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24 Cards in this Set

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- chancellor of Prussia
- wanted to unite northern Germany
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Wilhelm I
the king of Prussia.
Schleswig & Holstein
- 2 provencies of the king of Denmark(but still not completely part)
- the 2 provencies seperate Prussia and Denmark
Dannish king
- Fredrick VII dies.
- has no air to the thrown
- 2 people claim it
- Christian (Dannish) & Augustenbirg (German)
- Major powers - Britian, Prussia, Austria
- the M.P get worried because tehy dont want a random person being king because of Denmarks great posistion.
- Christian Becomesa king - later called christian IX
Christian IX
- rules of becoming king - CAN NOT ANNEX!( Schleswig and holstein)
- The first thing he does is Annex
Reaction of The Annex
- Bismark tells Austria that they need to take away the treaty of london (this made sure that they didnt attack Denmark)
- Bismark sends Unltimatum
- impossible to react to this - Denmark is defeated
- Treaty of Vienna
- Prussia got Schleswig & Austria got Holstein
Isolating Austria(Bismark- Begining)
- Thought this would just be temperary
- Bismark planning to Isolate Austria(needed to make sure that knowone would help them)
Help Austria?
- Russia and Austria not friends and not likely to help
- Britian wont help because they dont get involved with Eorpean war
- Franch most likely to help them - they are both catholic and both do not want a strong Germany
Meeting between Bismark and Napoleon III
- meeting at biarritz with Napoleon III
- Bismark convinces him to be neutral
- Napoleon wants something for what he did so he asks for - land on the Rhine River and that Austria needs to be the Aggressor(attack first)- Nap. thinks that he gets the better side of things because they will conquer each other
Bismark accuses Austria!
- Bismark Accuses Austria of not running Holstein the right way.
- Austria sends troops to Holstein - Prussia invades.
- Austria declares war
Battle of Sadowa
- Battle of Sadowa - Austria is defeated (3 weeks)
- Bismark does not not completely kill out Austria(not going to Vienna) hoping that they will be friends later
Treaty of Prague
- Ends the battle
- all states North of River Rhine(22 states)
- N.G.C Formed.
Napoleon and his Demands(1)
- He wants the land promised to him (asks for it in writting)
- publishes the paper
- He figures out that the land wasn't his to give(Bivarya)
- Bismark says no, he would never give away any land
- Bivarya felt threatened by France- they ask for Alliance
Napoleon and his Demands (2)
- demands Luxembourg - needs permission from because they are the high power around there.
- demands in writting - bismark says no
- Conference held in London - declare Luxenburg Independent
- (France and Britain relationship being messed with)
Napoleon and his Demands (3)
- He wants Belgium - they have investments in Railroads
- asks agian in writting
- he says no and Bismark keeps it.
Isolation of of France
- Bismark realizes that war will come soon with France but he still doesnt want to fight
- he prepares for war by isolating France
- They were treated lienently by Bismark
- Bismark also warned Austria that if they would help France then Russia would attack them
Isolation of France (2)
- Bismark publishes French claims for Belgium
- Britian would get would be furious because they declaimed bulguim to be neutral & offered to protect it.
- Italy was becoming unified - they needed Rome but French were there
Immediate Causes
- Spain had succesion problems
- Isabella reitired she had no air to thrown (Spain)-They offer it to Leopold (he was cousins with Wilhelm hes Prussian) he accepts
- Fr. gets mad because they are now surrounded by Germany)
- Fr. sends Beneditt - to discuss with Wilhelm about Leopold - he was at Ems
- Napoleon told Benidetti to ask Leopld to withdraw- Wilhelm agrees- Leopold withdraws to Ems
- France sends Beneditt back to get a apoligy from Wilhelm - France wanted to humilate
Immediate Causes
- Napoleon told Beneditt to tell Wilhelm to promise that no Rpyal Family of Germany will accept the thrown from Spain
- Wilhelm politely refuses
Ems Telogram
- Wilhelm sends Bismark a telogram
- saying whats going just he shortens it so it sounds like it wasnt not a polite conversation and that France had been rude
- Publishing it was his excuse to this in the French and German Newspapers
Franco Prussian war
- France mad so they dclare war
- Frances Prime ministor wants war with Napoleon- he agrees- WAR!
- France later surrenders
- Wilhelm crowned Empörer
Treaty of Frankfurt
- ended war
- France humilated and had war debt
Army of Occupation
- army was waiting untill the French would pay it back
- They also lost Alsace & Lorraine - both have iron and steel - Prussia took them both