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149 Cards in this Set

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arteries of the lower extremity
external iliac a.
External iliac a.
A. Deep circumflex iliac a.
B. Femoral a. (L. thigh)
C. Popliteal
Femoral artery divides into:
superficial circumflex iliac a.
descending genicular a.
profund femoral a.
profunda femoral
lateral circumflex femoral a.
medial circumflex femoral a.
perforating branches
lateral circumflex femoral a. divides into
ascending branch
desc branch
transverse branch
medial circumflex femoral a
ascending branch
transverse branch
acetabular branch
perforating branches divide into:
1, 2, 3, 4
Popliteal artery branches into:
medial superior genicular a
lateral superior genicular a
medial sural a.
lateral sural a
middle genicular a
medial inferior genicular a
lateral inferior genicular a
anterior tibial a
posterior tibial a
anterior tibial a divides into
anterior tibial recurrent a
anterior medial malleolar a
anterior lateral malleolar a
dorsalis pedis
posterior tibial a divides into
peroneal a
circumflex fibular
medial plantar a
lateral plantar a
lateral plantar includes what:
a plantar arterial arch
internal iliac artery branches into
superior gluteal a
inferior gluteal a
obturator a
fascias of the lower extremity
femoral sheath
fascia lata
crural fascia
talocrural fascia
fascia lata
IT band
lateral intermuscular septum
medial intermuscular septum
what is the lateral intermuscular septum
fascia lata of the lower extremity, attaches to the linea aspera and separates the anterior and posterior compartments of the thigh
what is the medial intermuscular septum
fascia lata of the lower extremity that attaches to the linea aspera and separates the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh
crural fascia include:
anterior curral intermuscular septum
posterior crural intermuscular septum
deep transverse fascia of the leg
what is the anterior crural intermuscular septum
it is a crural fascia that attaches to the anterior fibular border and separates the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg
what is the posterior crural intermuscular septum
it is a crural fascia that attaches to the posterior fibular border and separates the lateral and posterior compartments of the leg
what is the deep transverse fascia of the leg
a crural fascia that separates teh superficial and deep psoterior compartment muscles
talocrural fascia
superior extensor retinaculum
inferior extensor retinaculum
superior peroneal retinaculum
inferior peroneal retinaculum
what is the superior extensor retinaculum
it is a talocrural fascia that extends from the distal tibia to the distal fibula
what is the infeiror extensor retinaculum
a talocrural fascia that extends from the calcaneus to the navicular and medial malleolus
whats the superior peroneal retinaculum
talocrural fascia that extends from the lateral malleolus to the calcaneus
whats the inferior peroneal retinaculum
a talocrural fascia that extends from the inferior extensor retinaculum to the calcaneus
joints of the pelvic girdle and hip
pubic symphysis
what type of synovial classification is the sacroiliac joint
what type of synovial classification is the hip
ball and socket
synovial classification of the knee
synovial classification of proximal tibiofibular
ankle and foot joints
classification of the talocrural joint
hinge (ginglymus)
classification of subalar joint
classification of tarsometatarsal joint
classification of metatarsophalangeal joint
classification of interphalangeal joint
name the ligaments of the pelvic girdle and hip
A. Sacrotuberous
B. Sacrospinous
C. Fibrous joint capsule
D. Iliofemoral
E. Pubofemoral
F. Ischiofemoral
G. Ligament of the femoral head
H. Transverse acetabular
A. Sacrotuberous
from posterior iliac spine & lateral margin of the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity
B. Sacrospinous
from the ischial spine to lateral margin of the sacrum
C. Fibrous joint capsule
from the margin of the acetabulum to the neck, intertrochanteric line & intertrochanteric crest of the femur
D. Iliofemoral ligament
from the anterior inferior iliac spine to the intertrochanteric line of femur
function- limits extension of the femur
E. Pubofemoral ligament
from the iliopubic eminence and superior pubic ramus to the fibrous capsule
function- limits abduction of the femur
F. Ischiofemoral ligament
from the ischium posterior to the acetabulum to the greater trochanter & iliofemoral ligament
function- assists the iliofemoral lig. in limiting extension of the femur
G. Ligament of the femoral head
from the fovea of the femoral head to the acetabular notch
H. Transverse acetabularligament
interconnects the margins of the acetabular notch
knee and leg ligaments
A. Fibrous capsule of knee
B. Tibial (medial) collateral
C. Fibular (lateral) collateral
D. Anterior cruciate (L. crux, cross)
E. Posterior cruciate
F. Menisci (G. meniskos, crescent)
G. Crural interosseous membrane
A. Fibrous capsule of knee
attachments- from the margins of the femoral condyles to the margins of the tibial condyles
