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34 Cards in this Set

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James McCord
head plumber
admitted to lying under oath
S. Vietnam communist combined with N. Vietnamese
Marshall Plan
proposed by Sec. of State to aid all European nations
Nixons plan to bring U.S. troops home
Brown vs Board of Education
ruled that separate but equal was unequal in education facilities
news of arrest sparked a boycott of buses led by King
Rosa Parks
iron curtain
imaginary divide that divided communist eastern Europe and capitalist western Europe
dealt solely with attitude rather than law
de facto segregation
created demand for automobiles
marked a turning pt. in U.S.-Soviet relations during the cold war
Ford's plan to help the economy rebound
scandal during Nixons campaign
U.S. policy of containment
created alliances to supporting weaker nations
the Berlin Airlift
was succssful keeping the Soviets from overtaking W. Berlin
reasons A.A. believed they had a real argument for civil rights
*filled jobs during the war
*700,000 fought in war for U.S.
*civil rights organizations campaigned for voting rights and challenged the Jim Crow laws
before being assassinated Kennedy ___
intended to withdrawal troops from Vietnam
impact of Vietnam as a "living room" war
being the first war ever televised...it damaged U.S. support
The Tet Offensive
*major military victory for U.S.
*brought more oposition to the war
*ended with nearly 10 times more deathsfor the communists tha the Ammericans
white flight
caused deterioration of city neighborhoods known as slums and ghettos
Truman Doctrine
adopted to help ensure the policy of containment stating the U.S. would support free people around the world
white collar
higher paid positions such as clerical, managerial, and professional positions
President Eisenhower
signed the Interstate Highway Act of 1956
Rock n Roll
new type of music which followed the themes of Love, cars, and teenage problems
War of Attrition
utilizing the number of troops by relying on the fact that you can afford to have more killed than your opponent
Roe vs Wade
court case which was a victory for womens rights giving them a choice to have an abortion
ERA - Equal Rights Amendment
guarantees the equality of rights undr the law shall not be denied by any state on the account of sex
reasons for the increase in leisure activities
*people had money to spend
*people worked a 40 hr work week and had vacation time
reasons Americans felt we were behind in the Cold War
*economy was in recession
*the development of long range missiles put fear that the U.S. military power was behind
*allignment of Cuba with Soviet Union
*Sputnik was launched by Soviets
Plessy vs Ferguson
Supreme Cr ruled that separate but equal was not a fourteenth amendment violation
why did U.S. declare war on North Korea
felt that they needed to stop the spread of communism
prompted Dr. King to become the major voice for Civil Rights activism in the South
*he was chosen to be the leader for the Montgomery Bus Boycott
*his spirituality captivated other blacks
In 1972 Nixon wanted to gain election by doing ___
*had a committee perform illegal activities to gain information on the Democratic Party
*slowed integration in the South to appease and gain southern democratic votes
Wis. Senator who claimed to have information of communists but never gave names
Joseph McCarthy
when Nixon's attorney General resigned and he fired his deputy Attorney General all for not firing prosecutor Archibald Cox
Saturday Night Massacre