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75 Cards in this Set

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al cafe
to the cafe
al club
to the club
a una reunion
to a meeting
a una fiesta de gala
to a gala
a una fiesta de cumpleonos
to a birthday party
al cine
to the movies
al concierto de
to the concert of
a la piscina
to the pool
al lago
to the lake
a dar una paseo
to go for a stroll
al gimnasio
to the gym
al estadio
to the stadium
a un baile
to a dance
al centro comercial
to the mall
al museo
to the museum
al centro comunitario
to the community center
a una galeria
to a gallery
al teatro
to the theatre
al show
to the show
a la playa
to the beach
a la laguna
to the lagoon
al partido
to the game
a la cancha de tenis
to the tennis court
al campo deportivo
to the sports field
to get together
contar chistes
to tell jokes
encontrarse con amigos
to meet with friends
conocer a los invitados
to meet the guests
ir de compras
to go shopping
ver una exposicion
to see an exhibit
criticar pinturas/cuadros
to criticize painting
hacer cola
to stand in line
to obtain/get
la funcion
the performance
reservar los asientos
to reserve the seats
to whistle
to swim
hacer esqui acuatico
to water ski
to sail
to jump
to jog
lanzar/tirar la pelota
to throw the ball
ir a un partido
to go to a game/match
ponerse en forma
to get in shape
hacer ejercicio
to exercise
practicar la gimnasio
to do gymnastics
jugar un juego
to play a game
ganar el juego/partido
to win a game/match
perder el juego/partido
to lose a match/game
to talk/chat
to dance
conocer al anfitrion
to meet the host
conocer a la anfitriona
to meet the hostess
asistir a una conferencia
to attend the conference
admirar obras de teatro
to admire works of art
comentar sobre los retratos
to comment about the portraits
comprar boletos/entradas
to buy tickets
ticket window
escuchar la orquesta, la banda
to listen to the orchestra. the band
aplaudir a los musicos, a los cantantes
to applaud the musicians, the singers
chiflar a las malas canciones
to hiss, to boo the bad songs
tomar el sol
to sunbathe
to scuba dive
practicar el atletismo
to do track and field
to run
jugar al futbol, al baloncesto/basquetbol
to play soccer, basketball
atrapar el frisbee
to catch the frisbee
estar ocupado
to be busy
to train
levantar pesas
to lift weights
to sweat
jugar un partido
to play a match
ganar un punto
to earn a point
participar en un campeonato, un torneo
to participate in a championship, a tournament