B. Tibial (medial) collateral ligament
attachments- from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial condyle & shaft of the tibia
function- stabilizes the medial aspect of the joint (prevents abduction of the tibia)
C. Fibular (lateral) collateral ligament
attachments- from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula
function- stabilizes the lateral aspect of the joint (prevents adduction of the tibia)
D. Anterior cruciate ligament (L. crux, cross)
attachments- from the medial part of the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the posterior part of the medial surface of the lateral condyle of the femur
function- prevents posterior displacement of the femur on the tibia and hyperextension of the knee
E. Posterior cruciate ligament
attachments- from the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the lateral surface of the medial condyle of the femur
function- prevents the anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia
F. Menisci (G. meniskos, crescent)
1. Medial
2. Lateral
medial attachments - anterior & posterior regions of the intercondylar area of the tibia & fibrous capsule at the tibial collateral ligament

lateral attachments- anterior & posterior regions of the intercondylar area of tibia
G. Crural interosseous membrane
attachments- from interosseous border of the tibia to the interosseous border of the fibula
ligaments of the ankle and foot
talocrural fibrous capsule
medial collateral
lateral ligament complex of ankel
long plantar
short plantar
plantar calcaneonavicular
A. Talocrural fibrous capsule
from the borders of the articular surfaces of tibia & malleoli to the margins of the trochlear surface of the talus
B. Medial collateral (deltoid) ligament
from the medial malleolus to the talus, navicular & sustentaculum tali of the calcaneous
function- stabilizes joint & resists forced eversion
C. Lateral ligament complex (of ankle)
function- stabilize joint & resist forced inversion
attachments- from the lateral malleolus to the talus and calcaneous
D. Long plantar ligament
attachments- from the plantar surfaces of the calcaneous & cuboid to the plantar surfaces of the bases of the metatarsals
E. Short plantar (plantar calcaneocuboid) ligament
from calcaneous to the plantar surface of the cuboid
F. Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
- from the anterior margin of the sustentaculum tali to the plantar surface of the navicular
function- supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot
anterior femoral muscles
I. Anterior femoral muscles
A. Iliacus
attachments- from iliac fossa, iliac crest & sacrum to the lesser trochanter of the femur
actions- flexes thigh and stabilizes hip joint
innervation- femoral nerve
B. Psoas (L. muscle of the loin)
attachments- from anterior lumbar transverse processes vertebral bodies & discs to the lesser trochanter of the femur
actions- flexes thigh and stabilizes hip joint
innervation- ventral rami L1-3
C. Rectus femoris (L2, 3, 4) (L. straight)
attachments- from anterior inferior iliac spine and groove superior to the acetabulum to the base of the patella
actions- flexes thigh, and extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
D. Sartorius (L. sartor, a tailor)
attachments- from anterior superior iliac spine to the medial aspect of the proximal tibia
actions- flexes, abducts & laterally rotates thigh, and flexes leg
innervation- femoral nerve
E. Tensor fasciae latae
attachments- from anterior superior iliac spine & adjacent iliac crest to iliotibial tract
actions- abducts, flexes & medially rotates thigh, and assists in maintaining extended leg
innervation- superior gluteal nerve

- 8B -
F. Vastus intermedius (L2, 3, 4)
attachments- from the anterior aspect of the proximal 2/3rds of the femoral shaft to the base of the patella
actions- extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
G. Vastus lateralis (L2, 3, 4)
attachments- from the intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity & linea aspera to the lateral border of the patella
actions- extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
H. Vastus medialis (L2, 3, 4)
attachments- from the intertrochanteric line, linea aspera & medial supracondylar line to the medial border of the patella
actions- extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
attachments- from iliac fossa, iliac crest & sacrum to the lesser trochanter of the femur
actions- flexes thigh and stabilizes hip joint
innervation- femoral nerve
B. Psoas (L. muscle of the loin)
attachments- from anterior lumbar transverse processes vertebral bodies & discs to the lesser trochanter of the femur
actions- flexes thigh and stabilizes hip joint
innervation- ventral rami L1-3
C. Rectus femoris (L2, 3, 4) (L. straight)
attachments- from anterior inferior iliac spine and groove superior to the acetabulum to the base of the patella
actions- flexes thigh, and extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
D. Sartorius (L. sartor, a tailor)
attachments- from anterior superior iliac spine to the medial aspect of the proximal tibia
