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20 Cards in this Set

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Why don't antibiotics destroy viruses?
viruses reproduce in our cells, which makes it very difficult to remove the virus without killing our body cells

What are some infectious diseases?

Chicken pox, cold, whooping cough, measles, flu, STD
What are some non-infectious diseases?
Cancer, scurvy, diabetes, autism, down syndrome, rickets

What is obesity? How do you become obese? Usual causes?

you can become obese when you take in more energy than your body needs ,leading it to store it as excess fat.

usual causes are: bad diet, overeating, lack of


What are the benefits to exercising?


*you become more healthier

* the energy taken in or stored is transferred to muscle.

*increases your metabolism rate.

*less likely to face health problems.

What are ways that a disease can be caught?

Direct contact-skin to skin contact.

enter through your skin-where pathogens enter into your blood stream through a cut.

contaminated food or drink-eating or drinking substances that contain large numbers of bacteria.

What do plants compete for? What do animals compete for? Why do they compete?

plants: Light, water (both for photosynthesis) space and nutrients.

animals: Food, territory and mates.


To survive and reproduce, so that the species continues.

What does FSH do/its job? Oestrogen? LH?

FSH - matures an egg and stimulates the release of oestrogen.

Oestrogen - thickens the lining of the uterus- in preparation for the egg. It inhibits the release of FSH so that only 1 egg is matured at a times, and stimulates the release of LH.

LH- it releases the egg

When is the egg released? Explain the steps of the menstruation cycle, including days

The egg is released at the peak of production of LH.

1-5 the old egg is removed and menstruation begins

1-12 new egg maturing, which happens in the ovaries.

12-16 egg released from the ovaries.

15-23 the egg travels down the fallopian tubes

20-28 egg implanted in the uterus.

what does contraceptive pills contain ? what do they do? (stops pregnancy)


it contains oestrogen and progesterone(thickens the lining of the womb)

contraceptive pills contains oestrogen that stops the production of FSH meaning that no eggs can be matured

(encourages pregnancy) what does IVF do ?

what does it contain?

why is it used?

a fertility drug containing FSH and LH is given to the women. this causes the release of multiple mature eggs.

* the matured egg is collected

* sperm is then used to fertilise the eggs

* when it is fertilised it becomes a embryo

* the embryo is placed into a surrogate mother


it is used when the women is unfertile


multiple births effects of vomiting pain dehydration

(bad cholesterol) what does LDL do? (low density lipoproteins)

it carries cholesterol to the cells.

high levels of LDL causes fat to build up in the arteries causing the walls to narrow.

this may lead to plaque to form, heart disease or heart attacks.

(good cholesterol) What does HDL do? (high density lipoprotein)

they remove the cholesterol in the walls of the arteries to help prevent it from building up.

it is carried to the liver.

Why does the biomass get smaller at each trophic stage in a pyramid of biomass?
Biomass is lost through waste (faeces and urine) by the animal eating the plant, and it uses some biomass to respire and do processes like movement and for heat, there is also loss of CO2 and not all of the food may be eaten- so the biomass decreases. This happens up each tropic level.
What is tissue culture? Aseptic technique?

A way of cloning plants. Groups of cells are taken from the leaf or stem of the plant. They are encouraged to grow because they are put in agar jelly (contains vitamins, sugars and plant hormones). The conditions are sterile so that the cells are not destroyed. Plants grow and are planted in individual pots of soil. 1000s of clones of the parent plant are produced, though it is a more expensive technique.

How is decay encouraged in compost bins?

The micro-organisms have to be in the correct environment:

Lots of oxygen (from the air)- holes in the compost box/bin. Microbes use oxygen for respiration.

Warm temperature- respiration produces heat

Moisture- rain water comes in through the top.

What are 2 pollution indicators? What do they measure?

Lichens (air pollution) - react to Sulphur dioxide. Less pollution means more varieties of lichen.

Invertebrates (water pollution) - different organisms live in different pollution levels. E.g fresh water shrimp live in no pollution and high oxygen levels.

How can the number of deaths caused by MRSA be reduced? (especially in hospitals)
Don't overuse antibiotics. Use specific antibiotics to that specific bacteria. Medical staff should sanitize their hands between patients. Medical staff should wear disposable clothing or clothing that is sterilized frequently. Visitors should sanitize their hands as they enter/exit the hospital. Patients with MRSA should be isolated from the other patients. Hospitals should have high standards on hygiene.
What are symptoms of infectious diseases?
High temperature, headaches and rashes. These can appear as a result of damage caused by the toxins or from the body's response to the disease.

What are the pros and cons of vaccinations?


*vaccines help control the infectious disease

*can prevent a epidemic (outbreak of disease)


*vaccines font always work.

*you can have a bad reaction towards the vaccine such as swelling up fever or a seizure.