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20 Cards in this Set

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(ADJ) unfavorable, negative; working against, hostile
(ADJ) extremely dry; unintereresting,dull
S: waterless, parched, boring, unimaginative
A: waterlogged, soggy, fertile, lush
A ssa 'ilant
(ADJ) a person who attacks violently (with blows or words)
S: assaulter, attacker, mugger
A: victim, prey, injured party
(N)a large wave; (V) to rise or swell like a waves
S: breaker surge, bulge, balloon
A: trough, deflate, collapse
Con front'
(V) to meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with
S: face, encounter
A: avoid, evade, sidestep
Con strain'
(V) to force,compel; to restrain, hold back
S: pressure, restrict, confine, limit
A:loosen, liberate, unfetter, relax
Con tem' po rar y
(ADJ) belonging to the same period of time as oneself; (N) a person of the same time
S: present-day, modern, current, peer
A: amcient, prehistoric, antique, antique, antiquated
De pict'
(V) to portray; to represent or show selfish motives; indifferent
S: sketch, draw, picture, illustrate
Dis in' terest ed
(ADJ) fair-minded, free from delfish motives; indifferent
S: neutral, impartil, unbiased, apathetic
A: partial, biased, prejudiced
En com' pass
(V) to encircle, go or reach around, to enclose; to include with a certain group or class
S: surround, envelop, comprise
A:leave out, omit, exclude
Ground' less
(ADJ) without any good reason or cause, unjustified
S: baseless, unsupported
A: well-founded, reasonable, justifed
Hyp' o crite
(n) a person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better than he or she really is; a two-faced person
S:phony, charlaten, fraud
In om pre hen' sible
(ADJ) impossible to understand
S: baffling, confusing, bewildering
A: understandable, clear, plain, intelligible
Ma nip' u late
(V) to handle or use skillfully; to manage or control for personal gain or advantage
S: work, maneuver, exploit, influence
Max' i mum
(N) the greatest possible amount or degree; (ADJ) reaching the greatest possible amount or degree
S: largest, highest, utmost
A: least, lowest, minimum, swallest
Mim' ic
(N) a person who does imitions;(V) to imitate; to make fun of
S: copycat, impersonator; parrot, impersonate
Ruff' le
(V)to wrinkle, make uneven; to annoy, upset; to flip through; (N) a gathered strip of material used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low drumbeat
S: disturb, frill
A: smooth out, soothe
Se rene'
(ADJ) peaceful, calm; free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grand
S: tranquil, composed, fair, august
A: agitated, troubled, stormy, inclement
Sheep' ish
(ADJ) embarrassed; resembling a sheep in meekness, timid
S: shamefaced, meek
A: both, saucy, brazen, cofident
Stam' i na
(N) the strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power
S: endurance