actions- flexes, abducts & laterally rotates thigh, and flexes leg
innervation- femoral nerve
E. Tensor fasciae latae
attachments- from anterior superior iliac spine & adjacent iliac crest to iliotibial tract
actions- abducts, flexes & medially rotates thigh, and assists in maintaining extended leg
innervation- superior gluteal nerve
F. Vastus intermedius (L2, 3, 4)
attachments- from the anterior aspect of the proximal 2/3rds of the femoral shaft to the base of the patella
actions- extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
G. Vastus lateralis (L2, 3, 4)
attachments- from the intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity & linea aspera to the lateral border of the patella
actions- extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
H. Vastus medialis (L2, 3, 4)
attachments- from the intertrochanteric line, linea aspera & medial supracondylar line to the medial border of the patella
actions- extends leg
innervation- femoral nerve
medial femoral muscles
A. Adductor brevis
attachments- from the pubic body & inferior pubic ramus to line between lesser trochanter & linea aspera
actions- adducts thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
B. Adductor longus
attachments- from pubic crest to linea aspera
actions- adducts & flexes thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
C. Adductor magnus
attachments- from the inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus & tuberosity to gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line & adductor tubercle of the femur
actions- adducts (adductor part) & extends (hamstring part) thigh
innervation- obturator nerve (adductor region) & tibial division (hamstring region) of the sciatic nerve
D. Gracilis (L. scanty)
attachments- from the the body of the pubis & inferior pubic ramus to the proximal, medial tibia
actions- flexes & medially rotates the leg, and adducts thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
E. Pectineus
attachments- from pectin pubis & pubic tubercle to the femur between the lesser trochanter & linea aspera
actions- adducts & flexes thigh
innervation- femoral nerve & accessory obturator nerve when this nerve is present
F. Obturator externus
attachments- from the external aspect of the pelvic wall to the trochanteric fossa
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
A. Adductor brevis
attachments- from the pubic body & inferior pubic ramus to line between lesser trochanter & linea aspera
actions- adducts thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
B. Adductor longus
attachments- from pubic crest to linea aspera
actions- adducts & flexes thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
C. Adductor magnus
attachments- from the inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus & tuberosity to gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line & adductor tubercle of the femur
actions- adducts (adductor part) & extends (hamstring part) thigh
innervation- obturator nerve (adductor region) & tibial division (hamstring region) of the sciatic nerve
D. Gracilis (L. scanty)
attachments- from the the body of the pubis & inferior pubic ramus to the proximal, medial tibia
actions- flexes & medially rotates the leg, and adducts thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
E. Pectineus
attachments- from pectin pubis & pubic tubercle to the femur between the lesser trochanter & linea aspera
actions- adducts & flexes thigh
innervation- femoral nerve & accessory obturator nerve when this nerve is present
F. Obturator externus
attachments- from the external aspect of the pelvic wall to the trochanteric fossa
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- obturator nerve
muscles of the gluteal region
A. Gemellus inferior (L. twin)
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity to the obturator internus tendon
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the quadratus femoris
- 9B -
B. Gemellus superior
attachments- from the ischial spine to the obturator internus tendon
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the obturator internus
C. Gluteus maximus
attachments- from the aponeurosis of the erector spinae, sacrum, sacrotuberus ligament & posterior gluteal line (inominate) to the greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity of the femur & the iliotibial tract
actions- extends & laterally rotates thigh, & tenses fascia lata (iliotibial tract)
innervation- inferior gluteal nerve
D. Gluteus medius
attachments- from the external iliac surface to the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter
actions- abducts & medially rotates thigh; and keeps the pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
innervation- superior gluteal nerve
E. Gluteus minimis
attachments- from the external iliac surface to the anterolateral aspect of the greater trochanter
actions- abducts & medially rotates thigh; and keeps the pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
innervation- superior gluteal nerve
F. Obturator internus
