheticals





- One case

- Two cases

- Can/cannot change

- Method of avoiding precedent

Problems in interpretating Statues

- Mistakes during drafting

- Doesnt account for future circumstances

- No new tech

Statory Interpretation

- Studded belt

Effects of Statutory Interpretation

- Precedent

- Words give meaning

- Partied are bound

- Extend or narrow

Strengenths and Weakness of the Courts as a Law-Making authority


-Consistancy and Predictability

-Change law quickly

- Judges are indepdedant from Parl


- Restricted my precedent

- Difficultity finding precedent

- Judges arent elected

Overlap between Parliament and Courts

- Codifiction

- Parliaments creates courts

- Obiter dictum acts as persasive.