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202 Cards in this Set

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Which is worse in laminitis, sinking or ventral rotation of foot?
Name 4 sequellae to laminitis
subsolar abscess
malformation of hoof wall
chronic laminitis
The major result of acute laminitis of is______ of the laminae?
When would you want to decrease perfusion to the foot in laminitis? (2)
endotoxemia or carb overload
how would you treat the foot mechanically in laminitis?
shorten the toes
elevate the heel
remove shoes
provide support to the frog
How much hoof wall is left when hoof wall resection is done in laminitis?
1-2 cm distal to coronary band
(done upward from ground)
What is a last ditch effort procedure for laminitis?
DDF tenotomy
What structures are involved in navicular syndrome?
navicular bone, navicular bursa, collateral ligs of navicular bone, impar ligament, DIP joint
What is the most likely pathophysiology for navicular syndrome?
Degenerative dz process
Which limb is most affected in navicular syndrome?
Another name for the navicular syndrome components?
podotrochlear apparatus
T/F: with navicular syndrome, there is always pain when using hoof testers?
FALSE: variable sensitivity to hoof testers
How does the foot typically look with navic syndrome?
toe is upright or boxy with contracted heels---usually noticed when horse ownership is changed
When trotting horse with navicular syndrome, which side of circle is affected limb worse?
INSIDE of circle
How would you dx navicular syndrome other than clinical signs?
Palmar digital nerve block should resolve the lameness
T/F: With navicular syndrome, there is always a positive lower flexion test
FALSE: highly variable
What is the most sensitive diagnostic technique for dx navicular syndrome?
Nuclear scintigraphy--
although MRI is the gold standard for evaluation of the foot****
What are the basic shoeing elements for use in navicular syndrome? (4)
shorten the toes
elevate the heel
shoe with rolled, square, or rocker toe
egg bar shoe (fitted full)
What is the sx treatment of choice for navicular syndrome? and what should be done prior to this?
palmar digital neurectomy
always due nerve block at the same level prior to sx!!!
Name 6 complications seen with palmar digital neurectomy sx
neuroma formation
undetected deep puncture
rupture of DDF tendon
avascular necrosis of laminae (rare)
recurrence or persistence of lameness---poor sx technique!
stumbling/tripping during exercise
Navicular syndrome prognosis???
GUARDED same as navicular fx prognosis
Possible tx options for navicular bone fx although it is rare?
PD neurectomy
lag screw fixation
rest and shoeing
shock wave therapy
What are the clinical signs of a coffin bone fx?
DIP joint effusion, increased digital pulses, heat in the foot, painful response to hoof testers
How is coffin bone often fx?
most due to high speed injury but also external trauma
Why do rads sometimes suck for dx of P3 fx?
may not be seen on rads for 1-3 weeks after--- repeat in 1-3 weeks and perform bone scintigraphy
What type of fx (1-6) is the extensor process fx?
Type 4
When could non-sx tx be used in P3 fx?
when it doesn't involve the extensor process --all but type 4
steel bar shoe with side clips and 6 mo of stall rest
How would you tx a type 3 P3 fx (mid saggital)?
cortical screw in lag fashion
What is the difference b/t tx for small type 4 fx vs large type 4 fx?
small type 4---remove fragment with arthroscopy
large type 4--- IF screw compression
what is the most common type of P3 fx?
wing fx
best prog for non-articular wing fx--type 1
T/F: you may only see lameness with a foot abscess, and no other clin signs?
what is the term gravel when dealing with foot abscesses?
infection of the white line that extends proximally and eventually drains at the coronary band
What is a foot abscess prognosis?
generally EXCELLENT unless deep sepsis or complications (obviously!)
What is the most common cause of a deep penetrating wound in the foot?
Nail or stiff wire--OUCH!!
T/F: deep penetrating wound of the foot is a medical emergency
What is the TOC for deep penetrating wound of the foot?
Navicular buroscopy, debride, and lavage
What structure does pedal osteitis refer to?
inflammation of P3
How does pedal osteitis happen? (3)
thin/flat soles
repetitive concussive trauma
exercise over hard surfaces
What is side bone?
ossification of the collateral cartilages of P3
T/F: There is always lameness associated with side bone
F: none to mild lameness
Name 3 tx options for side bone
1: shoeing--full fitted shoe with roller motion***
2: PD neurectomy
3: corrective trimming---rasping hoof walls at quarters to encourage expansion of collateral cartilages
What is unique about the fetlock joint in horses?
greatest ROM of all joints
OCD of the proximal dorsal articular margin of P1 is most often due to?
