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26 Cards in this Set

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1. Ecology

The study of the interactions among organisms and their environment.

2. Biotic

Living factors of an ecosystem.

3. Abiotic

Non-living factors of an ecosystem (Water, light, temperature, etc).

4. Autotroph

Make their own food (usually through photosynthesis). For example, plant and algae.

5. Heterotroph

Organisms that obtain their food from the environment. Types of heterotrophs include herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and saprobes. Examples of heterotrophs are animals, bacteria and fungi.

6. Herbivore

Animals that feed only on plants.

7. Carnivore

Animals that feed on other animals. This category is divided in predators and scavengers.

8. Predator

Feed on prey they kill. For example lions and wolfs.

9. Scavenger

Feed on dead animals they find. For example vultures.

10. Omnivore

Animal that feeds on both plant and animals. For example humans and bears.

11. Decomposer

Organisms that feed on dead plants and animals. For example fungi and bacteria.

12. Symbiotic relationship
A relationship between two closely associated organisms in which at least one benefits.
13. Mutualism

Both organisms benefit. For example legumes and bacteria and termites and cellulose digesting microorganisms.

14. Parasitism

One organism benefits while the other is harmed. For example tapeworm, flea, mistletoe.

15. Commensalism

One organism benefits while the other is not affected. For example clownfish and sea anemones and barnacles on a whale.

16. Biosphere

It is the highest level of organization that ecologists study.

17. Ecosystem

It is a collection of all the organisms that live in a particular place, together with their nonliving, or physical, environment.

18. Community

Assemblages of different populations that live together in a defined area.

19. Population

Group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area.

20. Niche

A niche is the full range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives and the way in which the organism uses those conditions.

21. Food chain

A series of organisms through which food energy is passed.

22. Producer

Autotrophs (produce organic from inorganic substances).

23. Primary consumer

Herbivores or omnivores.

24. Secondary consumer

Carnivores or omnivores.

25. Food web

Interconnected food chains. Different organisms are at different levels and there are many at each level.

26. Biomagnification

Each higher level of consumers accumulates large quantities of poisonous substances.