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72 Cards in this Set

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middle eastern cystitis
immunosuppressed w cystitis
candidal and cryptococcal
common infectious agents of cystitis
E. coli, proteus, klebsiella, enterobacter
hunner ulcer
hemorrhagic defect in interstitial cystitis; like UTI w noe vidence of bacterial infection or STDs, cytoscopy shows mucosal involvement
gross: soft yellow raised mucosal plaques
micro: infiltrate w foamy macrophages, occasional multinucleate giant cells and lymphocytes (Michaelis Gutman bodies, macrophages w granula rPAS positive cytoplasm)

associated with chronic bacterial infection in immunosuppressed
Brunns nests and cystitis cystica

metaplastic lesions
urothelial neoplasms
squamous bladder cell carcinoma
ass w chronic bladder irritatio nand infection, 3-7% of bladder caners in US
risks for bladder cancer (painless hematuria)
industrial arylamines
shistosoma (egypt/sudan/middle east)
chronic analgesics
mcc of bladder obstruction in males
nodular hyperplasia of the prostate
urethritis is also ass w what syndrome
Reiter syndrome (arthritis, conjunctivits, urethritis)
urethritis w leukocytes containing gram negative diplococci
gonorrhea (but could still have chlamydia or other nongonococcal urethritis)
smal red painful mass located at urehtral meatus
urethral caruncle; extremely friable, inflammed granulation tissue polyp
prox vs distal urethal neoplasms
prox = urothelial differentiation
distal = squam cell carc
abnormal opening on ventral penis due to failure of urethral folds to close

more common than epispadias, fix to prevent UTIs, hypo = below
abnormal opening on superior/dorsal side of penis due to faulty positioning of genital tubercle

exstrophy of bladder associated w epispadias, when you have epispadias you hit your Eye when you pEE.
retracted foreskin cant be put back own glans
orifice too small to allow normal retraction

can be caused by balanoposthitis (inflammation of glans, often 2 poor hygiene in uncircum males w smegma as irritant)
HPV 16, younger age mult red/brown papular lesions, never invasive, sex active adults
Bowenoid papulosis

indistinguishable from Bowen dz
Erythroplasia of Queyrant
carcinoma in situ that can occur on the glans and prepuce; has velvety red, well marginated appearance
involvement of corpus cavernosum w fibrous bands
Peyronie dz

painful erection and curvature of the penis, micro exam = dense fibrosis
cells that secrete testosterone in the testis
Leydig cells
Sertoli cells
columbar/pyramidal cell sthat surround cells of spermatogenic linease; function as suport cells (secrete mullerian inhibiting substance); blood testis barrier formed from tight occluding junctions between basolateral membranes of adjacent sertoli cells
Leydig (interstitial) cells
produce testosterone
abnormal testicle descent

transbaodminal phase (mullerian inhibiting substance)
inguinoscrotal phase (androgen dependent)
twisting of spermatic cord blocks venous drainage but arteries still patent, hemorrhagic infarc, urologic emergency
hemorrhagic cystitis
often due to adenovirus
sterile pyruria (WBC in urine) + negative culture after 24 hrs
always think renal TB

could also be chlamydia trachomatis
complications of cyclophosphamide
1. hemorrhagic cystitis
2. transitional carcinoma of the bladder
Epididimytis < 35 ys old and > 35 ys old
<35: a. GC, chalmydia trachomatis
> 35: E. coli, pseudomonas
testicle w bluish black color + absent cremasteric reflex
gross torsion of testicle; drawn up into the inguinal canal, surgery imperative
mc testicular cancer
testicular cancer on transillumination
NO transillumination (bc not fluid filled; painless mass
seminoma MC testicular cancer
a. cryptorchid relationship: risk extends to normal testicle as well
b. most radiosensitive
c. para-aortic lymph node metastasis

positive staining for placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP)

neoplastic cells divided into lobules separated by delicate septa
seminomatous tumors
cells resemble primordial germ cells or early gonocytes
identical tumor to seminoma but in women
dysgerminoma, occur sin ovary
mc testicular cancer in children
yolk sac tumor
yolk sac tumor mc testicular cancer in children
a. endodermal sinus tumor
b. schiller duval bodies (look like glomerulus)
c. INCREASED AFP and alpha-1 antitrypsin (eosinophilic hyaline like globules)
most malignant testicular cancer
choriocarcinoma most malignant testiuclar cancer
a. increased B-hCG from syncytiotrophoblast
b. may produce gynecomastia
c. lung metastasis
teratocarcinoma mc ass w increase in AFP and B-hCG: embryonal carcinoma _ teratoma
elderly male w low back pain
do a rectal to r/o prostate cancer before any other test

