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44 Cards in this Set

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What is goal of therapy in panic disorder?
remission, free of panic attacks, no or minimal anticipatory anxiety and agoraphobic avoidance, no functional impairment
If panic disorder without agoraphobic avoidance, what is tx?
pharmacotherapy alone
If agoraphobia is present, what is tx?
CBT with pharmacotherapy
What nonpharm for panic disorder?
avoid substances that precipitate panic attacks (caffeine, drugs of abuse, non prescription stimulants)
CBT, bibliotherapy (self help books), exercise, internet based CBT
How long is CBT for panic disorder?
16-20 hours over 4 months
What drugs are used in panic disorder?
SSRIs, SNRI venlafaxine XR, TCA imipramine, BDZ alprazolam and clonazepam
What drugs are approved for panic disorder?
alprazolam, clonazepam, sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, and venlafaxine
What are first line for panic disorder?
What are used most commonly for panic disorder?
figure 73-2 pg 1171
table 73-11
figure 73-2 1171
What alternative tx for panic disorder?
none, buspirone, trazodone, bupropion, antipsychotics, antihistamines, and BB are ineffective
What is preferred for management of panic disorder in elderly and youth?
SSRIs, BDZ second line
How long for imipramine (TCA) to block panic attacks?
at least 4 weeks, max improvement in 8-12 weeks
What AE from TCAs?
stimulant like SE (anxiety, insomnia, jitteriness), anticholinergic AE, othostatic hypotension, delayed onset antipanic effects, toxicity, wt gain
How is imipramine dose titrated?
10mg every 2-4 days as tolerated
Which SSRIs are effective in panic disorder?
all of them
How long for antipanic effect from SSRI?
4 weeks, 8-12 weeks for max effect
What AE from SSRIs?
insomnia, jitteriness, restlessness, and agitation
transient GI disturbances
sleep disturbances, HA, sexual dysfunction
How are SSRIs dosed?
low initial dose for week, may need dose at upper end of dosing range to achieve response
What AE from venlafaxine XR?
nausea, somnolence, tremors, sweating, abnormal sexual functioning (ejaculation difficulties and anorgasmia)
How is dose of venlafaxine XR increased?
What BDZ are the preferred agents for panic disorder?
clonazepam and alprazolam
diazepam and lorazepam also possibly effective
What is ideal agent in panic disorder if need rapid relief?
How long for therapeutic response to BDZ in panic disorder?
1-2 weeks
What is drawback of using BDZ for panic disorder?
high relapse rate (50%)
What AE for BDZ in panic disorder?
sedation only one
How is clonazepam dose titrated?
0.25-0.5mg every 3 days to 4mg/day
How is alprazolam dose titrated?
slowly over several weeks, most need 3-6mg/day
Why is extender release alprazolam and clonazepam preferred over immediate release alprazolam for panic disorder?
immediate release duration is 4-6 hrs and may result in breakthrough symptoms
What are reasons for tx failure in panic disorder?
comorbid psychiatric disorder, rapid dosage increase with intolerable SE, underdosage
What should be done if pt has partial response in panic disorder?
augment with another antipanic agent
What are the phases of therapy in panic disorder?
acute phase, maintenance phase, and discontinuation
What is the main goal in the acute phase of panic disorder?
reduction of symptoms
What is duration of acute phase?
1-3 months depending on therapy
12 weeks for antidepressant, 1 month for BDZ
When should antidepressant therapy be adjusted in panic disorder?
6-8 weeks
How long is maintanance phase and discontinuation?
unknown, duration usually 12-24 months, then drug d/c over 4-6 months
What dose is used in maintenance phase?
same as acute
What drugs have shown to maintain clinical effects with up to 1 year of tx?
citalopram, clomipramine, fluoxetine, sertraline, imipramine
How did rate of relapse change for pts taking imipramine for 6 months vs 12-30 months?
it didnt
What is the most important determinant of compliance with maintenance therapy?
tolerability of AE
Which SSRI doesnt have discontinuation symptoms?
How often should pt on panic disorder therapy return to clinic?
every 2 weeks first couple weeks to make dosage adjustments, then every 2 months
What should panic disorder pt be counseled to do?
maintain a diary to record the date, time, frequency, and duration of panic episodes and the severity of symptoms
How can tx outcomes of panic disorder be assessed?
Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (goal 7-10) , Sheehan Disability Scale (goal less than or equal to 1 on each item)