attachments- from the anterolateral wall of the pelvis & obturator membrane to the medial surface of the greater trochanter
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the obturator internus
G. Piriformis
attachments- from the anterolateral sacrum & posterior inferior iliac spine to the upper border of the greater trochanter
actions- abducts & laterally rotates thigh
innervation- branches of the lumbosacral plexus
H. Quadratus femoris
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity to the quadrate tubercle of the femur
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the quadratus femoris
A. Gemellus inferior (L. twin)
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity to the obturator internus tendon
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the quadratus femoris
B. Gemellus superior
attachments- from the ischial spine to the obturator internus tendon
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the obturator internus
C. Gluteus maximus
attachments- from the aponeurosis of the erector spinae, sacrum, sacrotuberus ligament & posterior gluteal line (inominate) to the greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity of the femur & the iliotibial tract
actions- extends & laterally rotates thigh, & tenses fascia lata (iliotibial tract)
innervation- inferior gluteal nerve
D. Gluteus medius
attachments- from the external iliac surface to the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter
actions- abducts & medially rotates thigh; and keeps the pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
innervation- superior gluteal nerve
E. Gluteus minimis
attachments- from the external iliac surface to the anterolateral aspect of the greater trochanter
actions- abducts & medially rotates thigh; and keeps the pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
innervation- superior gluteal nerve
F. Obturator internus
attachments- from the anterolateral wall of the pelvis & obturator membrane to the medial surface of the greater trochanter
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the obturator internus
G. Piriformis
attachments- from the anterolateral sacrum & posterior inferior iliac spine to the upper border of the greater trochanter
actions- abducts & laterally rotates thigh
innervation- branches of the lumbosacral plexus
H. Quadratus femoris
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity to the quadrate tubercle of the femur
actions- laterally rotates thigh
innervation- nerve to the quadratus femoris
posterior femoral muscles
A. Biceps femoris
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity (long head) & lateral lip of linea aspera & lateral supracondylar line (short head) to the fibular head
actions- flexes leg (both heads) & extends thigh (long head only)
innervation- tibial (long head) & peroneal (short head) divisions of the sciatic nerve
B. Semimembranosus
attachments- from ischial tuberosity to posterior aspect of the medial tibial condyle
actions- extends thigh & flexes leg
innervation- tibial division of the sciatic nerve
C. Semitendinosus
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity to the proximal, medial tibia
actions- extends thigh & flexes leg
innervation- tibial division of the sciatic nerve
A. Biceps femoris
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity (long head) & lateral lip of linea aspera & lateral supracondylar line (short head) to the fibular head
actions- flexes leg (both heads) & extends thigh (long head only)
innervation- tibial (long head) & peroneal (short head) divisions of the sciatic nerve
B. Semimembranosus
attachments- from ischial tuberosity to posterior aspect of the medial tibial condyle
actions- extends thigh & flexes leg
innervation- tibial division of the sciatic nerve
C. Semitendinosus
attachments- from the ischial tuberosity to the proximal, medial tibia
actions- extends thigh & flexes leg
innervation- tibial division of the sciatic nerve
anterior crural muscles
A. Extensor digitorum longus
attachments- from the lateral tibial condyle, proximal 3/4th of the fibula and interosseous membrane to the dorsal digital expansions of toes 2-5
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and extends digits 2-5 (IP & MP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
B. Extensor hallucis longus (L. hallex, great toe)
attachments- from the middle 1/2 of the fibular surface & interosseous membrane to the distal phalangeal base of the 1st toe
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and extends great toe (MP & IP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
C. Peroneus tertius
attachments- from the distal fibula and interosseous membrane to the base of the 5th metatarsal
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and everts foot
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
D. Tibialis anterior
attachments- from the lateral condyle and proximal 2/3rds of the tibia’s lateral surface & interosseous membrane to the medial cuneiform & adjacent 1st metatarsal
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and inverts foot
