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152 Cards in this Set

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Weigh up

To spend time talking to someone in order to form an opinion about them

To consider the advantages and disadvantages carefully


Set smbdy/smth apart

To make somebody feel different

To save for a special purpose



Appearing very quickly

Big, Bright or expensive and intended to be impressive

Staying power

The ability to continue doing something difficult until it's finished


To give something to someone and get something in return


A small sheet of paper advertising something




A legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house and pay back the money over a period of time


The amount of money that you borrowed from a bank

A deal

An arrangement or agreement

Bygone era

A period of time in the past


A group of people who are connected


A problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action or attitudes e.g. She was well aware of the potential pitfalls of running a business


Outstanding balance

Amount of money paid regularly to pay back money you have borrowed (saldo insoluto 😐)

Conspicuous consumption

The act of buying a lot of things especially expensive things that are not necessary in order to impress other people and show them how rich you are


The state of being happy and satisfied e.g. He finds contentment in his work

Pop up

A window containing ads that suddenly appears on a computer screen, especially when you are on the internet

Advertising revenue

Money obtained from publicity


The possibility that something Will happen e.g. the employment prospects in the technology sector are specially good right now


Woman whose Job is showing and making clothes


The sale of goods in shops to customers for their own use and not for selling to anyone else


A situation In which part of the money someone earns or Money that is owed to them is taken by a court of law and used to pay their debts


An even organized by students every year in order to make money for people in needs


A sum of money that a person or organization owes


Price offered to buy something such as goods, property, shares or bonds


Something that is Annoying Because it causes problems or is it difficult thing to do


A public meeting Where land, buildings, paintings, etc are sold to the person Who offers the most Money for them

Online auction

A type of website In which you can sell things to the person Who offers the highest Price

Fund-raising events

The activity of collecting money for specific purpose especially in order to help people Who are ill


System of lines to Connect several computers Together so that they can share information


An expression of formal Support or approval for someone or something


Piece of clothing e.g. the Fashion garment Industry


Small Piece of valuable metal found in the earth for example gold


The ground at the bottom Of The River


A cup used to drink coffee or tea


Ability to make good judgements about People or about Art, music, etc

Bank balance

The amount of money someone has In Their Bank account


Fault or weakness that makes someone or something less successful on effective than they should be


To refuse obey the person Who is in charge and try to take control

At the expense of

If someone or something is done at the expense of something or someone Else It is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or Thing

Safe bet

An action or situation that is likely to be successful or does not involve match risk


Someone who loves to go shopping and buys lots of things they May not need


The extra money that you must Pay when you borrow money

A nest egg

Amount of money that you have saved so that you can use it for something special in the Future

On impulse

Sudden strong Desire to do something without thinking about whether it is a sensible thing to do

On the financial Front

En el frente Financiero

Sound investment

A rational, sensible investment

A Hearing

Meeting of the Court of Law or official organization to find out the facts about something

A must-have item

Something that is essential to have or obtain

A treat

An event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives grate pleasure


Small building that has not been built very well

Rainy Day

To save something specially Money for a time when you Will need it


Main product that is produced in a country

At the point of sale

Place or Shop where a product is sold


Short period of Time when you do a lot of one activity specially spending Money of drinking alcohol

Write into Memory

You go Deep in your Memories

Create a mental image

Bring images to Mind

Image to Mind

Dive into Memory

Grab attention

Succeed in Getting something specially by the Being quicker or by Being the best at something

Adopt an approach

Start using a particular idea, plan or method


Not hidden or Secret for example they have given overt Support to the new scheme


Make someone feel happier or more hopeful

Way up the ladder

Series of steps you succeed in and move up to higher or better position


Something that is slightly wet often in an unpleasant way or When It should Be Dry


Very Young child who is learning to Walk

Highly regarded

To think something is very good

Hard hitting

Make criticism in a very strong, honest, Direct way this Word shows you approve this type of criticism

Skilled at

Having the ability or experience to do something


Become shorter or make something shorter


An argument that is so good that no One can find anything wrong with it

Develop a thin skin

To not Care If people criticize you

Keep up with the joneses

To compare yourself with Friends and neighbors

Bite the bullet

Start dealing with an unpleasant situation Because you cannot avoid it Any longer

