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160 Cards in this Set

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Heteroloboseids is

A brain eating amoeba

Bacteria & Archaea mass

10 times greater than all eukaryotes

What 2 organelles evolved from prokaryotes?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts

2 main branches of prokaryotes evolution are?

Bacteria and Archaea

Shapes: spheres, rods, and helical are named what?

Cocci, bacilli, spirilla

Nearly all prokaryotes have a _____ external to the plasma membrane

Cell wall

Cell walls in prokaryotes have what 3 functions?

1 maintain cell shape

2 afford physical protection

3 prevent bursting in hypotonic environments

________ is a cell wall made of sugars linked with polypeptides


Archaea cell walls contain _______&______ but lack peptidoglycan.

Polysaccharides proteins

Gram positive bacteria have a _______ layer of peptidoglycan and will stain the color _________.

Thick, purple or blue

Among pathogens, gram ___________ are more threatening than gram __________.

Negative, positive

What makes gram negative bacteria more threatening?

Lipopolysaccharides are toxic (their otter most layer)

Outer membrane protects against host defenses

Greater resistance to antibiotics

_________ inhibits xlink formation and interferes with cell wall function


Protective layer that is dense and well defined is a _______


Protective layer that is NOT well defined or organized is a _________

Slime layer

Capsules and slime layers are sticky to help with what 2 things?

1 form colonies

2 protection from dehydration and shield from pathogens

Some prokaryotes use ______, hair like appendages, to stick together.


Some bacteria can withstand harsh conditions by forking resistant cells called ________ when they lack essential nutrients.


In a heterogenous environment many prokaryotes are capable of ______ or directional movement. 2 examples are ____&_____

Taxis, chemotaxis, phototaxis

3 major differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes


1 lack compartmentalization by internal membranes

2 have unfolded regions on plasma membrane

3 smaller, simpler genomes. Many w/ plasmids

Certain antibiotics such as _________ and ___________ bind to prokaryotes ribosomes and block protein synthesis.

Erythromycin, tetracycline

Of bacteria, Archaea, and eukarya which have a nuclear envelope?

Eukarya only

Of bacteria, Archaea and eukarya which have membrane enclosed organelles?

Eukarya only

Of bacteria, Archaea and eukarya which have peptidoglycan in the cell wall?

Bacteria only

Of bacteria, Archaea and eukarya which respond to antibiotics streptomycin and chloramphenicol?

Growth usually inhibited in bacteria but not in Archaea or eukarya

Growth is prokaryotes refers to increase in _________ size


Horizontal gene transfer facilitates rapid evolution by doing what?

Bringing DNA of different species together

What are the 3 mechanisms that prokaryotes use for gene transfer?

Transformation, transduction, and conjugation


Cells take up genes from surrounding environment


Viruses transfer genes from one prokaryote to another


Direct transfer of genes from one prokaryote to another


Use light energy


Energy from chemicals in environment


Need only CO2 (inorganic)


Require at least one organic nutrient


Photosynthetic organisms use light energy to drive synthesis of organic compounds from CO2 (plants, algae)


Need only CO2, but oxidize inorganic substances for energy (H2S, NH3, Fe+2)


Use light for energy, obtain carbon in organic form


Consume organic molecules for energy & carbon (protist, fungi, animals, some parasitic plants)

Majority of prokaryotes are classified as what energy classification?


Obligate aerobes

Use O2 for cellular respiration & cannot grow without it

Obligate anaerobes

Poisoned by O2 and may use fermentation or anaerobic respiration

Nitrogen fixation

Converts N2 to ammonia (NH3) only biomechanism that makes atmospheric N2 available to organisms

Photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation occur in different cells within the colony of _________


Cooperation may occur in surface coatings known as _________



Proteins secreted by prokaryotes (ex botulism)


Lipopolysaccharides components of the outer membranes of certain gram-negative bacteria. Released when bacteria die.

The taxonomic unit at any level of the hierarchy is called a ______


Monophyletic group is a ________


Paraphyletic groups consist of ancestral species but not all the _______


Polyphyletic group consists of various species that ______ a common ancestor.


The clade Excavate is characterized by its _________


Euglenozoans clade main feature is

A spiral or crystalline rod inside the flagella


Single large mitochondria with DNA mass called kinetoplast

Euglenids are often mixotrophs meaning they _________

Combine photosynthesis and heterotroph nutrition

______ clade is a extremely diverse clade defined by DNA data


Stramenopiles are a group of _______ _______ that includes some of the most important photosynthetic organisms on earth.

