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91 Cards in this Set

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How are radionulcides produced
by a reactor
thermal neutron is caputured by a stable nuclide
What type of radionuclides are produced by a cyclotron
67 Ga
201-Tl (thalium)
PET scan products as well.
How does a cyclotron form radionuclide
collision of the target nuclide with a charged particle (protons, neutrons, helium, alpha particles)
What is the mechanism of production of a nuclide 133 and 99 Mo (molibdium)
the target will spit and then the smaller nucleus undergoes fission to form the target nuclide
What element is technicium formed from
What is the half life of technium 99m
6 h
What is the product of technicium 99m
regular technicium 99 (which is radioactive with a very long half life)
What is the half-life of 81- rabidium
4.7 h
What forms 81m Kr (krypton)?
What is the half-life of 81m Kr
81 rabidium

13 sec
What is the byproduct of 81m Kr
regular 81 Kr (which is not radioactive)
What is krypton used for sometimes?
ventilation scans
What makes Mo-99/Tc-99m
a Mo-99/Tc-99m generator
What is the impurity of Tc-99m
What is the effect of having Molybiuum contaminant
increased radiation and worse image quaility
How does the physical evalutation of molybdium work
Molybdium has higher energy (740Kev) and the principle is to block the lower energy tc from penetrating a shield leaving only the molybdium
Note there is also a chemical test
What is another 2 impurity of technicium
aluminum and this will result in lower quality images

hydrolyzed technicium (can be seen in the liver of a bone scan)
How is alminum contaiminate evaluated
by chemical test (done by nuclear medicine technologist)
What are two quality control measures done by all hospitals prior to using these substances
check radiochemical purity

radiopharmaceutical sterility and pyrogenicity
What is the standard imaging device in nuclear medicine
gamma camera
What is the detector made from
sodium iodide and thalium
How does the detector work
not sure but sounds like the thalium activates the NaI (sodium iodide) and this causes scintillations.
What does spect stand for
single photon emission comptuted tomographys
What is spect/CT
a spect scanner attached to a CT scanner
What quality control measures are done to the gamma camera
intrinsic field uniformity---this is done daily by removing the collimator and putting camera on a point source

extrinsic field uniformity (done with collimator on and test the linearity) this is done daily with a point source
What type of errors may occur with a gamma camera
a flood error
What are some causes of flood errors
phototube multiplier error
energy error (setting error)
poorly mixed flood
cracked crystal
What are some setting on the gamma camera that has to be checked daily on gamma camera
spatial resolution
linearity (parrel line phantons)
What has to be checked monthly on the gamma camera
sensititivy and center of rotation on the spect
What has to be checked every 6 months on gamma camera
energy resolution, temporal resolution, energy registration, accesorry devices,
On the flood fields what are you looking for
How is resolution checked on the gamma camera
by using bar phantoms. If the lines are blurry that means loss of resolution
What does a center of rotation error
on flood field there is a big ring artifact.
What are 4 different types of detector material used for PET systems
What are the major isotopes produced by cyclotrons for PET
How many images are dectected simultaneously by PETs
most range from 15 -30 or more transaxial images
Do all the detectors materials work well for FDG
What is the most clinically useful isotope and why
18F because it has a long enough half life (all the others that can be made are not commercially available bc there half-lifes are too short)
Are a PET and CT done at the same time
no, they are off set (the CT would destroy the PET detector)
What causes two opposite directed KEV photons to occur in PET
a positron comes out of a nucleus and hits an electron
Who are authorized users of radionuclides
licensed physicians, dentist or podiatrist

(every radiology practice with nuc med has an authorized user)
What does being an authorized user enable you to do
write directives for I131
What is the Gray equivalent to a rad
1 rad = 0.01 gray (gy)
How many rads is 1 gray
When discussing absorbed dose what units are discussed
rads and grays
When talking about dose equivalents what are the units that are used
rem and sievert (Sv)
How many Sv is 1 rem
How many Sv is 100 rem
1 sv
What does dose equivalents allow us to talk about
risks of dosages of radiation independent of the type of radiation
What are 'activity measurements'
Curies and becquerels
How much is 1 mCi
3.7 MBq
How disintegrations/second is 1 curie
3.7 x 10^10
How many disintegrations/second is 1becquerel
What is the concept used for physicians to present radiation exposure
as low as reasonable achievable
When is a sign required for radiation exposure
if there is < 2mrem/hr and < 100mrem over 7 consecutive days
What are 3 types of radiation signs
radiation area sign
high radiation area sign
caution radioactive material sigm
When is a regular radiation area sign required
> 5 mrem/hr at 30cm from a source
When is a high radiation area sign required
> 100mrem/hr at 30cm from a source
What common radiation badge that we use for radiation detection
film badge

(always should be worn at work)
Who is required to where a badge
personnel likely to recieve > 10% of occupational dose limits

any minor

pregnant female
When should a radioactive package start being monitored
by 3hours after arrival on the first working day
How is radioactive material monitored
logged and placed in a shielded area
Should you monitor the external surface of yellow or white labeled packages for radioactive contamination
What is the accepted variation in prescribed doses
Is there a computer that has the actual amount of radiation that a patient recieved
yes and this is the amount that should go in the report
Who must be notified if there is going to be a deviation from the normal amount of radiation given
the authorized user
What is the public dose limit or radiation
100mrem effective dose equivalent
What is the annual occupation dose of radiation allowed to the whole body, eye, organ
5rem to the body
15 to the eye
50 rem organ
What is the most of the fetal radiation exposure during pregnancy
What should be done if there is 5x maximum recommended radiation exposure in 24 h
immediately notify NRC
What is the maximum dosage of radiation for a hospitalized patient
500mrem limit
What is the best way to limit radiation dosage exposure to technologist
limit the amount of time radiotracer is being handled
What has radiotracer commonly used causes significant radiation exposure
iodine 131 because it is a beta emittor
What is required in all rooms that use xenon
special exhaust systems (room needs to be approved)
What must be done to all modified unit doses
most be assayed in a dose calibrator to ensure it is correct prior to administraton.
What is recommended to be on all syringes and vials with radioactive material
the radiopharmaceutical name
Are vial shields recommmended
yes, but not required
What are PET shields usually made of
How much do syringe and vial shields decrease dosage
by a factor of 3
What is a written directive
a dated and signed written order by a AU

name, drug, dose, route of administration
When is a written directive required i
if greater than 30uCi of I-131 is given or any therapeutic dosage of byproduct material
What is the rule for releasing a patient that is still given off radiation
they can leave as long as any other individual is not likely to exceed 500mrem
What should be given to a patient if it is possible to expose others to greater than 100mrem
instruction to minimize doses

avoid pregnant women for 2 wks and keep distance from everyone else for a week
How far should someone stay from other person
stay 1 meter from others for 5-7 days
What is the release from the hospital of patients with Iodine 131 based on
retained activity (must have less than 33mCi)
What happens if a pt with I-131 leaves AMA
notify NRC
If a pt is traveling to the airport after getting radiation he should have what
a letter with information regarding procedure
How is radioactive material disposed of
it first goes to a container in the hospital for a time until it is no longer dangerous
What is the dose limit to an infant
What is the cessation guideline for breastfeeding
flourine 18- no stop
technitium 99m 0- 24h
gallium, indium 1-4wks
Iodine-131 stop
What are the two classification of radiation spills
major and minor
Who should be notified after a radiaition spill
the radiation saftey officer