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24 Cards in this Set

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Beahvioral Changes, Alcohol Abuse, and Children
Think Child abuse
Fever, Weight Loss, Headaches, Bleeding Gums or Nose
Acute Moncytic Leukemia
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Characteristics
Hypergranular promyelocytes. Auer Rods. High incidence of DIC
ALL and Stains
Positive Shizophrenia vs. Negative Symptoms Treatment
Typical antiphyschotics positive. Atypical antipsychotics negative.
Risk for Asymptomatic UTI in Pregnancy
Acute Pyelonephritis
Complication of AAA Repair
Ischemic cholitis particularly in the distal colon. Colonoscopy is diagnostic with cyanotic mucosa and hemorrhagic ulcerations.
Pancreatitis Management Caused by Gallstones
RUQ Ultrasound. Gallstones most likely the cause of pancreatitis if alcohol ruled out.
Eitology of Focal Neurological Deficits to Vomiting and headache
Intracerebral hemorrhage.
Prostate Cancer Screening
PSA is dicussed with patients, if prostate is smooth and enlarged. PSA is done first, then biopsy
Is the most commmon primary malignancy of bone. Occurs in the distal long bones, forming codman's triangle, rasied periostal inflammation around osteolytic lesion. Increased ALP, but normal ESR
Is a giant cell tumor, primarly found in adults, that occurs in the epiphysis of the distal femur.
IV Pyelography findings in Chornic Pyelonephritis
Blunting of calicies and focal parenchymal scarring.
Most Common Thyroid Carcinoma
Papillary carcinoma. Then Follicular, then anaplastic, then medullary thyroid carcinoma
Ascending Cholangitis Treatment
Presents with charcots triad of RUQ pain, fever, and jaundice. Can progress to reynolds pentad with hypotension and confusion. Treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and supportive care. However, if it worsens ERCP can be done emergently.
Common Cause of Conductive Hearing loss in Early Adulthood
Most Common Cause of Death in Dialysis Patients
Cardiovascular disease. Followed by withdraw from dialysis or Infection. Risks of dialysis include HTN, DIabetes, Low HDL cholesterol. LVH. CAD. Anemia.
Breast Failure Time Frame
FIrst week of life
Sail Sign
Is a radiographic finding in pediatric population that represents the thymus.
Indications for Craniotomy
ICS <*, signs of increased ICP, pupillary abnormalities, hemiparesis, or cerebellar signs.
Treatment of Uncomplicated Back pain
Early mobilization and NSAIDs.
Blood in Urine and Location
Early vodiing bleeding is from urethra. Late voiding is from the bladder or the prostate. Entire hematuria is renal. Blood clots indicate bladder pathology.
Blunt Abdominal Trauma Work up
Cervical spine immobliization. IV hydration. FAST U/S exam. Blood in the peritoneal cavity, laprotomy done. If U/S is poor, and patient is unstable, then diagnostic peritoneal lavage.
Treatment of Septic Arthritis
Antibiotics and surgerical drainage.