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94 Cards in this Set

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In the mosaic pattern which lung is abnormal; the lucent or opacified lung
lucent lung
How do you determine if the lucent lung is the abnormal lung and the pattern is mosaic
if there is a sharp distiction between the lung densities and geographic.
if on expiratory films the opacified lung becomes more prominent
vessel size discrepancy (greater in opacified section of the lung)
If the vessels are larger in the opacified lung than the lucent lung what is the pattern
mosaic pattern
What causes a mosaic perfusion pattern
air trapping
What is the ddx of mosaic pattern
small airway and small vessel disease
How do you differentiate the cause of mosaic pattern (small airway disease or small vessel disease)
by doing an inspiratory and expiratory film. If a pt has increased density of the opacified lung during expiration than it is from small airway disease
What is a more common cause of mosaic pattern; small airway or small vessel disease
small airway is far more common
What is the differential diagnosis of mosaic pattern that is caused by small airway disease
constrictive bronchiolitis (bronchiolitis obliterans)
What is the pathology that results in the mosaic pattern from small vessel disease
chronic PE
What are 3 findings on HRCT of mosaic pattern
geographic (with sharp borders)
increased density of opacified lung during inspiration
bigger vessels in opacified area
Does the opacified portion of the mosaic pattern resulting form small airways disease have a lobular appearance
What is the ddx of GGO centrilobular disease
HP (by far the most common)
RB if they are a smoker
viral infection
follicular bronchiolitis
What are conditions when follicular bronchiolitis may occur
collagen disease, immunosupression
What is the DDX of dense centrilobular disease
endobronchial spread of infection (by far most common)
vascular causes
What are two types of centrilobular nodulars
GGO centrilobular nodules
dense centrilobular nodules
Can vascular abnormalities cause dense centrilobular nodules
yes, edema or hemorrhage
What are some causes of diffuse tracheal wall thickening
relapsing polychondritis
tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (nodular)
What types of infection can cause diffuse tracheal wall thickening
what are the 'oids' that can cause diffuse tracheal wall thickening
How does tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica appear on CT
nodular thickening
What does tracheal wall thickening look like on plain film
enlarged paratracheal stripe
Does relapsing polychondritis spare the posterior tracheal membrane
What are the 4 that should be on the top of the differential for diffuse tracheal thickening
the 'oids' (sarcoid, amyloid, weg'noid)
and relapsing polychondritis (spares posterior membrane)
What is the differential for cystic bronchiectasis of the lower lobes
post viral (child)
william campell (A rare disorder involving a reduction or absence of cartilage in the bronchi which affects lung functioning)
What is the ddx for upper lobe bronchiectasis that is symmetric
What is the ddx for asymmentric upper lobe bronchiectasis
TB, ABPA, bronchial atresia, endobronchial tumor or stricture
If a pt has a history of asthma and a high density mucus plug
A hazy veil like density with left sided volume loss
LUL collapse
What do you see in left lower lobe collapes
a straightening of the left heart border
What causes a combine RML and RLL collapse
bonchus intermedius obstruction
Where are pulmonary sequestrations usually located
the left side
What is the drainage for an intralobar sequestration
systemic arterial supple and drains to the azygous vein
Does intralobar have its own pleural covering
no, it is with in the normal covering of the lung, extralobar has its own covering
What is congenital intralobar or extralobar pulm sequestration
What commonly presents as an adult intralobar or extralobar
intralobar (its not congenital so can present later)
What is the presentation of a intralobar pulm sequaestration
recurrent infections
Can intralobar have systemic venous drainage
yes, it can have systemic or pulmonary drainage
What is the arterial supply for both intralobar and extralobar pulmonary sequestrations
What is the density of a pulmonary sequestration
solid cystic or lucent
Which type of pulmonary sequstration may have pulmonary venous drainage
intralobar may have either pulm or systemic venous drainage and extralobar alway has systemic venous drainage
How are extralobar sequestration found
incidentally during workup for other congenital abnormality
What percent of pt with extralobar pulm seqestration have associated abnormalities
What is crazy paving associated with
alveolar proteinosis
What are 2 characteristics of crazy paving
ggo and inseptal lobular thickening
Does crazy paving have to be alveolar proteinosis
no, if the pt symptoms are acute is not alveolar proteinosis
What are some causes of crazy paving with acute symptoms
anything that will cause ggo; viral, hemorrhage, DAD, HP, edema
Is crazy paving specific
What are the causes of crazy paving that is chronic
lipoid pna
Alveolar proteinosis
What are the characteristics of swyer james syndrome
unilateral lucent lung
small lung volume
small PA
What is the ddx of crazy paving
acute: edema DAD/ARDS/AIP, infection, hemorrhage, hp

