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109 Cards in this Set

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Cuckoldry (noun)
Noun: The husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision
Cuckoldry (verb)
Verb: Making another man a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife
apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually: portrayed as a blue-collar type, ostensibly a carpenter.
She sucked dick like...
She invented it
She was hitting the crescendo of....
her well-conducted symphony of knob slobbing
Fellatio won't fill....
that hole in your soul
Fuck you, I hope all your children....
are born with birth defects
not revealing one's thought s or feelgins
obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
This is for all the bitches, ho's and tricks....
I wouldn't talk to you, if I didn't have a dick
the use of tricker to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose
accept something reluctantly but without protest
Pursuant to Megan's law....
I am obligated to tell you that I am a convicted sex offender. What's your name?
Hi, can we just skip the pleasantries...
and go straight to the part where you call me Captain Kirk and give me a hand ob in the backseat of my car?
You can't make Chardonnay...
out of shit
I have an upper management...
job in hell reserved for me
Everyone be careful, this guy tries to....
lurk under the stairs and like your shoes when you pass by
a junction of two rivers, esp. rivers of approx. equal width
Girl: "what's your favorite sex position?"
The one where I pretend she isn't there, get off as fast as possible, she does my laundry, cleans, and then leaves
I bet you've sucked..
miles of dick
General Shiridan said...
"if I owned hell and texas, I'd rent out texas and live in hell."
stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion
Gordian Knot
An extremely difficult or involved problem
My dick was so limp, it was like trying to...
shove a marshmallow into a slot machine
It was as much fun as going to the zoo and....
finding all the animals dead
She had the sex appeal of a....
school bus fire
I write dialogue for....
snuff films
I do a lot of free lance work for...
cat fancy
I spend most of my time writing to...
prison inmates
Tucker masturbates to...
sesame street
tucker thinks you're fat, but...
I think you're a unique and special flower
This girl was a mess. Her hair looks like she did it...
with her knees
Like Napoleon,
I need to trade space for time
fond of company
I agree with you mister peepers, she needs to be turned upside down...
and have her vagina filled with concrete
If a key opens lots of locks, it's a master key...
but if a lock is opened by many keys, then she's a whore
I know why women have mouths...
but I'm not sure about why they have vocal chords
Booze is like...
special olympics in a bottle
Sinner on saturday...
saint on sunday
Everytime I think I can't sink any lower, It's like a limbo contest and....
the devil is holding the stick
If you try to defend yourself by criticizing me back...
I will quickly find your deepest insecurity and viciously attack it for a solid 45 minutes. I call this foreplay.
If you think you love me....
I'm sorry your dad was so mean to you and didn't give you the attention you so desperately needed.
But like Solomon...
I found a way to split the baby
It was like scuba diving...
in a puddle
My vagina wants...
to give you a high five
The gods love...
courage and defiance. I have both
It's like saying that they were the best toilet...
to lick
She was as hot as a catcher's mitt...
with lipstick
Pick two....
Sane, sexy, or single
Just because you've had more dicks in you than a..
detective agency doesn't mean you're good at sex
having a very short life
It's the same reason your nose never itches when...
your ankle is caught in a bear trap
Without Bluto...
Popeye is just a vegetarian that digs anorexic chicks
He showed me more faces than...
a mythological hydra staring into a disco ball
Some would say that I contribute to the coarsening of the English language through my casual use of profanity. To those critics...
I would respond that my discourse merely exemplifies the vaunted precedent of valorizing the oral vernacular. I would further add that the language is a living tissue, which must occasionally suffer the rupture of subversion in order to convalesce into a more structural stability. So to those guardians of the linguistic gates out there who charge that I shoehorn the f-word in wherever I can, merely to further a rather tenuous career built entirely on a profane house of cards... well go fuck yourself.
a convicted criminal who reoffends repeatedly
Blaise Pascal:
I have made this letter longer...
because I have not had the time to make it shorter
Sam Levenson
The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well...
is that they have a common enemy
Oscar Wilde
One should always be in love...
that is the reason one should never marry
George Orwel
Advertising is...
rattling a stick inside a swill bucket
Betty Talmadge
Life is what happens to you...
when you're making plans
Jose Joaquin de Olmedo
He who does not hope to win...
has already lost.
Woody Allen
70% of success in life is....
showing up
Anna Quindlen
A finished person is...
a boring person
John Woode
It is what you learn...
after you know it all that counts
Jewish proverb
Don't be sweet, lest you be eaten...
don't be bitter lest you be spewed out
William Faulkner
No man is a failure...
who is enjoying life
Cyrus H. Curtis
There are two kinds of men who never amount to much...
those who are told, and those who can do nothing else
Aurthur Koestler
The more original a discovery...
the more obvious it seems afterwards
Chinese proverb
He who has drowned....
is not trouble by the rain
Sydney Smith
Whatever you are by nature...
keep to it, never desert your line of talent. Be what nature intended you for and you will succeed
Robin Green
I started concentrating so hard on my vision...
that i lost sight
Brittany Murphy
Everybody has difficult years, but a lot of times the difficult years end up...
being the greatest years of your whole entire life, if you survive them
Paul Valery
That which has been believed by everyone...
always and everywhere, has every chance of being false
Charles Anderson Dana
When a doge bites a man, that is not news...
but when a man bites a dog, that is news
Albert von Szent-gyorgyi
Science is...
to see what everyone else has seen, but think what no one else has thought.
Elbert Hubbard
A man is not paid for having a head and hands...
but for using them
Abraham Lincoln
You may deceive all the people part of the time...
and some of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time
Wilma Askinas
A friend is...
someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view
Adlai Stevenson
All progress has resulted from...
people who took unpopular positions.
Charles Gordon
If you tell the truth, you have infinite power supporting you...
but if not, you have infinite power against you
some people are angry because god put thorns on roses...
but others praise him for putting roses among thorns
One man with courage....
makes a majority
eat and drink with relatives....
do business with strangers
if you reach for the stars...
you may not reach one, but you won't end up with a handfull of mud
Success is getting what you want...
Happiness is wanting what you get
don't think there are no crocs...
because the water is calm
you have to laugh at yourself...
because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't
the stars are constantly shining...
but often we do not see them until the dark
history repeats itself...
historians repeat each other
you cannot shake hands with...
a clenched fist
don't pray when it rains...
if you don't pray when the sun shines
if you rest...
you rust
if only we'd stop trying to be happy...
we'd have a pretty good time
to avoid criticism...
do nothing, say nothing, be nothing
I never let schooling...
interfere with my education
I would never die for my beliefs...
because i might be wrong
my schoolmates would hump anything that moved...
but I never saw any reason to limit myself
Whe you have got an elephant by the hind leg...
and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run
Every man is thoroughly happy twice in his life...
just afer he has met his first love, and just after he has left his last one
Everytime you are not practicing...
someone else is
Gain a modest reputation for being unreliable and...
and you will never be asked to do a thing
wisdom is knowing what to do next...
virtue is doing
It is not obesreved in history that families...
improve with time
Failure I never encountered it...
All I ever met were temporary setbacks
A man will fight harder for his interests...
than for his rights
The problem with the gene pool is that...
there is no lifeguard
If you educate a man you educate a person...
but if you educate a woman you educate a family
We find no real satisfaction or happiness in life...
without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.