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29 Cards in this Set

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Tina acquired a strange package yesterday

يكتسب ..(كسب .اكتسب .حصل)


After dropping his coffee cup,robbie felt awkward.

اخرق (غير ملائم . صعب المراس)


My grandmother's caretaker helps helps her get around the house.

يعتني (يقوم بالاعتناء بالاشخاص كبيري السن او المرضى)


He tried to deceive his friends as they were playing a game

يغش ..يخدع...يحاول ان يجعلك تصدق شيء غير صحيح.


Mr.perry discouraged the students from quitting school.

تثبيط...يثبط العزيمة..حاول ان يثنيه عن ..عاق..يحاول ان يجعلك تشعر بأقل سعاده بسبب شئ ما.


The model was wearing fake eyelashes.


يجعلك تعتقد انه حقيقي وفي الحقيقة غير ذلك..


I have a hatred for the taste of medicine.

كراهية ..حزازه..ضغينه..

شعور قوى بالكراهية تجاه شئ ما.


We all went into the hut to sleep.

بيت او كوخ. مصنوع من الخشب او حشائش يحتوي على غرفة واحده او اثنتان.


Cars built a hundred years ago are inferior to ones built today.

ادنى منزله..قليل القيمه..ليس جيد كما الاشياء الاخرى


During our ski trip,we stayed at a lodge.

بيت او كوخ في الجبال ..يستخدمه الصيادون (الاسماك او الحيوانات)


William neglected his room,so it is a complete mess.

اهمال..تجاهل..اهمل .تجاهل.استخف


The students happily welcomed the newcomer to the school.

وافد جديد..قادم جديد


Stealing a car is a very serious offense.


تصرف خاطئ يكسر القانون.


Brenda overlooked the last step and had a bad fall.

غفل عن ؛تغاضى؛نسى

لم يلاحظ او ينتبه لشئ مهم..


She repaid her friend for all of his hard work with a small gift.

جازى؛ كافأة؛ عوض عن


Steve looked ridiculous with those huge blue sunglasses.

مثير للسخرية؛ سخيف؛ تافه ؛مضحك


Mina often received satisfactory grades since she studied so hard.

احساس بالرضا ; مرضي


The shepherd moved the sheep to another field.

راعي غنم.


Even though it was dangerous,they ventured up the mountain.

مغامرة ؛ مجازفة

المغامر الذي يذهب الى مكان خطر.


The field of golden wheat was ready to be harvested.

قمح ؛ حنطة

المكان الذي يحتوي حبوب الحنطة.


The alley behind my house looks dirty.

زقاق ؛ ممشى ضيق بجانب البيوت او الابنية..


She used an ax to cut some wood for the fire.

فأس لقطع الاشجار


She was hungry ,so she ate the entire bunch of grapes

عنقود عنب.


It's nikki's chore to do the dishes every tuesday and wednesday night.

عمل روتيني لا تحبة ؛ مهمه روتينيه ؛

عمل نظامي.


Eric did a decent job painting the fence.

لأئق؛ محتشم ؛ لطيف.


He felt a sense of disgrace after failing hit big exam.

عار ؛خزي ؛نكبه..


She pointed to her elbow to show me where she hurt herself.

كوع ؛ مرفق


The girls were grateful to have a chance to spend time with their grandfather.

الامتنان ؛ مقر بالجميل ؛ معبر عن الشكر..


She was irritated when her brother told her that he had lost her camera.

يزعج ؛ غاضب من شئ ؛ غيظ.