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45 Cards in this Set

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Yalta Conference
1945-Meeting between Churchill, Stalkin, and FDR in which the leaders discussed plans for the postwar world
United Nations
An international peacekeeping organization
General Assembly
All members of the U.N discuss freely
Security Council
11(now 15) members of the U.N. with a special veto power
Potsdam Conference
Truman met with Stalin, Stalin wanted war payments from the Germans and Truman wanted free elections in Poland
Satellite Nations
A country dominated politically and economically by another nation, especially by the Soviet Union in the Cold War
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill's term for the extension of Communist control over eastern europe
Cold War
The state of hostility, without actual warfare, that existed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after WWII until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
American Policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world
George Kennan
American diplomat stationed in Moscow who analyzed Soviet behavior and policy
Truman Doctrine
1947-Declaration by Truman that the U.S. would support nations that were being threatened by communism
Marshall Plan
1947-Program of American economic assistance to Western Europe
George C. Marshall
Army chief of staff during WWII and Sect. of State for Harry Truman; assisted economy, established strong allies through the Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift
Supply of West Berlin by American and British planes during a Soviet blockade in 1948-1949
North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)
Alliance between the U.S., Canada, and Western European nations, formed in 1949
Collective Security
Policy in which nations agree to protect one another against attack
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance between the Soviet Union and the nations of eastern Europe; formed in 1955
Hydrogen Bomb
1952-Thermonuclear bomb; more destructive than the atomic bomb
Federal Civil Defense Administration
Agency that put out posters and other information about how to survive a nuclear attack
Bomb Shelter
Shelters to protect people agains nuclear attacks
Air Raid Drill
Drills in schools to protect people against nuclear attacks and bombings
Mao Zedong
Leader of communists who took over China in 1949; remained in power until his death in 1976
Jiang(Chang Chi Shek)
Leader of non-communist China
Nationalist Chinese
1949-The democratic group during the civil war in China; lost war
Loyalty Program
1947-All new federal employees had to be investigated; also checked existing employees
-Loyalty Review Board
HUAC(House Un-American Activities Committee)
Congressional committee that investigated communist influence in the U.S. in the 40's and 50's
Hollywood Ten
Ten Hollywood actors, directors, etc. invoked their 5th amendment rights and declined to answer the questions while on trial; went to jail
List that is circulated, containing the names of persons who should not be hired
McCarran-Walter Act
1952-Immigration law that discriminated against potential immigrants from Asia and Southern and Central Europe
Alger HIss
Former State Department official investigatedd as a possible communist spy by HUAC after WWII; Convicted of prejury in 1950 by Nixon
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Husband and wife convicted and executed in 1953 for passing atomic secrets to the Soviets; guilt still debated
38th Parallel
The latitude line dividing North Korea and South Korea
Douglas MacArthur
United States General during the great depression, WWII, and Korean War, Forced by Truman to resign in 1953
Syngman Rhee
South Korean President
Yalu River
The river dividing North Korea and China
Joseph McCarthy
Republican Senator from Wisconsin in the late 40's and 50's; lead crusade to investigate officials he claimed were communists; discredited in 1954
2nd Red Scare
The second period of intense fear of communism in America
Domino Theory
Belief that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would likewise fall
Arms Race
A contest between nations in which both expand their arms stockpiles in an effort to gain superiority
Policy of risking war in order to protect national interests
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th president of the United States(1953-1961); Leader of allied forcers in WWII; as president promoted business and continued social programs
Nakita Khrushchev
Soviet leader from 1953 to 1964; Opposed president Kennedy in Cuban Missle Crisis
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
1st artificial satellite to orbit earth; launched by Soviets in 1957
U-2 Incident
The shooting down of an American spy plane over the Soviet Union in 1960