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42 Cards in this Set

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cooperates with dressing (holds out arms and feet). pulls off shoes, removes socks. pushes arms thru sleeves and legs thru pants
1 yr
removes unfastened coat. removes shoes if laces are untied. helps pull down pants. finds armholes in pullover shirt.
2 yr
removes pull down pants with elastic waist. assists in pulling on socks. puts on front-button coat or shirt. unbuttons large buttons.
2.5 yr
puts on pullover shirt with min assist. puts on shoes w/o fasteners (may be on wrong foot). puts on socks. indep pulls down pants. zips and unzips jacket once on track. needs assist to remove pullover shirt. buttons lg front buttons.
3 yr
finds front of clothing. snaps or hooks front fastener. unzips front zipper on jacket, seperating zipper. puts on mittens. buttons series of three or four buttons. unbuckles shoes or belt. dresses with supervision (needs help with front to back)
3.5 yr
removes pullover garment indep. buckles shoes or belt. zips jacket zipper. puts on socks correctly. puts on shoes with assist in tying laces. laces shoes. consistently identifies the front and back of garment
4 yr
puts belt in loops
4.5 yr
ties and unties knots. dresses unsupervised
5 yr
closes back zipper. ties bows. buttons back buttons. snaps back snaps
6 yr
indicates discomfort when wet or soiled. has regular bowel movements
1 yr
sits on toilet when placed there and unsupervised (short time)
1.5 yr
urinates regularly
2 yr
achieves regulated toileting with occasional daytime accidnets. rarely has bowel accidents. tells someone that he needs to use bathroom. may need reminders to go to bathroom. may need help with getting on toilet.
2.5 yr
goes to bathroom indep. seats himself on toilet. may need help with wiping. may need help with fasteners/clothing
3 yr
is indep in toileting
4.5 yr
takes cereal or poured baby food from spoon
6 mo
attempts to hold bottle but may not get it if it falls. needs to be monitered for safety
6-8 mo
holds and tries to eat cracker but sucks on it more than bites it. consumes soft food grabs at sppon but bangs it or suck on either end of it
6-9 mo
finger feeds self a portion of meals consisting of soft table foods and objects if fed by an adult
9-13 mo
dips spoon in food, brings spponful of food to mouth, but spills food by inverting spoon before it goes into mouth.
12-14 mo
scoops food with spoon and brings to mouth
15-18 mo
demonstrates interest in using fork, may stab at food, proficient at spoon use and eats cereal with milk or rice with gravy with spoon
24-30 mo
imitates housework.
13 mo
picks up and puts toys away with parental reminders. copies parents domestic activities
2 yr
carries things w/o dropping them. dusts with help. dries dishes with help. gardens with help. puts toys away with reminders. wipes up spills.
3 yr
fixes dry cereal and snacks. helps with sorting laundry.
4 yr
puts toys away neatly. makes a sandwich. takes out trash. makes bed. puts dirty clothes in hamper. answers phone correctly.
5 yr
does simple errands. does household chores with redoing. cleans sink. washes dishes with help. crosses street safely.
6 yr
begins to cook simple meals. puts clean clothes away. hangs up clothes. manages small amounts of money. uses phone correctly.
7-9 yr
cooks simple meals with supervision. does simple repairs with appropriate tools. begins doing laundry. sets table. washes dishes. cares for pet with reminders.
10-12 yr
does laundry. cooks meals.
13-14 yr
child becomes interested in bathing while washing in the tub
less than 2 yr
washes and dries self with supervision
4 yr
indep prepares the bath and shower water. indep washes and dries self.
8 yr
child imitates parent when brushing their teeth.
2 yr
supervision of tooth brushing
till 6 yrs
supervision and emerging indep of washing face, hand washing, and hair care.
3-5 yr
scribble on paper
10-12 mo
imitates verticle line, horizontal line, circle, diagonal line
2 yr
copies vertical line, horizontal line, and circle
3 yr
copies cross diagonal lines, square, x, as well as some letters/numbers. may write name
4-5 yr
copies triangle, prints name, copies most upper and lower case letters
5-6 yr