Marine algae

__________ are unicellular algae with unique glass like walls made of hydrated silica.


_________ characterized by color that results from yellow and brown carotenoids.

Golden algae

__________ are the largest and most complex algae.

Brown algae

___________have membrane-enclosed sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma membrane.


_____________ are characterized by their 2 flagella.


An example of a apicomplexans is _________


__________ are a large varied group of protists named for their use of Cilla to move and feed


Archaeplastida is a supergroup that includes _________, ______, and _______

Red algae, green algae, land plants

________ are reddish in color die to an accessory pigment called phycoerythrin that masks green of chlorophyll

Red algae

Of the two groups of green algae, is charaphytes or chlorophytes closer related to land plants?


Are plasmodial slime molds diploma or halpoid organisms?


Are cellular slime molds diploid or halpoid organisms?


Single filament of a fungi is a ________ but a network forms the _________.

Hyphae, mycelium

Cell walls of fungi are built of ________


Some fungi are _______ where the hyphae is not divided called coenocytic fungi.


Parasitic fungi have modified hyphae called ________ that penetrate host tissue.


Some mycelium have become genetically heterogenous through the fission of 2 hyphae with genetically different nuclei, called _________


Plasmogamy is

The fusion of 2 parent cytoplasms

Karyogamy is

Fusion of halpoid nuclei

Phylum Chytridomycota characteristics

Uniflagellated spores, mainly aquatic

Phylum Zygomycota characteristics

Forms mycorrhizae, ex black bread mold

Phylum Glomeromycota characteristics

Arbuscular mycorrhizae (tree looking structures) mutualistic relationship with plants

Phylum Ascomycota characteristics

Sac fungi, like morel mushrooms

Phylum Basidiomycota characteristics

Have fruiting bodies, ex shelf fungi

A mushroom is a ____________


Molds are rapidly growing, __________ reproducing fungi.


Some molds have no known sexual stage, ______________

Deutermycetes (imperfect mushrooms)

Most molds reproduce asexually using _________

Budding (simple cell division)

_______ are often mistaken for mosses.


Lichens are actually a symbiotic relationship between a ___________ and a _________, and is not truly a single organism.

Cyanobacteria or algae, fungi

Mycorrhizae refers to ______ _______

Fungus roots

Almost all ______ _______ have mycorrhizae.

Vascular plants

_______ is the name for a fungal infection in an animal.


Systemic mycoses are fungal infections that shows throughout the body usually from _______ _______

Inhaled spores

First animal fossils are ________ years old

560 million

Nearly all major body plans appear in ________ period rocks.


What caused the Cambrian explosion?

1 new predator-prey relationships

2 change in O2 levels

3 variations in HOX genes

What are the 4 key evolutionary branch points?

1 presence or absence of tissue

2 body symmetry

3 evolution of body cavities

4 protostome-deuterostome dichotomy

Except for sponges, animal embryo becomes layered through process of ________


Embryo contains concentric layer of tissue called ________ ________

Germ layers

Outer germ layer is called


Inner germ layer is called


Animals with 2 germ layers are


Animals with 3 germ layers are

Triploblastic, has additional mesoderm

Triploblastic animals without body cavity between gut and outer body wall are called ________. Example is______

Acoelomates, Flatworms


If a cavity is not completely lined with mesoderm


Animals with true coelom

Coelomates can be broken into 2 developmental modes which are:

Protostome and deuterostome

Protostomes have cleavage that is _______, determinate cleavage. Each cell already has a ______ in embryo.

Spiral, plan

Protostomes coelom forms when mesoderm splits, called ________ development.


In protostomes the ________ develops from the blastopore.


Deuterostomes have ________ indeterminate cleavage.


Deuterostomes mesoderm from the wall of archenteron hollows out to become _______ _______. This is __________ development.

Coelomic cavity, enterocoelous

Deuterostomes _______ forms from the blastopore and the _______ develops from a secondary opening.

Anus, mouth

Review graphics

All animals share a common _______


Sponges are ________ animals.


Eumetazoa is a clade of animals with _______ _________.

True tissues

Most animal phyla belong to the clade ___________


There are ____ major clades of bilaterian animals.