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
A. Extensor digitorum longus
attachments- from the lateral tibial condyle, proximal 3/4th of the fibula and interosseous membrane to the dorsal digital expansions of toes 2-5
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and extends digits 2-5 (IP & MP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
B. Extensor hallucis longus (L. hallex, great toe)
attachments- from the middle 1/2 of the fibular surface & interosseous membrane to the distal phalangeal base of the 1st toe
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and extends great toe (MP & IP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
C. Peroneus tertius
attachments- from the distal fibula and interosseous membrane to the base of the 5th metatarsal
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and everts foot
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
D. Tibialis anterior
attachments- from the lateral condyle and proximal 2/3rds of the tibia’s lateral surface & interosseous membrane to the medial cuneiform & adjacent 1st metatarsal
actions- dorsiflexes ankle, and inverts foot
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
lateral crural muscles
A. Peroneus longus
attachments- from the head & proximal 2/3rds of the fibula to the lateral aspects of the 1st metatarsal & adjacent medial cuneiform
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and everts foot
innervation- superficial peroneal nerve
B. Peroneus brevis
attachments- from the distal 2/3rds of the fibula to the lateral base of the 5th metatarsal
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and everts foot
innervation- superficial peroneal nerve
A. Peroneus longus
attachments- from the head & proximal 2/3rds of the fibula to the lateral aspects of the 1st metatarsal & adjacent medial cuneiform
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and everts foot
innervation- superficial peroneal nerve
B. Peroneus brevis
attachments- from the distal 2/3rds of the fibula to the lateral base of the 5th metatarsal
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and everts foot
innervation- superficial peroneal nerve
Posterior Crural Muscles
A. Flexor digitorum longus
attachments- from the posterior tibia distal to the soleal line to the plantar surfaces of the distal phalangeal bases
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and flexes digits 2-5 (MP & IP)
innervation- tibial nerve
B. Flexor hallucis longus
attachments- from the distal 2/3rds of the posterior fibular surface & interosseous membrane to the plantar aspect of the distal phalangeal base of the 1st toe
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and flexes great toe (MP & IP)
innervation- tibial nerve
C. Gastrocnemius (S1,2) (G. gaster, belly + kneme, leg)
attachments- from the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles to the calcaneal tuberosity
actions- flexes leg, and plantar flexes ankle
innervation- tibial nerve
D. Plantaris (L. planta, sole)
attachments- from the lateral supracondylar line to the calcaneal tuberosity
actions- flexes leg, and plantar flexes ankle
innervation- tibial nerve
E. Popliteus
attachments- from the lateral femoral condyle to the soleal line of the tibia
actions- unlocks knee during (initial) flexion
innervation- tibial nerve
F. Soleus (S1,2)
attachments- from the posterior aspect of the head & proximal 1/4th of the fibula & tibial soleal line to the calcaneal tuberosity
actions- plantar flexes ankle
innervation- tibial nerve
G. Tibialis posterior
attachments- from the interosseous membrane, lateral tibial surface & medial fibular surface to the navicular, intermediate cuneiform and bases of metatarsals 2-4
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and inverts foot
innervation- tibial nerve
A. Flexor digitorum longus
attachments- from the posterior tibia distal to the soleal line to the plantar surfaces of the distal phalangeal bases
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and flexes digits 2-5 (MP & IP)
innervation- tibial nerve
B. Flexor hallucis longus
attachments- from the distal 2/3rds of the posterior fibular surface & interosseous membrane to the plantar aspect of the distal phalangeal base of the 1st toe
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and flexes great toe (MP & IP)
innervation- tibial nerve
C. Gastrocnemius (S1,2) (G. gaster, belly + kneme, leg)
attachments- from the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles to the calcaneal tuberosity
actions- flexes leg, and plantar flexes ankle
innervation- tibial nerve
D. Plantaris (L. planta, sole)
attachments- from the lateral supracondylar line to the calcaneal tuberosity
actions- flexes leg, and plantar flexes ankle
innervation- tibial nerve
E. Popliteus
attachments- from the lateral femoral condyle to the soleal line of the tibia
actions- unlocks knee during (initial) flexion
innervation- tibial nerve
F. Soleus (S1,2)
attachments- from the posterior aspect of the head & proximal 1/4th of the fibula & tibial soleal line to the calcaneal tuberosity
