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28 Cards in this Set

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What is the urachus?
Extends from umbilicus to apex of bladder
Connects bladder to allantoic sac in fetus
What is the coursing of the umbilical arteries?
What kind of blood do they carry?
Extend from umbilicus to iliac arteries
Carries O2 poor blood from fetus to placenta.
Become round ligaments of the bladder
What is the coursing of the umbilical vein?
What kind of blood do they carry?
Extends from umbilicus to liver
Carries O2 rich blood from placenta to ductus venosus.
What structures are in the external ubmilical remnants?
Umbilical arteries
Umbilical vein
What are two forms of umbilical hernias in foals?
Congenital - usually closes by day 4
Developmental - usually develops at 5-8 weeks of age
What are clinical signs of a reducible umbilical hernia?
Reducible = uncomplicated
No swelling/edema on palpation
No pain on palpation
Contents feel fluidy, soft
No signs of systemic disease
What are clinical signs of a non-reducible umbilical hernia?
Non-reducible = complicated
Contents feel denser, possibly hard, warm, painful
Why might an umbilical hernia be non-reducible?
Incarceration of herniated bowel (colic, shock)
Umbilical infection - often these animals are "poor doers". They can have fever and signs of sepsis
What is the treatment for uncomplicated hernias?
Manual reduction BID
Abdominal bandage (+/- half a tennis ball)
DO NOT use umbilical clamps or elastrator band
At what point should you decide to use surgical treatment for an umbilical hernia?
Hernia ring > 10 cm
No resolution with medical treatment at 4-5 months of age
Signs of incarceration develop
What size of hernia is especially prone to result in bowel incarceration?
3-7 cm diameter hernias
How do you treat an umbilical hernia if there are signs of bowel incarceration?
Emergency laparotomy +/- intestinal resection.
Closure of hernia (herniorrhaphy)
If there is evidence of infection, w/o incarceration, you may want to start abx, and then wait to do the surgery.
What is ophalitis?
Abscess/infection in the umbilical remnants
What is omphalophlebitis?
Abscess/infection in the umbilical vein
What is omphaloarteritis?
Abscess/infection in the umbilical artery/arteries
What are some possible etiologies of umbilical infection?
Infection pre-partum (placentitis)
Hematogenous infection post-partum (via GI tract)
Ascending infection post-partum (via umbilical remnants)
What are clinical signs of umbilical infection?
Umbilical enlargement
Low IgG levels
Systemic signs of sepsis
Inflammatory CBC
+/- 2 joint infections
+/- septic osteomyelitis
What size should the umbilical vein be in foals less than 10 days, and over 10 days?
< 10 days: <10 mm
>10 days: <5 mm
What size should the umbilical arteries be in a foal less than 10 days old, and over 10 days?
<10 days: <10 mm
>10 days: <5 mm
What size should the urachus + umbilical arteries be in foals under and over 10 days old?
<10 days: <24 mm
>10 days: <24 mm
When should you perform surgical resection of the umbilicus?
Concurrent disease (septicemia, diarrhea, septic joints, pneumonia)
No improvement within 7 days of medical treatment of infection
Worsening of clinical condition of the foal.
What is the hallmark of a patent urachus?
Urine dribble from umbilicus despite urinating through urethra.
True or false:
The urachus can re-open day(s) post partum if the foal is compromised (septic)
What is the medical treatment for patent urachus?
Keep umbilicus clean, dry
Prophylactic systemic abx
DO NOT use silver nitrate
Should resolve within 2-7 days
What is the treatment for patent urachus if the foal has concurrent disease?
Surgical resection of umbilical remnants
True or false:
Umbilical hernias in calves are usually congenital and hereditary.
What are the most common hernia contents for a calf?
Small intestines
What should you do if the umbilical infection extends all the way to the liver?
Umbilical vein marsupialization to allow for drainage.