Repetitive trauma
What is the most common chip fx seen in TBs?
OCD of prox dorsal articular margin of P1
What is the TOC for OCD of prox dorsal articular margin of P1 and what is the prog?
arthroscopic removal of fragment
generally good to excellent prog!
What is the major cause for dorsal frontal fx of the proximal articular surface of P1?
acute high speed injury
OCD of prox dorsal articular margin of P1 is most common in _____ horses and dorsal frontal fx of prox articular surface of P1 is most common in ____??
1) TBs
2) STBs (Metatarsal)
Tx options for dorsal frontal fx...P1?
--stall rest 3-4 mo (if incomplete)
--IF compression with screws if complete and for some incomplete
What are the 3 types of non-comminuted mid-saggital fx of P1?
short incomplete (< 30mm)
long incomplete
What is contraindicated in dx of mid-saggital fx of P1?
Dx anesthesia especially in long fx**
How would you treat a short fx of P1 (mid sagittal non-comminuted)?
if < 15mm---stall rest for about 4 mo
longer fx--screws in lag fashion
What is the major cause for proximal sesamoid bone fx?
What is the most common type of proximal sesamoid bone fx?
How would you treat a apical sesamoid fx?
removal of the fragment
How could a mid-body fx of proximal sesamoid be treated?
internal fixation with cerclage wire or lag screws
how could you treat a basilar prox sesamoid fx?
cancellous bone graft for large frag
or remove small fragments
(> 3mm had worse prognosis)
How would you treat an abaxial fx of prox sesamoid bone?
Non-articular---4-6 mo rest
Articular---remove fragment
What is axial fx of prox sesamoid bone associated with most often?
fx of lateral condyle of cannon bone
if this is so----very poor prognosis*
What is the most common condylar fx seen in the cannon bone?
MC 3--TB
What dx tools are used to dx condylar fx of cannon bone?
PE, hx, clinical signs
Painful lower limb flexion test
RADS** 4 views + DP flexedcview
What is the TOC for condylar fx of cannon bone?
IF compression using cortical screws in lag fashion--closed
if short incomplete---rest is ok
What leads to splints formation?
desmitis/periostitis--->fibroust CT proliferation---->calcification--->bony exostosis of splint bones
What is the ligament involved in the pathogenesis of splints?
Interosseus ligament: connects the splint bones to the cannon bone
What type of conformation can predispose horses to splints?
bench knee conformation---more stress put onto MC/MT 2 and therefore strain injury to the interosseus ligament
T/F: splints affects adults primarily
FALSE: a dz of young horses
Onset of clinical signs in horses with splints is associated with what?
early hard training in young horses--too much stress!!!
Tx options for splints?
anti-inflammatories, rest, controlled exercise, shock wave therapy
sx---remove exostosis and distal aspect of bone (wait until acute inflammation is gone first)
What will make the prognosis for splints less favorable?
concurrent suspensory desmitis!
what area of the splints is most affected in a fx?
The distal 1/3
What foot/location is most affected in TB and STBs when splints are fx?
Left 2, Right 4
TB: carpal
STB: tarsal
What is significant about STBs and splint bone fx?
81% have concurrent suspensory desmitis (67% of TBs)
Acute lameness in splint bone fx is noticed where, when trotting in a circle?
OUTSIDE of circle---affected limb
opposite of navicular syndrome!
Primary event associated with DJD in horses?
synovitis or capsulitis
what is the final common pathway of DJD?
irreversible damage to the articular cartilage
What are the 4 major players in the role of the synovium in DJD/OA?
IL-1**** most important (stim release of MMP)
MMP 1, 3
free radicals
How is the ECM made up?
mostly type 2 collagen framework
hydrophilic, ionic--like a sponge (70-80% water)
what changes occur in breakdown of articular cartilage in DJD?
decreased PGs, type 2 collagen degradation
What is MMP-1 and MMP-3?
1: tissue collagenase
3: stromelysin
What are the 3 clinical manifestations of DJD?
Decreased ROM
What is the role of NSAIDs in OA tx?
Role of corticosteroids in OA tx?
Bute--- cox inhibitor (decreased PGs)
Methylpred--cox and lipox inhib (suppress MMPs)
When wouldn't you use a IL-1 receptor antagonist in OA?
subchondral bone cysts or soft tissue injuries present
What are PSGAGs?
GAGs hold onto the water
Chondroitin sulfate***
Adequan is a type of med
chondroprotective, increase HA, anabolic effects
What are potential SE of Adequan chondroprotective meds?
alter coag profiles, elevate some MICs of abx in synovial fluid
What is ring bone?
