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22 Cards in this Set

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John Locke
an enlightenment thinker
Thomas Hobbes
a natural law philosopher
the power or complete rule by the people
Unitary Government
the central government possesses much authority and decision-making power.
to rule over
one person is in charge of the government
Second continental congress
the 13 states met to discus the declaration of independence
. The Federalist (papers)
government that was adopted by the states of he constitution. The people in the federalist party
. Declaration of Independence
document written by thomas jefferson to free america from englands rule
Federal Government
shares sovereignty over the United States with the governments of the individual U.S. states.
Magna Carta
Limited kings rights
has constitutional law and common law
Three Fifths Compromise
the slaves were freed
people against having states that have more power then the central government
Implied Powers
are powers not given to the government directly through the constitution, but are implied.
Delegated Powers
powers that the national government are specifically granted in the Constitution
Reserved Powers
powers given to the states that are not in the US Constitution
the act of amending or correcting
Bill of Rights
A formal statement that includes rights of the people The right to bear arms, life, liberty or property. The first ten articles of amendment
Checks and Balances
# The separation of powers
Rule of Law
the doctrine that no individual is above the law and that everyone must answer to it
Separation of Powers
connected to check and balances
Limited Government
A government doesn’t have full rule over because they are restricted by laws