actions- plantar flexes ankle
innervation- tibial nerve
G. Tibialis posterior
attachments- from the interosseous membrane, lateral tibial surface & medial fibular surface to the navicular, intermediate cuneiform and bases of metatarsals 2-4
actions- plantar flexes ankle, and inverts foot
innervation- tibial nerve
muscles of the foot
A. Abductor digiti minimi
attachments- from calcaneal tuberosity to lateral side of proximal phalangeal base of 5th digit
actions- abducts & flexes 5th digit
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
B. Abductor hallucis
attachments- from medial calcaneal tuberosity to medial side of proximal phalangeal base of great toe
actions- flexes & abducts great toe
innervation- medial plantar nerve
C. Adductor hallucis
attachments- from 2-4th metatarsal bases (oblique head) & distal ends of 3-5 metatarsal (transverse head) to lateral base of proximal phalanx of great toe
actions- adducts great toe
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
D. Extensor digitorum brevis
attachments- from anterolateral calcaneus to the lateral sides of tendons of extensor digitorum longus (2-4)
actions- extension of digits 2-5 (MP & IP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
E. Extensor hallucis brevis
attachments- from anterolateral calcaneus to dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of the hallux
actions- extension of great toe (MP & IP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
F. Flexor digitorum accessorius
attachments- from medial surface of calcaneus & lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity to long flexor tendons
actions- assists flexor digitorum longus
innervation- lateral plantar nerve

- 12B -
G. Flexor digitorum brevis
attachments- from medial process of calcaneal tuberosity to sides of intermediate phalanges of digits 2-5
actions- flexes toes (proximal IP)
innervation- medial plantar nerve
H. Flexor digiti minimi
attachments- from 5th metatarsal base to proximal phalangeal base
actions- flexion of 5th digit (MP)
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
I. Flexor hallucis brevis
attachments- from cuboid & tendon of tibialis posterior to base of proximal phalanx of great toe
actions- flexion of great toe (MP)
innervation- medial plantar nerve
J. Interossei-dorsal
attachments- from metatarsal shafts to proximal phalangeal bases & dorsal digital expansions of digits 2-4
actions- abducts (MP) & flexes (MP) & extends (IP) digits 2-4
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
K. Interossei-plantar
attachments- from plantar surface of shaft of metatarsals to dorsal digital expansions of digits 3-5
actions- adducts & flexes (MP) & extends (IP) digits 3-5
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
L. Lumbricals
attachments- from tendons of flexor digitorum longus to medial sides of dorsal expansions of digits 2-5
actions- flexes proximal phalanges (MP), and extend IP joints
innervation- 1st- medial plantar nerve & 2-5- lateral plantar nerve
A. Abductor digiti minimi
attachments- from calcaneal tuberosity to lateral side of proximal phalangeal base of 5th digit
actions- abducts & flexes 5th digit
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
B. Abductor hallucis
attachments- from medial calcaneal tuberosity to medial side of proximal phalangeal base of great toe
actions- flexes & abducts great toe
innervation- medial plantar nerve
C. Adductor hallucis
attachments- from 2-4th metatarsal bases (oblique head) & distal ends of 3-5 metatarsal (transverse head) to lateral base of proximal phalanx of great toe
actions- adducts great toe
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
D. Extensor digitorum brevis
attachments- from anterolateral calcaneus to the lateral sides of tendons of extensor digitorum longus (2-4)
actions- extension of digits 2-5 (MP & IP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
E. Extensor hallucis brevis
attachments- from anterolateral calcaneus to dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of the hallux
actions- extension of great toe (MP & IP)
innervation- deep peroneal nerve
F. Flexor digitorum accessorius
attachments- from medial surface of calcaneus & lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity to long flexor tendons
actions- assists flexor digitorum longus
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
G. Flexor digitorum brevis
attachments- from medial process of calcaneal tuberosity to sides of intermediate phalanges of digits 2-5
actions- flexes toes (proximal IP)
innervation- medial plantar nerve
H. Flexor digiti minimi
attachments- from 5th metatarsal base to proximal phalangeal base
actions- flexion of 5th digit (MP)
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
I. Flexor hallucis brevis
attachments- from cuboid & tendon of tibialis posterior to base of proximal phalanx of great toe
actions- flexion of great toe (MP)
innervation- medial plantar nerve
J. Interossei-dorsal
attachments- from metatarsal shafts to proximal phalangeal bases & dorsal digital expansions of digits 2-4