OA of interphalangeal joints
high: PIP joint
Low: DIP joint
Describe the interphalangeal joints
High load, low motion joints
What is a sx tx option for high ring bone?
PIP arthrodesis
What is another name for DJD of the fetlock joint?
villonodular synovitis
What changes are seen in P1 in villonodular synovitis?
osteochondral fragmentation
chondroma formation
What changes are seen in the cannon bone in villonodular synovitis?
supracondylar lysis of the cortex
transverse ridge arthrosis
blah blah blah
Tx of fetlock DJD?
basics: rest, NSAIDs, +/- adequan
removal of fragments
Carpal joints for STB and TBs with DJD?
STB: middle carpal joint
TB: middle and radial
Where are osteophytes and chip fx seen in carpal joint DJD?
distal, dorsal radial carpal bone
distal, dorsalateral radial bone
proximal, dorsomedial C3
proximal, dorso intermediate carpal bone
what is the most common location for subchondral sclerosis in carpal DJD?
radial facet of C3--dx with NS
The palmar intercarpal ligament most frequently injured in carpal DJD is?
lateral branch of medial intercarpal ligament
The most common site for a slab fx in carpal DJD?
radial facet of C3 (like sclerosis)
--slab fx involves distal and proximal articular surface where as chip fx involves only one surface
Tx of carpal DJD?
same basic tx as other joints
--small or chronic slab fx can be removed (STB <14mm, TB <8mm)
--large fx: screws
What is another name for OA of the distal tarsal joint?
Bone spavin
what is the most frequent and important cause of lameness in the horse??
Clinical signs associated with bone spavin?
scuffed toes
short stride cranially
sore/stiff at beginning of workout but gets better
positive upper flexion test (hock)
What is the most commonly injected joint in the horse?
distal tarsal joint!
Tx for bone spavin--distal tarsal joint DJD?
similar to other OA tx early on
Tildren (with Banamine)
Natural ankylosis---resolves lameness
what if there isn't natural ankylosis when dealing with bone spavin? Next step?
1) drill out articular cartilage and subchondral bone---promotes ankylosis: 65-80% success
2: Medical-- steroid injections, MIA injections, Ethyl alcohol inj
What are some complications involved with using MIA (monoiodoacetate injections) for bone spavin tx?
--severe pain post inj
need to check arthrogram first to check joint communications
What areas does the palmar digital nerve block desensitize?
heel and solar region
What is a major caution when doing digital nerve block?
digital tendon sheath
what does abaxial sesamoid block?
entire foot and part of pastern
cautions for abaxial sesamoid block?
digital tendon sheath and fetlock joint
Low palmar/plantar blocks what?
foot, pastern, part of fetlock region
What structure do stress fx of the proximal palmar/plantar cannon bone involve?
Suspensory ligament
What are the 2 patterns of stress fx?
1) intermittent, vague lameness=prox suspensory desmitis or stress rxn
2) acute onset of mod to severe lameness= avulsion fx
Stress fx tx??
conservative: rest, anti-inflamm, ESWT
sx: fasciotomy, intra lesional injection
What is the best dx method to dx stress fx in long bones?
Nuclear scintigraphy
What are 5 risk factors for septic arthritis?
STB, intra-articular injections, FPT, digital tendon sheath, Adequan or PSGAGs
What is the most common site for septic synovitis?
Digital tendon sheath
What type of bacteria are most common in sepsis due to injections vs trauma/foals?
INjection: coag + strep
Trauma/foal: E.coli- gram negs
When do infections due to injections begin to show clinical signs?
Not for at least 5 days and can take up to 3-4 weeks.
If lame in 12-24 hrs---non-septic flare rx
What is the most significant clinical sign of septic arthritis/tenosynovitis?
LAMENESS--along with effusion, soft tissue swelling, heat, pain
What are the dx steps used to dx septic arthritis or any wound?
1. digital exploration--if wound
2. synovial fluid cytology (before flush)
3. distension of joint with saline
4. contrast radiography
What is the problem with a synovial fluid culture?
60-75% of the time it is positive if infected---therefore, ALWAYS do a synovial fluid cytology
How would you treat a septic joint?
1. LAVAGE---fluids under P (1-2 L if standing, 3-6 L if recumbent)
2. ABX--aminoglycosides common
exploratory, NSAIDs, bandage, rest
T/F: It is ok to use intra-articular meds when a septic joint is being treated?
NO--- don't use IA meds for several months
What is OCD?
Failure of proper endochondral ossification-->thickening and retention of hypertrophic zone of cartilage growth
Where is the most common site for OCD in horses?