Get through Money like water

Waste a lot of money

Down Market

Down Market goods or Services are cheap and not of very good Quality

Más Market

Designed for sale to wide Range of people as possible

Up Market

Designed for Or used by people who have a lot of money

Worn out

Physically tired

Well off

Having a lot of money

Run Down

Tired and unhealthy

Fed up

Annoyed or bored

Hard up

Without much money

Burn out

Mentally exhausted from working too hard

One off

Happening only once, for example I don't think the problem is one off

Build up

With Lots of buildings


Economically, living simply, for example, the more frugally You Live The quicker You can do it


If something Bad such as crime ir disease is rampant, There is a lot of it and it can be very difficult to control, for example, abuse of Power among senior officials is said to be rampant


Something that attracts or interest you a lot

For example It was a Hot day and the water looked enticing

Throwaway (society)

Used To talk about Modern society In which products Are Not made to Last long time


A Part of your body that is soaring is in Pain Because of an infection or Because you Used a muscle too much


Obeying, supporting or copying someone completely, Used To Show disapproval

For example she shows slavish devotion to her job


Someone Who forgets or loses things Because they Are Not sensible or practical


Always Happy, friendly and eager to do Things

In the red

To owe More money than you have


Someone pleasant and Easy to live with


Person Who doesn't realize that They are Being Tricked or treated badly

For example, only a mug would pay those prices


Not wanting to spend Money Or Not wanting to use much of something

Rub off

When person Transfers you Quality or feeling

For example, hopefully her enthusiasm Will rub off on the Rest of the Team

Use up

Use All of something

Pay off

Give someone all The money you owe them

Draw conclusions

To decide that particular fact or Principle is true according to the information you have been given


To increase something such as a Production, sales or prices

Ripped off

Charge someone too much money for something or sell someone a product that is faulty


Become three Times bigger in amount, size or number


Have a strong Desire for something specially something that is difficult or Impossible to get

Pull out

To return to the road

To Drive over to different Parts of the road in order to get past a vehicle in front of you

Clutter up

Fill a room with too many things so it looks very untidy

Miss out

To not have the chance to do something that you Enjoy and that would be good for you


To drink some things like taking small mouthfuls


Look at the goods in a Shop without wanting to buy particular a Thing

Keep up with

Meet a friend regularly so that you don't forget each other


Feel dislike of a particular situation That you want to avoid

Get somebody Down

Make someone feel unhappy and tired


Increase in amount or number

Till you Drop

Until You are too tired to continue doing something

Fall for

Start Loving something or someone

Be Tricked To Believe in something that is not true

Ran out of Cash

To use money you have and not have any of it left

Go on a spree

Shop without thinking about the consequences


Reduce the amount of money


to fight for a Cause

Set a budget


Rummage for

Search for something among a lot of other things


Decorate clothes with design Colors stitches

Fall behind

To pay late and in consequence pay more money

Pay online


Hitch hike

To travel to places by getting free rides from drivers of passing cars


To be better or more successful than someone else at doing something


To throw something with a lo of force

On behalf

Instead of someone, as representative

Be taken in

Ro be allowed to stay somewhere

To be decieved by somebody

Give out

To tell people information especially officially

To give something to a lot of people

Talk down to

To talk someone as if they are less intelligent than you

To persuade someone to reduce a price

Settle down

To become calm and quiet

To start living or working somewhere with the intention of staying there

To scrimp

Spend money when necessary and to save as much as much as you can


Not to do something that you usually do or that you should do




A large board fixed on a wall outside on which large ads are shown

Bill boards

A large sign used for advertising


People who are asked to give their opinion publicly of a situation or object (expert)


Unlikely to have happened, not true


Calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions


Paying too much attention to yourself that you don't notice what is happening to other people



Mass produced

Produced in large amounts using machinery, so that each object is the same an can be sold cheaply


Man or woman who has become rich and successful by their own efforts




Having continued or existed for a long time


Not allowing air to get in or out


Used to describe someone or something that has been given a name that you think is wrong


Able to think and understand things quickly


You don't have much money


In a very bad condition