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48 Cards in this Set

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Crimean War

resulted from the rivalry between the Ottoman Empire and Russia. France and Britain fought against Russia. Russia was defeated and lost territory. This war shattered the Concert of Europe.

Florence Nightingale

British nurse who became a pioneer in modern nursing

Alexander II

Abolished serfdom, formed zemstevos, reformed military, repressed and "russify" Poland, "Tsar Liberator", never popular.

Second French Empire

created from a Romantic Nationalism created in a plebiscite,

Napoleon III

took control of gov in coup d'etat and became emperor, restored universal suffrage


1850-1871; New generation of conservative leaders who were proud of being practitioners of Realpolitik, "The Politics of reality"; use of armies & power politics to achieve foreign policy goals; think of the welfare of the state above everything

Falloux Law

Louis Napoleon returned for control of education to the Church, minimized influence of the Legislative Assembly, supported policies favorable to army, disenfranchised many poor people from voting, destroyed democratic-socialist movement by jailing or exile

Liberal Empire

Napoleon set out to build, initiating a series of reforms


The most independent state on the Italian peninsula; supported French and British in Crimean War to gain support in Italian Unification.

King Victor Emmanuel

first king of unified Italy, appointed by Cavour

Count Cavour

Prime Minister of Piedmont; used alliance with France and military interventions to unify Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II.

Franco-Prussian War 1870

French defeated, Paris besieged, Napoleon III captured; Prussian victory led to proclamation of German Empire

Erms Dispatch

A message from William I of Prussia to Napoleon III which brought France into the Franco Prussian war, Bismark's attempt to unify Germany

Austro-Hungarian Empire

Also known as Austria-Hungary, or the Hapsburg Empire, as it was ruled by the Hapsburg monarchy from 1867 to 1918. Austria-Hungary extended over most of central Europe. It was composed the modern day countries of Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, as well as parts of present-day Poland, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


In the Compromise of 1867, they achieved the dual monarchy and separate Hungarian state they wanted.

Sanitary Idea

Ideas of sanitation

Louis Pasteur, germ theory

developed the theory that germs caused disease and used invented pasteurization


suppressing organisms by heating a beverage

Joseph Lister

Reasoned the a chemical disinfectant applied to a wound dressing would "destroy the life of the floating particles"
-Also called the antiseptic principle .

Dimitri Mendeleev

Russian chemist who developed a periodic table of the chemical elements and predicted the discovery of several new elements (1834-1907)

Auguste Comte

Wrote System of Positive Philosophy
-It was largely overlooked during the romantic era, but when the political failures of 1848 completed the swing to realism, his philosophy came into its own
-Believed that by applying the scientific method, also called the positivist method, his new discipline of sociology would soon discover the eternal laws of human relations


Comte believed that by applying the scientific method, also called the positivist method, his new discipline of sociology would soon discover the eternal laws of human relations

II Risorgimento

the political and social movement that created a unified italy from the many different states of the italian penn.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

invaded Rome in an effort to unify Italy


-Modern industry grew rapidly within the German Customs Union founded in 1834 to stimulate trade and increase the revenues of the member states
-it did not include Austria
-it's tariff duties were substantially reduced so that Austria's highly protected industry could not bear to join

Otto Von Bismark

chancellor to Wilhelm I

"Gap Theory"

gained Bismark's favor with the king

Prussian Danish 1863

Germany and Austria defeated Denmark and took control of provinces

Austro-Prussian War 1866

Officially over an Austrian/Prussian disagreement of policy, but actually from Bismark's desire to rid himself of Austria, this war paved the way to German unification.


two houses that shared power equally


representatives elected by universal male suffrage

Charles Darwin "Origins of Species"

concluded that all life had gradually evolved from a common ancestral origin in an unending "struggle for survival"
-He wrote On the Origin of Species by the Means of Natural Selection
-Argued that chance differences among the members of a given species help some survive while others die


based on the idea that literature should depict life exactly as it was

Gustav Flaubert

-Wrote Madame Bovary
-About a middle-class housewife who has an adulterous love affair and is betrayed by her lover
-Portrays the provincial middle class as petty, smug, and hypocritical

Emile Zola

supported Dreyfus .

Thomas Hardy

Wrote Tess of the D'Urbervilles and The Return of the Native
-Depicts men and women frustrated and crushed by fate and bad luck .

Leo Tolstoy

Russian realist-combined realism in description and character development with an atypical moralizing, which came to dominate his later work-War and Peace.

Gustav Courbet

The most famous Realist artist. The word Realism was coined in 1850 to describe one of his paintings. He showed realistic portrayal of everyday life and one of his famous works, "The Stonebreakers" (1849) showed human misery of laborers breaking stones for roads. .

Francois Millet

He painted scenes of rural life, especially peasants laboring in the fields. His Realism had some Romantic elements. His most famous work, "The Gleaners", shows three peasant women gathering grain in a field

Edgar Degas

French realist/impressionist painter who painted about the movement of the human body

Red Shirts

Volunteers who fought under Giuseppe Garibaldi that were known for their distinctive dress. Starting in May, 1860, they helped defeat the Bourbon king of the Two Sicilies and then proceeded to mainland Italy.

George Von Haussman

Hired by Napoleon III, responsible for rebuilding Paris. Made wider streetsboulevards) which encouraged expansion and caused less traffic. Also built aqueducts, improved sewers, put zoning laws in place, and created open spaces. .


Local assemblies, that provided a moderate degree of self government. Representatives were elected from different classes, but a property-based system of voting gave advantage to nobles.


The village commune that serfs were subject to following their emancipation in 1861

Robert Koch

German country doctor who did a lot of research on bacteria

Charles Dickens

English writer whose novels depicted and criticized social injustice in Britain's early industrial age.

Victorian Age

era when Queen Victoria ruled; era of uneasy stability as the autocratic and upper-middle-class representatives who dominated Parliament blurred party lines by their internal strife and shifting positions

Benjamin Disraeli

Tory leader in Parliament - pushed for extension of the franchise; wanted to win over newly enfranchised groups to the Conservative Party