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44 Cards in this Set

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Rise and geography of Rome

Twins Romulus and Remus founded Rome. City of 7 Hills. The Tiber River runs through it.


Were wealthy conquerors of Latium. Brought Indo European language , the toga, the alphabet, to Rome. Etruscan culture became Roman culture.

Gallic /Celtic invasions.

Peoples im France and northern Italy invaded Rome looking for wealth, and decimate the Roman army. Rome bought them off and reorganized the military into the Legionary Army.

Plebians / Patricians

Patricians- wealthy land owners that have political power. Plebians- the common people. Foot soldiers of Rome.

Struggle of the Orders

Power struggle between patricians and plebians. The plebians felt they were being used and had and walked out on the state. The patricians gave them the Tribunes in the Concillium Plebis.

12 Tables

Civil law placed in the forum. It emulated Greek law. Layed out rights and responsibilities and duties of the people. Criminal law, hygeine. No new rights.

Concillium Plebis

The Plebian Assembly created to serve their interests. A concession from the patricians gained more power over time.

King Pyrrhus

King of a Greek city that aided Magna Graecia in revolt against Rome. Won many battles, but lost so many men had to leave Italy. Elephants were defeated by the Roman javelins

Beginning of the Punic wars.

Rome and Carthage were fighting for control over Magna Graecia and Sicily. Neither could defeat the other but finally Rome took Sicily.


He took over as general of the Spanish Carthaginian soldiers. Great leader. Lays seige to one Roman province after another on his way to Rome. Overran northern Italy. Marched around the walls of Rome to scare the people. But they just sell the land he was camped on.

Scipio Africanus

Copies Hannibals methods of warfare. Attacked his chain of supply. Killed his brother and tossed his head into Hannibals camp which made him leave Rome. Then scipio africanus attacked area around Carthage and with the help of Numidia brought them to surrender. Embraced external cultures. Wanted a bilingual society with hellenistic values.

Cato the Elder

Represented the old republican ways of Rome. Paterfamilias Rome is great not because of its leaders but because of its society. Wanted to completely crush Carthage.

Reforms of the Gracchi Brothers

Tiberius proposed the rich keep some land and give the rest to the state after the Punic Wars to be redistributed to the poor. Gaius proposed even more radical redistribution laws based on wealth. They were both murdered.

Populares and Optimates

Populares are men who supported the causes of the everyday people. Optimates were the old traditional rich senators.

Gaius Marius

"A new man" newly rich and new to politics. Got the poor and unemployed to follow him and become his private army. Thought he should have been given the command that Sulla had so he attacked Rome to bait Sulla back to fight. Marius is defeated by Sulla.

Lucius Sulla

Given a command by the senate to hrad east to conquer Parthia. Sulla defeats Marius and claims a dictatorship of Rome.

Spartacus slave revolts

Slaves realized they had the numbers to overcome the rich so they revolt. Revolt was lead by Spartacus. The slaves became more and more popular as time goes on. Pompey and Marcus Crassus put down the revolt.


Military leader brought in whole eastern frontier of the Mediterranean under Roman control. One of the First Triumvirate. Married to Caesar's daughter. Lost civil war against Caesar at the Battle of Pharsulus. Killed by the Egyptians.

First Triumvirate

Marcus Crassus


Julius Caesar

Second Triumvirate

Marc Antony



Battle of Actium

Octavian blockaded the coastline and Antony's men starve. The defining moment of the battles between them in Greece. Cleo and Antony flee back to Alexandria and abamdon their men. Octavian then invades Alexandria after their suicides.

3 rulers of the Flavian dynasty

Vespasian begins the Coliseum. Along with his son ends the first Jewish revolts. Titus vespasians son. Reigned when Vesuvius erupted. Domitian son of Titus. Makes government a military dictatorship. No democracy under him.


Like a capital for the provinces of the empire. You paid taxes there, signed up for the military there. Everything happens there.

Cursus honorum

The order of lower offices a man had to hold before he qualified to run for higher posts.


Mother of the Gracchi brothers.

5 Good Emperors




Antonius Pius

Marcus Aurelius

Severan Dynasty

Septimus Severus won the battle between military generals over control of Rome after Commodus' assassination. He was from Africa and his people were good at war. Also a military dictatorship.

Barracks emperors

They were not related and they lasted for short periods. Only one died a natural death. This was a period of total chaos in Rome.


Born a poor farmer. Implemented tetrarchy - the empire was split into an east and west half. Diocletian ruled the east. The rich half. Each emperor had an assistant to help govern. Saved the empire from ruin. Saw Christianity as a threat and persecuted them.

Edict of Law

Recognized Christianity as a legitimate religion. Provided religious freedom for them. Made persecution of Christians illegal. Instituted by Constantine.


Successor pf Constantine. Made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.

Bishop Ambrose & St. Jerome

Ambrose Wrote about separation of church and state. Jerome translated the Bible to the Latin Vulgate.

Foderati/ Federates

Germanic people that incorporated. Into Roman society through the military. Germans were being pished into Roman territory by Atilla the hun.


A foderati who led the Gothic invasion and sacking of Rome.

Vandal Attack in 5th century

The vandals sacked Carthage and deprived Rome of one of its major food sources.

Last Roman Emperor

Romulus Augustulus


A German who overthrew Romulus Augustulus. The first barbarian emperor.

Nike Revolts

Broke out at the chariot races. The people were sick of Justinian and rebelled. 2 factions jad joined together against Justinian. He calls them all to the hippodrome acting like he would compromise, and slaughters them all.

Greek Fire

Oil, resin, and sulphur mixed together that stuck to and burned enemies and enemy equipment. Was heated and shot from brass tubes.

Saint Patrick

Trained as a monk in Tours and returned to ireland and converted the tribal leaders there. Established his monastery in the center of the community.

Saint Columba

Converted the Scottish to Christianity.

Saint Benedict

Wrote the Regala. Rule to live. Which emphasized poverty, chastity, and obedience. In the monastic community. Laid out a clerical hierarchy. Had a flexible schedule for monks depending on the individuals skills.

Eastern vs. Western Christianity

Eastern- denied the existence of purgatory. Clergy could marry. Religious services conducted in all languages. Could divorce and remarry. The church was a servant of the state. West- emphasized purgatory. Clergy could not marry. Religious services held only in Greek or Latin. No divorce.


An endowment by Trajan that provided food and education for poor children of both sexes.