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18 Cards in this Set

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Why did early Georgia colonists work to maintain good relations with Native Americans?

The colonists believed they might need Native Americans to help in the defense against Spain.

Who wanted to create a colony for debtors and became the first leader of Georgia?

James Oglethorpe

Why did England establish the Georgia colony?

England wanted a buffer state to prevent Spanish and Native American invasions.

Why did early Georgia colonists work to maintain good relations with Native Americans?

The colonists believed they might need Native Americans to help defend themselves against Spain.

In the early years of the colony, what was one reason the colonists were dissatisfied with the policies of the trustees who governed colonial Georgia?

The colonists could not own slaves.

How were the Salzburgers and the Highland Scots important during the Trustee Period?

They supported the malcontents

During the Trustee Period, a group emerged called the "malcontents." With which of the following topics were the malcontents MOST upset?


What was the importance of the Battle of Bloody Marsh?

It was the beginning of a safe southern frontier for the British.

What was not changed during Georgia’s royal colony period?


What statement BEST compares Georgia’s royal colony period to its trustee period?

The royal colony was more economically successful than the trustee period.

Governor Reynolds disbanded the legislature because?

there was a conflict between the two houses in the legislature.

Hernado de Soto can BEST be described by which of the following statements?

He was the first Spanish explorer to enter Georgia in search of gold and glory.

In the mid 1600's, Spain established Spanish missions along the coast of Georgia. What was the main purpose of the Spanish missions?

to civilize Native Americans and convert them to Christianity

The phrase “God, Gold, and Glory” is often used to describe ____________.

the reasons for European exploration and colonization

Which Native Americans were nomads that were the first inhabitants of Georgia?

Paleo Indians

What was a misunderstanding that many times led to warfare between Europeans and NativeAmericans?

differences about common ownership of land in North America

Who was Tomochichi?

He was a Native American chief who befriended Oglethorpe and allowed him to settle Savannah in peace.

Which royal governor permitted slavery in Georgia, made farms more profitable, and increased the number of merchants selling goods?

James Wright