chronic: BAC, lipoid pna, alveolar proteinosis.
What are the causes of unilateral lucent lung
pneumo, bronchial obstruction, swyer james syndrome (small volume), pulmonary embolism
What are some bronchial obstructions that may result in a unilateral lucent lung
tumor, stricture, aspirated foriegn body, atresia
What is called when a pulmonary embolism decreases vascularity
the westermark sign
What is swyer james syndrome
post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans
What are the findings in swyer james syndrome
PA smaller, lung lucent, small lung, bronchiectasis
Does swyer james syndrome have bronchiectasis
What are some examples of infiltrative disease of the soft tissue of the mediastinum
lymphoma, leukemia, mets, acute mediastinitis, fibrosing mediastinitis, erdheim chester
What are the two forms of fibrosing mediastinitis
diffuse and focal
Which type of fibrosing mediastinitis is more common
the focal (80%)
What is diffuse fibrosing mediastinitis associated with
autoimmune disease like retroperitoneal fibrosis
Is there calcification in diffuse fibrosing mediastinitis
What is a complication of diffuse fibrosing mediastinitis
compression of vessels, or bronchi
Is focal mediastinitis more common
yes, 80%
What is focal fibrosing mediastinitis associated with
granulomatous infection such as histoplasmosis
What are the two most common location of fibrosing mediastinitis
paratracheal and subcarinal
If there are nodules predominately around the bronchus and subpleural what is the distribution
What is the ddx for perilymphatic nodules
lymphangitic carcinomatosis

Note: sarcoid/silicosis/CWP are also ddx for massive progressive upper lobe fibrosis
What are the two most common causes of perilymphatic nodules
lymphangitic carcinomatosis
What are the more rare causes of perilymphatic nodules
Can sarcoid produce fibrosis
Where is the fibrosis of sarcoid located
strongly upper lobe predominate
What is the differential ddx for progressive massive fibrosis of the upper lobe
fungal disease
What does progressive massive fibrosis of the upper lobes look like
mickey mouse ears
where are the nodules in silicosis
upper lobe predominate, and posterior
Can silicosis cause eggshell calcified nodes
yes (so can sarcoid and its much more common)
What is the ddx for multiple cavitary nodules
septic emboli
fungal disease
langerhans (small)
tracheobronchial papillomatosis
If the wall of a cavitary is less than 5 that is it likely to be benign
What if the wall of a cavitary is 5-15mm
it is non specific
if a wall is greater than 15cm is likely malignant
What are 2 pulmonary presentations of wegners
infarction (results in cavitary lesion)
hemorrhage (GGO)
What is a common location of the GGO of wegners (from hemorrhage)
Can Wegners also present with airway disease and tracheal wall thickening
What is the DDX of focal lung luceny
bronchial obstruction (most common)
sequestration (uncommon to be totally lucent)
asysmmetric bullous disease
What are the causes of bronchial obstruction
aspirated foriegn body
endobronchial tumor (carcinoid)
bronchial stricture
bronchial atresia
What is the cause of bronchial atresia
a missed congenital lobar emphysema (Congenital lobar emphysema is characterized by progressive overdistention of a lobe.) or congenital
Is there an impacted bronchus associate with bronchial atresia
What is the shape of the impacted bronchus of bronchial atresia
round (looks like a mass) or tubular
What is bronchial atresia
Congenital bronchial atresia is a rare anomaly that results from focal obliteration of a proximal segmental or subsegmental bronchus that lacks communication with the central airways.
What is simitar syndrome
a partial anomalous pulmonary venous return syndrome
What is the arterial supply to lung affected by scimitar syndrome
systemic arterial supply
Do pt with scimitar syndrome have a small pulmonary artery and small lung
Is there small lung volume on the side of scimitar syndrome
What looks like a scimitar (sword) in scimitar syndrome
anomalous pulmonary vein
Is there situs inverus in scimitar syndrome
no, there is dextro position of the heart (its on the right side)