What are some factors that contribute to OCD formation?
genetics, diet (high carb, low Cu, high Zn), trauma, rapid growth
What are the major sites for SBC and OCD in the stifle?
OCD--lateral ridge of trochlea of femur
SBC--medial femoral condyle
T/F: OCD is most commonly bilateral
TRUE: OCD---frequently Bilateral
What are the 3 main clinical signs of OCD of the stifle?
Lameness, effusion, +/- gluteal atrophy
SBC vs OCD in the stifle?
SBC: no jt effusion, more severe lameness, worse prognosis
OCD: jt effusion, young horses have lameness or hard athletic trainers
How would you treat OCD of the stifle?
arthroscopic debridement and conservative tx
--size of fragment is related to outcome
How would you treat SBC of the stifle?
arthroscopic debridement--young horses
older horses-- inject lining of cyst with steroids and debride outside ( no longer poor response to sx)
What is the most common site for OCD of the hock?
DIRT--distal intermediate ridge of the tibia
this may be the most common OCD site of all in STBs
What are the 3 categories in OCD of the distal dorsal cannon bone?
type 1: subchondral flattening
type 2: flat w/ bony fragment
type 3: flattening + loose osseous body
What is the first sign of OCD of the distal dorsal cannon bone? Is this seen in OCD of palmar/plantar aspect of P1
JOINT EFFUSION---rarely seen in P1 OCD
T/F: OCD of the palmar/plantar aspect of P1 always has to be treated
FALSE--- if this is an incidental finding, no tx necessary
What is the prognosis of OCD of the shoulder joint?
POOR--least favorable and very rare
What clinical signs would you see in a horse with OCD of the shoulder joint?
scuffed toes, muscle atrophy, lameness, young horse
Name the 3 basic components of the tendon?
Tendon-- muscle
tendon tissue proper---mostly type 1 collagen
Where does the majority of repair tissue come from in tendon injuries?
Extratendinous vascular supply of the paratenon ---not intratendinous!
What is the gold std for dx ligament and tendon injuries?
What is the most common traumatic tendinitis in athletic horses?
SDF tendinitis
Where does SDF tendinitis happen more?
What is unique about the SDF tendon in the mid-cannon region?
It has the smallest cross-sectional area---therefore, greater strain on the tendon with loading and fetlock extension
What are contributing factors for SDF tendinitis?
lack of conditioning/inadequate training and muscle weakness and fatigue
What does SDF tendinitis look like on PE and what other injury resembles this?
--bowed tendon (curved out)
can resemble Plantar/palmar ligament desmitis
What are tx options for SDF tendonitis?
-rest, cold therapy, bandage, no turn out
--tendon splitting if acute injury
Sx: superior check lig desmotomy or desmotomy of palmar annular lig
What is thoroughpin?
Tarsal sheath tenosynovitis---tendon sheath of DDF as it passes over hock
What can inferior check ligament desmitis predispose to?
ICL and SDF tendon adhesions!
What breeds are more likely to get inferior check lig desmitis?
STB and drafts --older horses
What is the most common ligamentous injury in sport horses?
Suspensory desmitis
What is the prognosis for suspensory desmitis?
worse prog if involves BRANCHES
STB--better if forelimb and worse if hindlimb and opp for TBs
What may be a predisposing factor for distal sesamoidean desmitis?
upright conformation of the pastern bone
How would you treat distal sesamoidean desmitis?
egg bar shoe---take P off the pastern region
What is plantar ligament desmitis?
curbed hock---looks like SDF tendinitis
seen more in STB
What are the common locations for bursitis?
calcaneus, cunean, trochanter, navicular bone, bicipital
In which joints of the stifle is there effusion when the cranial cruciate ligament is ruptured?
medial femorotibial and femoro-patellar
What meniscus is most commonly injured?
MEDIAL---either alone or with CrCL tear
What are predisposing factors for upward fixation of the patella?
--poor quadriceps tone
---straight hindlimb conformation
--loss of retropatellar fat pad
What can't the horse do to its hind limb when the patella is fixed upward?
can't flex the leg
What are some tx options for upward fix of patella? 5
1. exercise quadriceps (hills)
2. shoe with elevated heel
3. injections of counter irritants over patellar ligs
4. medial patellar desmotomy
5. medial patellar splitting
What are 2 common complications with medial patellar ligament desmotomy?