actions- abducts (MP) & flexes (MP) & extends (IP) digits 2-4
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
K. Interossei-plantar
attachments- from plantar surface of shaft of metatarsals to dorsal digital expansions of digits 3-5
actions- adducts & flexes (MP) & extends (IP) digits 3-5
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
L. Lumbricals
\attachments- from tendons of flexor digitorum longus to medial sides of dorsal expansions of digits 2-5
actions- flexes proximal phalanges (MP), and extend IP joints
innervation- 1st- medial plantar nerve & 2-5- lateral plantar nerve
lumbar plexus includes
muscular branches
iliohypogastric nerve
ilioinguinal nerve
genitofemoral nerve
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
femoral nerve
obturator nerve
muscular branches o fthe lumbar plexus include
quadratus lumborum
- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation
Quadratus lumborum
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation
2. Psoas
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation
. Lateral femoral cutaneous n.
sensory & postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the skin overlying the lateral aspect of the thigh
femoral nerve includes
saphenous nerve
muscular branches
saphenous nerve
branch of the femoral nerve
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the skin overlying the medial aspect of the leg
Muscular branches of the femoral nerve
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the iliacus, pectineus, sartorius, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis & vastus intermedius muscles
Obturator nerve (L2-4)
a. Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus & obturator externus muscles
b. Accessory obturator n.
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the pectineus (when this nerve is present)
Muscular branches of the obturator nerve
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus & obturator externus muscles
Accessory obturator n.
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the pectineus (when this nerve is present)
sacral plexus includes
muscular branches of the sacral plexus
superior gluteal nerve
inferior gluteal nerve
sciatic nerve (tibial & peronial divisions)
Sacral Plexus aka
(Lumbosacral Trunk [L4-5] & S1-3)
Muscular branches of the sacral plexus
a. Nerve to the piriformis
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the piriformis muscle
b. Nerve to the quadratus femoris
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the quadratus femoris & inferior gemellus m.
c. Nerve to the obturator internus
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the obturator internus & superior gemellus m.
Superior gluteal nerve
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the gluteus medius, gluteus minimis & tensor facia lata m.
Inferior gluteal nerve
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the gluteus maximus m.
Sciatic nerve – tibial division
muscular branch and tibial nerve
sciatic nerve tibial division
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris (long head) & adductor magnus m.
Tibial nerve

divided into four nerves
i. Sural n.
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the skin overlying lateral aspect of the leg & foot
ii. Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus & flexor hallucis longus muscles
iii. Medial plantar n.
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the medial muscles of the plantar surface of the foot
- 14B -
iv. Lateral plantar n.
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the lateral muscles of the plantar surface of the foot
sural nerve (of tibial)
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the skin overlying lateral aspect of the leg & foot
Muscular branches of tibial nerve
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus & flexor hallucis longus muscles
Medial plantar n.
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the medial muscles of the plantar surface of the foot
Lateral plantar n.
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the lateral muscles of the plantar surface of the foot
Sciatic nerve – peroneal (fibular) nerve
of sacral plexus

muscular branch to short head of biceps femoris

common peroneal nerve
muscular branch to short head of biceps femoris
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the short head of the biceps femoris
Common peroneal (fibular) n.
from the sciatic nerve which is from the sacral plexus

lateral sural nerve
deep peroneal nerve
suerficial peroneal nerve
Muscular branch to short head of biceps femoris
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the short head of the biceps femoris
Lateral sural n.
sensory & postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the skin overlying the lateral aspect of the leg
Deep peroneal (fibular)n.
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus & peroneus tertius m.
Superficial peroneal (fibular) n.
sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & motor (lmn) innervation of the peroneus longus & brevis m.