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25 Cards in this Set

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Magna Carta
cornerstone of English law; King and government bound by same laws as other citizens
Representative Government
system where power is held by the people; elected representatives are chosen by the people to represent the people.
Mayflower Compact
1620- Signed by the Pilgrims and others before reaching New World. Set forth idea of self gov.
Fundamental Orders of Conneticut
first written constitution (plan of gov.) in America. Written by the Puritans who had settled in Conneticut.
French and Indian War
took place during the colonial period and was a war fought between Britain and France Cause: both countries want control of the Ohio River Valley and the fur Trade in the NW territory. Effect: Britain wins, but has much debt. Taxes colonies go pay debt.
House of Burgesses
First representive assembly in the colonies. (a burgess is another name for a county.)Took place in colony of Virginia in 1619.
economis theory where a country gains wealth and power by obtaining gold and silver and by establishing a favorable balance of trade. (Also by having colonies that provide raw materials to the "mother country.")
Revolutionary War
1775-1783 also known as the War for Independence. Britain vs. US. United States win Independence!
Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776 written by Thomas Jefferson. "Break Up Letter". The colonies tell King George III They are sick of himm and the US declared it is independent from Britain.
Unalienable or Inalienable Rights
Life, Liberty, and Happiness--They ar3e rights that cannot ber taken away. (natural rights that are guarunteed to all people naturally instead of by law).
Founding Fathers
Men who played a major role in the Revolutionary War or writing and adopting of the Constitution. Ex: George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin
Thomas Paine
wrote Common Sense and the purpose was to tell Americans it made common sense to declare independence from King George III.
King George III
King of England during Revolutionary War.
Articles of Confederation
the first constitution that governed the US during and immediately after the Revolutionary War. One branch of gov. only--the legislative. One state, One vote.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
described how NW territory would be governed and set up conditions for settlers' rights.
Shays' Rebellion
Example of why US needed a stronger federal gov. Rebelling farmers can't be stopped by the federal gov. and soon afterward, the founding fathers agree we need a stronger central gov. in the US.
Philadelphia Convention of 1787
met to Revise the articles of confederation, but decided to throw them out and wrote the constitution. Concerns: Representation in Congress (Lg. states vs. Sm. States) and economic differences. Compromises: 3/5's Compromise (each slave=3/5 of a man) and slave trade would be banned in 1808.
The Consitution
written by the founding fathers in 1787, it is the plan of gov. used today within the USA. It outlines the powers of the gov. and its three branches.
Executive Branch
Enforces Laws. The president is in this branch
Legislative Branch
Makes Laws. Congress is in this branch.
Judicial Branch
Interprets Laws. Supreme Court is in this branch.
Seperation of power
seperating the gov. into the three branches.
Checks and balances
one branch can check another so it doesn't become too powerful. Ex. Veto, Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Supreme Court's right to examine a law and decide whether or not it is constitutional. This was established the case of Marbury vs. Madison when John Marshall was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Bill of Rights
THe first 10 amendments; addeed to the Constitution be4cause they felt it gave the federal gov. too much power.