Bilateria clade deuterostomia is the only clade to include both ________ and ___________.

Invertebrates, vertebrates

Bilateria clade ecdysozoa include animals that _______ _______ as it grows.

Sheds exoskeleton

Bilateria clade lophotrochozoa refers to two different features observed in some members of this clade, lophophore and trochophore ________.


The phylum poriferia include __________


Sponges feed by watery entering ______ called spongocoel into the central cavity and out through the __________.

Pores, osculum

Phylum cnidaria, an ancient phylum of eumeatzoa, include _______, _______, ________, and _________.

Hydra, jellyfish, sea anemones, corals

Phylum cnidaria have body plans containing sac with ______________ cavity and single opening.


Phylum cnidaria have 2 variations of body plans. Sessile polyp plans in ______, ______, and ________. Floating medusae in _________.

Hydra, sea anemones, corals. Jellyfish

Tentacles lined with cnidocytes contain _______ _______.

Stinging capsules (nematocysts)

4 classes of cnidaria include: Hydrazoa which most alternate between _____ and ______ form. Scyphozoa which includes jellyfish and _______ form pervails. Cubozoa which are box shaped organisms with complex eyes in the ______ form. Anthozoa which includes sea anemones and coral and are ______ form only.

Polyp, medusa, medusa, medusa, polyp

Phylum ctenophora include _______.


Phylum platyhelminthes are_______


Simple excretory apparatus to remove excess liquid in planarians are called ________

Flame cells

The class trematodes are flukes, which are _________ _____ __________.

Parasites on animals

Class cestoda are _______


Phylum nemertea are _______ or _______ ________.

Ribbon or proboscis worms

Pseudocoelmate are known for a body cavity that's _is/is not_ completely lined with ________.

Is not, mesoderm

Pathenogenesis can reproduce with just _________


All 3 phyla of lophophorates (phoronida, ectoprocta, brachiopda) share common lophophore which is _________ ________ or circular fold of body wall with ________ tentacles around the mouth.

Horseshoe shaped, ciliated

Phoronids are ____________

Tube dwelling marine worms

Bryozoans are

Moss animals

Brachiopods are ____________

Lamp shell organisms

Phylum mollusca includes chitons, snails, ______, clams, octopi, and _________.

Slugs, squids

3 main parts of a mollusca organism are:

Muscular foot, visceral mass (contains internal organs), mantle (usually secretes shell)

Class polyplacophora include chitons which are known for oval shells divided into _______ dorsal plates


Class gastropoda include ______ & ________ and are known for torsion when one side of the visceral mass grows faster.

Snails and slugs

Class bivalvia including clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops have early ________.

Eyes, can determine dark from light

Class cephalopoda include _______&_________

Squids, octopi

Cephalopods are the only mollusks with ________ circulatory systems, _______ of a shell, and ________ eyes.

Closed, lack, developed

Phylum annelida are ______ ________

Segmented worms

The 3 classes of annelids are oligochaeta (ex. _________), polychaeta (ex. _________ with parapodia), and hirudinea (ex. ______)

Earthworms, tube dwelling worms, leeches

__________ is the foundation for specialization of body regions.


___________ phylum characteristics include segmentation, hard exoskeleton, and joint appendages.


Living arthropods have 3 major lineages: chelicerata, myriapoda, and hexapods & crustacea known as ____________.


Chelicerata include spiders & ________

Myriapoda include milipedes & ______

Pancrustaceans include insects & ___

Scorpions, tics, mites


Crabs, lobsters, shimp, barnacles

The only arthropods with 2 antenna are __________


Hexapoda (insects) key to success was ________


Insects have 3 body regions:

Head, thorax and abdomen

Thorax of insects have _____ pairs of walking legs.


Insects have _______ circulatory system. So they have _________ _________ for gas exchange to outside through pores called spiacles.

Open, tracheal system

Phylum echinodermata (deuterostomes) have _______ _________ systems and tube feet.

Water vascular

Echinodermata include sea stars (asteroidea), brittle starts (ophiuroidea), ___ ________ (echinoidea), sea lilies (crinoidea), and ___ __________ (holothuroidea).

Sea urchins or dollars

Sea cucumbers

Chordata phylum has _____ subphlya of invertebrates and _____ subphlylum of vertebrates.

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