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38 Cards in this Set

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A daily guide for the types of foods you should eat for healthful living
Food Guide Pyramid
The three basic principles for healthy living
Moderation, variety and balance
Foods that contribute a significant amount of several nutrients compared with the food energy or calories they contain are considered to be this.
Nutrient dense
What are combination foods? Give an example
Foods that contain ingredients from more than one food group. Tacos, lasagna, soup, etc.
What does moderation in your diet mean?
Control your calorie intake by not eating too much of any one food or food group and limiting foods high in fat and added sugars.
How would you get variety in your diet?
By eating foods from the five groups and eating a variety within the food groups.
What is the best way to make sure you are getting enough food from each of the food groups
Make a menu
Track your food intake
Name three foods from the protein group.
Meat, beans, fish, chicken, etc.
Name one green vegetable
Brocolli, spinach, etc.
Name one yellow vegetable
Squash, yellow pepper
Name one red or orange vegetable
tomato, carrot
What is the main energy nutrient in the meat and bean group
Protein, also contains fat
What is the main energy nutrient in fruits and vegetables
What is the main energy nutrient in the grain group?
Name three foods in the grain group?
Bread, rice, pasta, etc.
What is the main energy nutrient in the Milk group?
protein, also contains carbohydrates and sometimes fat.
In a combination food like a taco, how do you determine how much you are eating from each food group
Measure the amount of each ingredient that goes into a single serving. If you eat more than one serving, multiply by the number of servings you eat.
What kind of dairy foods should you pick? (Hint: think of the fat content)
Low and non-fat products. Watch for added sugar though!
What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Guidelines for healthy people over age 2 to make good food choices for wellness.
What is included in your eating plan.
Everything you eat or drink.
What three things determine how many calories you need every day
Age, gender, and activity level.
What might happen if you eat too much salt or sodium?
High Blood Pressure
What happens if you eat more calories than you need?
You gain weight
If you increase your activity level, should you eat more or fewer calories
More. Unless you want to lose weight.
What ingredient promotes tooth decay?
What is a health risk factor
Something that increases your chances of developing a certain health problem.
What is an example of a health risk factor
Eating too much saturated fat and cholesterol, increase changes for heart disease.
What is the best way to maintain a healthy weight?
Eat the right amount of calories for your age and gender; and stay active.
What does the body breakdown starches/carbohydrates into?
Single Sugars
Name three complex carbohydrates
breads, potatoes, and peas
Name three simple sugars
fruit, milk, candy, cakes
What is the plant material that can't be digested but helps the digestive tract
Dietary Fiber
What are proteins made of?
Amino Acids
What types of amino acids do you need but you must get from food?
Essential Amino acids
What type of protein comes from plants? Animals?
Incomplete, complete
What mineral helps to carry oxygen to the cells?
If you don't have enough iron, what do you suffer from
What vitamin helps you build strong bones and teeth?
Vitamin D.