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52 Cards in this Set

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Ypres Battle

Chlorine gas was used for the first time by Germans, stalemate

Battle of Sommes

British + French were commanded by Gen Haig. 85% of Newfoundland Regiment were killed or wounded. 1 million casualties (equal on both sides)


Vimy Ridge Battle

Canadian troops won, led by Gen Byng. Sophisticated strategy. They bombarded for 1 month before attacking.

Passchendaele Battle

Byng was promoted. Replaced by Gen Currie=still under command of Gen Haig. Little strategic value. Mudholes so deep horses, and soldiers drowned. "Victory" but enormous casualties

Billy Barker, Roy Brown

Aces, they shot more than 5 enemy air force

Billy Bishop

Canada's top ace with 72 kills. Became toast of Canada

Triple Alliance

The alliance of Austro-Hungary Empire, Italy, and Germany. WWI

Triple Entente

The alliance of Russia, France and Great Britain. WWI


A formal agreement to cease hostilities


The gradual process of wearing down or eliminating something

Balance Of Power

Before WWI strong nations tried to remain equal in strength of military and their alliances.


The idea that a stronger country can take over a weaker country


Patriotism, the pride for ones country, based on culture, language, ethnicity

Enemy Alien

A person living in a country that is at war with its homeland. ex) a german person living in Canada , but Canada is at war with Germany.

Archduke Ferdinand

The crown prince of Austro- Hungary. Serbian nationalist called the black hand marked him for assassination

War Guilt Clause

A treaty the Germans had to sign that said the accept the responsibility for causing the war.

-reparations 30 billion

-new nations make room for poland to access sea

-military restricted

Hundred Days

The final days of the war

Union Government

Borden created union government to get liberals to vote for him for conscription


Being forced to join the military

League of Nations

Made up of many nations throughout the world. If a member was being attacked , the league would help suppress the attackers


Compensation demanded from a defeated enemy for destroying their land


Controlling public opinions or beliefs

Head Tax

A tax the federal government made the immigrants pay for entering Canada

Income Tax

A tax the government made people pay. Business owners payed 4% of their income. Others payed 3% of their income.

Halifax Explosion

Mont Blanc vessel had 2500 dynamites, accidentally hit another ship , causing a big explosion that wiped out Halifax Downtown. 2000-3000 people injured


U-boat sank the British passenger liner killing 1200 Canadians/American. Angered US. Told germans to stop.

War time Elections Act

Allowed women and men who were related to people at war to vote.

Treaty of Versailles

Document set out terms of the peace agreement in 1919. Forced Germans to sign it.

Woodrow Wilson

Proposed in 1918, a 14 point plan for peace


Assassinated Archduke Ferdinand. Assassination was the event that started WWI

Womans suffrage

Women wanted the right to vote. Prohibit alcohol.

War Measure Act

Canadian Parliament gave government emergency power during wartime. Can suspend habeaus corpus, mail censored.

Sam Hughs

Minister of Militia. Created Shell Committee

Shell Committee

A committee created to overlook shells being created


Women who joined the medical and field ambulance and for the color of their uniform


A painful condition that caused ur feet to swell and turn black

Interment Camp

Where people who were considered a threat were held


Nations policy of enlisting, training equipping and maintaining armed forces ready for war

Convoy system

A strategy to get shipping to go through

Khaki Election 1917

Borden said to let the voters decide the issue. Gave 3 attempts to influence votes. Union government won.

Robert Borden

Prime minister of Canada during the war (Conservative)

Gas War Fare

Chlorine gas used by germans in Ypres battle

Royal flying corps

A air force

Tom Longboat

Aboriginal, carried messages between the trenches in French. Reserved for fastest runner

George Clemenceau

Prime minister of France, main person to write Treaty of Versaille

David Lloyd George

Major British liberal politician, help come up with Treaty of Versailles

Ottoman Empire

Turkey empire, Alliance with Triple Alliance

Ross Rifle

Given to soldiers during war. Only shot once at a time. Was unsuitable for conditions of trenches.

Russian Revolution

A provisional government was formed. Bolshevik Revolution. Formed communism

Henri Bourasse

Most outspoken critics about conscription. Said we lost enough men and spent enough money on a war thats not about us.

Militarys Voters Act

Allowed men and women overseas to vote

Spanish Influenza

Spread across Europe, soldiers brought to N.America. 22million died