Chondromalacia and fragmentation of distal aspect of patella
---don't see with fenestration of the ligament
What is the number 1 goal for emergency mgmt of long bone fx?
minimize any further trauma!!!
sedatives, fx stabilization
Type of stabilization for forelimb phalangeal-distal metacarpus fx?
light but tight bandage, Kimzey splint on dorsal aspect
Type of stabilization for mid cannon to distal radius?
R-J bandage ground to elbow and 2 splints (caudal and lateral)
Stabilization for mid to proximal radius?
R-J bandage, 1 lateral splint above elbow to shoulder and one caudal splint below elbow (limit shoulder abduction)
Stabilization for fx proximal to elbow?
heavy musculature helps protect area
caudal splint to keep leg in extension--no triceps apparatus
How would you immobilize a femur or pelvix fx?
cannot immobilize
Describe transport of a horse with fx
hindlimb fx: face forward
forelimb fx: face backwards
neonatals: recumbent
don't tie head
tight confinement
bring trailer to horse
vans and large gooseneck trailers
How does traumatic disruption of the suspensory apparatus occur?
acute hyperextension of fetlock joint
What is the weakest part of the suspensory app in well conditioned horses? poorly conditioned?
sesamoids--well conditioned
ligaments--poor conditioned
What is the definitive tx for TDSA?
Fetlock arthrodesis
T/F: digital flexor tendon lacerations are medical emergencies?
TRUE--- lacerate SDF or DDF tendon--EMERGENCY
What is the prognosis for a tendon laceration involving the tendon sheath?
WORSE PROGNOSIS--Adhesions possible
What does an SDF tendon laceration look like compared to DDF tendon laceration?
SDF: dropped fetlock, foot on ground
DDF: toe flipped upward
What does suspensory ligament transection look like?
foot flipped upward and standing on distal aspect of cannon bone
What are tx options for SDF tendon laceration?
if it is partial--- wound care, bandage, NSAIDs, abx, stall rest
What does sx tx of tendon lacerations entail?
re-appose ends---reduce adhesion formation
--non-absorb suture
--3 loop pulley system
complete stabilization with cast (1/2 limb in front and full limb in hind)
-shoe with elevation of heel
Describe an extensor tendon injury?
No stabilization needed
No splint
No suture of ends of tendon
not immed. life threatening
When purchasing services, what is the proper order of priority?
NIB-NISH, Mandatory FSS, Optional FSS, UNICOR, Commercial
what type of fx occurs most often in P2 and what is the TOC?
PIP arthrodesis
What type of fx occurs most often in P1?
mid saggital comminuted
-interfrag compression or ESF if severe
What fx have the worst progs?
P1, Radius, humerus, scapula, femur, tibia
What is one of the most common upper limb fx in the horse?
Ulna--dropped elbow, cannot extend leg
good prognosis
What is unique about radial fx?
most often contaminated due to external trauma
What is the most common fx site in the scapula?
supraglenoid tubercle
TOC for adult with comminuted femoral fx?
foals--double plate but still guarded prog
When would you arthrodese the fetlock joint?
severe DJD of fetlock joint or traumatic disruption of suspensory apparatus
what is the TOC for fetlock arthrodesis?
ISF using DCP dorsal and palmar/plantar tension band
What is the TOC for jaw fx?
caudal mandibular fx--conservative
or simple interdental wiring with ESF/ISF and curing polymers
what are complications of jaw fx?
malocculsion, loss of teeth, chronic draining tracts, osteomyelitis
What is the clinical healing time for adults and foals in jaw fx?
foal: 3-4 weeks
adults: 6-8 weeks
What are common sites affected by cervical vertebral arthritis?
C5-6> C6-7> C 4-5
What is one of the most common causes of back pain?
kissing spines---impingement of dorsal spinous processes---T-L
What is the main predisposing factor for kissing spines?
poor conformation---also rider, ill fitted saddle, poor conditioning
what is the best dx technique for kissing spines?
Tx for kissing spines?
anti-inflamm injections, NSAIDs, saddle fit properly, ESWT, acupuncture, gel pad, modified exercise routine
Sx: partial excision of every other spinous process
Sacroiliac subluxation clinical signs include?
muscle spasm, pain, hind limb lameness, reluctance to jump, prominent tuber sacrale (hunters bump)
Sacroiliac prognosis?
what is a knocked down hip?
displaced fx of tuber coxae
--swollen, painful, asymmetric from behind
How do you dx a pelvic fx?
PE, clinical signs, rectal palp*, NS, rads, intra-artic anesthesia
What breeds is coxofemoral lux common in?
foals, minis, ponies
most common location of coxofemoral luxation?
guarded prog
CO's and OINC's are final approving authority for all surveys on GP property under what amount?