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63 Cards in this Set

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In twins are perinatal complications more common
What are some complications that occur in twins
preterm labor, htn, polyhydraminois, oligohydramnios, IUGR, malpresentation, fetal demise, abruption, previa
What are dyzogtic twin
two ova by two sperm
Are monozygotic twins always identical
Why should you not refer to a monozytotic twin as identical
they are not always identical
Are dizygotic twins dichorionic
If the fetus are dichorionic what does that mean
they are not identical
Can monozygotic twins be dichorionic
yes (1/3 of cases if they cleave early)
What happens to the monozygotic twins that cleave early
they are dichorioinic
What happens to the twins that cleave later
they are monochorionic (and mono or diamniotic depending on when they split)
Are all dizygotic twins dichorionic
Are all monozygotic twins monchorionic
no ( mono or di)
Are dichorionic twins monozygotic or dizygotic
Are all monochorionic twins monozygotic
How do you recognize dichorionic twins on US
a wedge of echogenic tissue seperating twins
What is the twin peak sign
this is a triangular shaped membrane seperating two amniotic sacs (dichorionic and diamniotic)
When is the twin peak sign seen
dichorionic and diamniotic fetus (they go hand and hand bc if they are dichorionic they have to be diamniotic)
What does monochorionic diamniotic twins look like on US
two thin sacs seen with the sacs forming a very thing membrane
What is the big determining factor when differentiating dichorionic and monochorionic diamniotic twin
membrane thickness (the membrane is much thinner with monochroionic diamniotic twins)
What can you do if you can not tell the membrane thickness is indeterminate
look at the sex of the fetuses (if opposite it is dichorionic)
Why is it important to tell the difference between monochorionic and dichorionic
because there are differences in complications that occur
If two fetuses are different in size and weight does it mean there is twin twin transfusion
no, it can be unequal placental sharing
What type of complication is associated with monochorionic twins
twin twin transfusion
how many placentas in monochorionic babies
1 placenta
What is the etiology of twin complications of monochorionic placentation
placental intravascular connections
What are syndromes associated with monochorionic placentation?
twin/twin transfusion
twin embolization syndrome
acardiac twins/TRAP sequence
What is the MC monochorionic twin complication
twin/twin (10-20%)
What is the manifestation of twin twin transfusion
donor fetus that is typically smaller and hypovolemic, recipient fetus that is volume overloaded
What is the prognosis of twin twin transfusion
very poor for both
On US what is how do you determine if twins have a twintwin transfusion
they have to be monochorionic
concomominant oligo and poly hydramnios
disparity in size
size of bladders
What is the definition of oligohydraminois
less than 2 cm in the deepest pocket
What is the definition of polyhydraminois
greater than 8cm in the deepest pocket
What is the ddx for twin twin transfusion
causes of oligo (renal abnormalities, PROM)
causes of poly (hydrops, GI tract, macrosomia, neural tube defect)
What is the bladder size in the receipient
What is a stuck twin
this is when a twin is stuck to the uterine wall and is proof of diamionicity
What is stuck twin associated with
twin twin transfusion
What is twin embolization syndrome
infarction or ischemic injury of the remaining when the other twin has died
What is thought to be the cause of twin embolization syndrome
the changes in circulation that occur when one twin dies.
What organs are typically involved in the twin embolization syndrom
spleen, kindey, brain bowel
What is an acardiac parabiotic twin (aka TRAP twin reversed arterial perfusion)
this is the result of an acardiac twin that recieves it blood supply via aterial-arterial connection.
When does acardiac twins occur
only during monochorionic pregnancies
What do you expect to see in acardiac twin
anechphalic, microcephalic or acephalic, diffuse edema, cystic hygromas,
What will the doppler show on ultrasound
reveral of arterial flow with blood being pumped into the acardiac twin,
What is the healthy fetus analaogus to
a pump for the other fetus.
What are some risk to the viable fetus in TRAP syndrome
hydrops, polyhydramnios with risk of PTL
What is the treatment of TRAP
ablation of the vesels connecting the twins
What portion of the fetus makes the majority of the amniotic fluid
the renal system
How is the amniotic fluid index measured
divide the uterus into 4 quadrants and measure the deepest vertical true AP diameter in each
What is the normal amniotic fluid index
What increases as the degree of polyhydraminois increases
the risk of structual anomaly
What is the ddx for polyhydramnios
CNS abnormalities
High gut obstructions
twin-twin transfusion
Acardiac twins
vascular tumors
hypokinisia syndrome
some UPJ obstructions
some severe facial clefts
What type of vascular tumors may lead to polyhydramnios
teratoma, chorioangioma
What if you do not see a stomach on US and the fetus has polyhydraminos
may be secondary to esophageal atresia
What are 3 GI cause of high gut obstructions that cause polyhydramnios
esophageal atresia
doudenal atresia
diaphragmatic hernia
Is a sacrococcygeal teratoma associated with polyhydramnios
What is an AFI indicative of oligohydramnios
less than 5
What are some causes of oligohydramnios
post date fetus
GU abnormalities
What would lead you to believe there is a bladder obstruction leading to oligohydramnios
a large bladder
What are some causes of bladder outlet obstruction
posterior urethral valves
cloacal malformation
urethral atresia
megacystis hypoperistalsis
What causes a keyhole configuration on ultrasound
posterior urethral valves
What GU abnormalities cause oligohydramnios but not a large bladder
renal agenesis
What does a ARPCKD look like
echogenic kidneys without visible cyst on US
What does multicystic dysplastic kidney sydrome look like
multiple discrete cysts in both kidneys