if alk phos elevated = osteoblastic metastasis from prostate
tumor staging
1. confined to primary site
2. confined to primary site + regional nodes
3. metastases to other organs
AFP for test tumors
yolk sac tumors
HCG for test tumors
Lactate dehydrogenase and testicular tumors
correlates w tumor cell mass
reinke crystals
seen in leydig cell tumor
sertoli cell tumor
usually present as a testicular mass and are hormonally silent
10% malig
tumor cells arranged as trabeculae forming cordlike structures and tubules
lymph in tunica vaginalis
cystic accumulation of semen in efferent ducts or dete testis
dilated veins in spermatic cord
blood in tunica vaginalis
collection of serous fluid in tunica vaginalis
tunica vaginalis
mesothelial lined surface exterior to the testis
undescended testis (one or both); lack of spermatogenesis due to increased body temp; ass w increased risk of germ cell tumors. Prematurity increases the risk of cryptorchidism
mc etiology of granulomatous prostitis
BCG instillation into the bladder (attenuated strain of mycobacteira, used to tx baldder cancer)
prostatic hyperplasia
1. develops in transitional zone around the urethra - prostate cancer is in the peripheral zone (outside) and detected by rectal exam
2. DHT and estrogen mediated
3. clinical
a. dribbling
b. urinary retention is more likely benign than malignant
c. PSA does not distinguish hyperplasia from cancer
d. PSA NOT increased after rectal
tx of BPH
a1 antagonists (terzosin, tamsulosin) which cause relaxation of smooth muscle

5-alpha reductase inhibition - inhibits synthesis of DHT and physically shrinks the prostate
transurethral resection of the prostate; removals periurethral prostate tissue
cancer staging abbreviation
TNM (tumor, nodes, metastasis)
PSA density =
total PSA/estimated gland volume
epi/risk factors of prostate cancer
age is greatest risk factor
a. increasd risk w 1 degree relative
b. smoking
c. MC cancer in men
d. second mc cancer killer in men
screening test for prostate cancer
rectal exam + PSA
confirmatory test for prostate cancer
transrectal ultrasound w Bx, watch for osteoblastic metastasis w elevated alk phos
hormone mediation of prostatic hyperplasia vs prostate cancer
prostatic hyperplasia = DHT and estrogen mediated

cancer = DHT
Non-neoplastic endometrial glands/stroma in abnormal locations outside the uterus

a. mc due to reverse menses
b. metaplasia
c. hematogenous/lymphohematogenous spread
d. only occurs in reproducive life
clinical features of endometriosis
a. mcc of secondary dysmenorrhea
b. ovaries most often involved (chocolate cysts)
c. induration in pouch of Douglas (pain on defecation)
d. dyspareunia
e. intestinal obstruction

laparoscope best for Dx and Rx
mc benign tumor in women

a. sometimes claled fibrinoids
b. mc tumor of GI tract: mc in stomach

whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles

cause of menorrhagia, obstructive delivery
leiomyoma epi
mc benign tumor in women
Asherman Syndrome
acquired uterine disorder characterized by intrauterine adhesions
polycystic ovarian syndrome pathogenesis
increased LH production leads to anovulation (via testosterone and 17-ketosteroids)

enlarged bilateral cystic ovaries manifest clinically w amenorrhea, infertility, obesity and hirsutism

increased LH -> increased testosterone/17KS (hirsutism) -> increased adipose aromatizes androgens to estrogens (endometrial hyperplasia/cancer) -> estorgen inhibits FSH and enhances LH release -> continued cycle of LH stimulation -> lack of FSH causes atresia of follicles and large ovaries w subcortical cysts
clinical symptoms of PCOS
obesity, hirsutism, irregular menses, infertility, endometrial carcinoma

tx w birth control pills to suppress LH, clomiphene if pt wants to become pregnant
pelvic inflammatory dz
c. trachomatis (subacute, often undiagnosed), n. gonorrhoae (acute, high fever), cervical motion tenderness (chandelier sign), purulent cervical discharge

PID may include salpingitis, endometritis, hydrosalpinx, tuboovarian abscess. Can lead to Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome - infection of the liver capsule and violin string adhesions o fpartietal peritoneum to liver