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28 Cards in this Set

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What is a star?

object in space made of burning gasses and plasma which produce their own light and heat

What is Nuclear Fusion?

the process by which stars produce light and heat. (2 atoms combine to form 1 atom)

What is a galaxy?

a large group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity

Gradually what is happening to galaxies?
they are spreading apart
What did Edwin Hubble Notice?

-galaxies were getting farther apart
-universe is constantly expanding in all directions

What is the Big Bang Theory?

10-20 billion years ago tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe from single point

In which galaxy are we located?

In the Milky Way

Astronomy is...

the study of the universe

The largest cosmic classification is


Solar systems are smaller than _________ but made up of ________, ________, and ________.

galaxies stars, planets, moons

The Nebular hypothesis explains...

the formation of solar systems.

What is Earth's rotation and what does it cause?

Spinning on its axis, causes day and night

What is Earth's revolution and how does it take?

Orbit around the Sun and takes one year

The motion that causes the change in direction of our Northern axis is called...


The motion that causes a slight wobble in the Earth's axis is called....


The true center of our solar system is...

the barycenter (very close to the Sun)

When the Earth is closest to the Sun it is called _________, farthest point away is called _______.

Perihelion, aphelion

When the Moon is closest to the Earth it is called _________, farthest point away is called _______.

Perogee, Apogee

Sun, Moon, Earth alignment would cause a...

solar eclipse

Sun, Earth, Moon alignment would cause a...

lunar eclipse

Kepler's 1st law states that planets orbit in what shape?


Kepler's 2nd law states that planets sweep equal area in what?

Equal time

Kepler's 3rd law states that the closer a planet's orbit to the Sun...

The shorter the orbital period

The tilt of Earth's axis causes which phenomenon?

The Seasons

During a new or full moon, there is a large difference in high and low tide which is called

spring tide

During quarter moons, there is a small difference between high and low tide which is called

neap tide

The waves on the electromagnetic spectrum in order of smallest to largest:

Gamma rays, X-rays, ultra violet, visible light, infrared, radio waves (radar, microwave, tv, fm, am)

The Doppler effect causes a _______ shift when an object is moving towards you, and a ______ shift when moving away.

Blue, red