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28 Cards in this Set

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3 layers of the skin

epidermis- epithelial layer

dermis- connective tissue layer
hypodermis- connective tissue and fatty layer anchors skin with structures

structure of epidermis

stratified squameous epithelium

no BV= avascular

cells of the epidermis



langerhern cells (dendritic cells)

Merkel cells- tactile cells


produce keratin which is a waterproof protein

gives the epidermis its toughness

make up 90% of the epidermis


produces melanin which they transfer to keratinocytes

melanin absorb UV ray and contributes to skin color

langerhern cell ( dendritic cells)

from Born Marrow (BM) and migrate to epidermis

involved in immune response

ingest foreign stuff and present antigen and stimulate T cell production

uv radiation damages

Merkel cells

within the deepest layers of epidermis

in contact with nerve fibre

responsible for touch

deepest layer of skin is stratum germinativum (basal)

all epidermal cells arise from this

has a single layer of cuboidal columnar stem cell contains melanocytes and merkel disc

stratum spinosum

has prickley spines which join cells together

obtain melanin from malanocytes process

stratum granulosum

develop dark granules of keratohyalin which is precusor of keratin

cells die due to lack of vital metabolic reactions

stratum lucidium

only found on palms and soles

contains droplets of substance that will become keratin

startum cornium

composed of dead cell filled with keratin

cells always being replaced

effective barrier against light,heat, bacteria and chemicals

the dermis

composed of connective tissue

collagen,elastic fibres and cell provide mechanical strength

contains bloos and lymphatic vessls LV, gland and hair follicles

the 2 proportion of the dermis

papillary region and reticular region

papillary region

the outter proportion of dermis

contains fine elastin fibre

reticular region

inner proportion of dermis

has dense irregular connective tissue

with interlacing bundles of elastin and collagen

peg and socket function

interface between epidermis and dermis

increases surface area between the 2 layers

responsible for finger prints

cell of the dermis

fibrobalst-gives rise to precusor cells like collagenblasts

Macrophages- derive from monocytes they phagacytise stuff

Mast cells- in areolar CT release histamine for BV dilation

Adipocyte- fat cells contains triglycerals

glands of the dermis

sweat glands (sudoriferous)

sebaceous glands

2 types of sudoriferous glands (sweat)

eccrine and apocrine

eccrine sweat gland

most numerous

clear sweat= Nacl,urea and lactic break down garlic


on axillery, anal, genitals and mammary areas

become functional at puberty

sweat is thicker and has more nutrients

the smell is due to bacteria

sebaceous glands

secrete sebum which is an oil soften skin and makes the hair supple

sebum aids in heat retention

ceruminous glands

modified swet glands in the ear and they produce wax

arrector pilli muscle

contract causing goosebumps when cold

they respnd to fright and emotional stress

nail parts

nail bed

nail edge

eponychium cuticle

structure of hair

composed of dead keratinised cells



develops in follicles

papilla= CT peg with capilleries and nerves

layers of hair

inner medulla

middle cortex

outer cuticle