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155 Cards in this Set

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To find the Location on a map you must look for the...
Latitude & Longitude
Another word for Latitude is
Latitude lines run...
east and west
Latitude is based north and south of the
The equator is how many degrees on the map?
0 degrees
The equator divides the globe in half horizontally which is the ____and___ hemispheres
Northern & Southern
Another word for Longitude is...
Meridian is the Latin word for ...
Meridian lines run...
North & South
Meridian Lines are either east or west of the ____
Prime Meridian
All Meridian Lines connect the ___ &____ Poles
North & South
The Prime Meridian divides the globe Vertically which is the ___&___ hemispheres
Eastern & Western
The prime meridian runs through which city and country
Greenwich, England
This location was agreed by geographers that met in ____ in 1884
Washington DC
Geographers agreed on the Equator and the Prime Meridian to be known as....
Reference Points
Prime Meridian continues on the other side of the two poles and it becomes the ____ meridian or longitude
180 Degrees
How many quandrants is the earth divided into?
If you live in the US that is in which hemispheres?
Western & Northern
This is the scale the proportion between distance on the map and actual distance on the Earth's surface...
Map Scale
How many climate zones are there?
Frigid Climate Zones are very...
Very Cold
Moderate Climate Zones are...
neither very cold nor very hot
Tropical Climate Zones are very
Very Hot
What does altitude mean?
height above sea level
What is Relative Location?
refers to the location of a place in relation to another place. (Next to, close to, between this place and that place)
What is absolute Location
Usually expressed in degrees of longitude and latitude
What are the physical characteristics of geography?
it is expressed in water, landforms, and climate
What are human characteristics of Geography?
it is expressed in languages spoken, religon, government
What is Human and the Environment
studies of how people depend on the environment and the impact of technology on the environment.
What is Movement?
Movement describes and analyzes the changing patterns caused by human interactions on the Earth's surface.
What are regions?
Regions are a way to describe and compare places. It is defined by its common characteristics and/or features.
What is a geographic region?
its description includes landforms example The Iberian Peninsula
What is economic region?
its description includes industry and trade information example Most of Ireland's industry is located in Dublin & Cork.
What is Cultural Region?
It describes the human part of geography. Example Basques make up a small portion of the population of Spain & France.
Early Humans were ...
Hunters & Gatherers
What did early humans do for food?
Some people learned how to raise animals and crops for food.
Once the people were enabled on how to grow their food, for the first time, people lived....
in one place
One of the most advanced changes in Human Development occured when there was a gradual shift from Hunter-Gatherers to ....
Farmers or Food Producers
Once the changes were made this resulted in...
People began to farm their food source, built permanent shelters, settle in large communities, work together to produce what they needed, develop new skills and make new things, they began to trade their goods.
As hunter-gatherers, people did not have a stable or dependable food supply because....
wild plants & animals grew scarce when people stayed in one area too long, hunting was dangerous because hunters were injured or killed.
Gradually people discovered that to have a stable food supply they could...
plant seeds and harvest crops.
Farmers learned two things to produce food which are ...
Farmers learned which seeds produced the most crops in the areas they lived and learned to domesticate animals
What does it mean to domesticate animals?
It means to train a wild animal to be useful to humans
What kinds of animals did people raise for meat?
Sheep, goats, & cattle
What else did Goats & Cattle provide besides Meat?
What kind of animal was used to carry heavy loads and pull plows
What is agriculture?
Growing crops and domestication of animals
Early people lived in what type of structures?
Caves or rough tent like structures
What are nomads?
people that moved often to follow the wild animal herds or find new plants to eat.
What were early human shelters made of?
Mud bricks with stone and tree branches for strength
Permanent shelters provided many important conditions such as...
protection from harsh weather & wild animals, made life more comfortable, people could cook food in new ways, it enabled people to settle together to form larger communities.
Towns and villages grew up close to...... where there was a food source.
How did communities make it possible for people to organize themselves more efficiently?
people could divide up the work of producing food and other things needed. Some built houses & tools. With more time people had more time and energey for other activities
With more time and energy what did people do with their extra time?
They could invent new ways of making their lives more comfortable. Larger communities could now defend themselves against enemies.
All these changes led to...
a growing population
A stable constant food supply allowed people to....
develop new kinds of jobs
Early man's job was to...
find enough food to survive
With farming, people now could...
develop more specialized skills
Besides farmers, other skilled jobs included....
weavers, basket makers, toolmakers, and traders
What happened when people focused on one job at a time?
It gave people the opportunity to improve the ways they worked.
Some ways that jobs improved
Clothing makers developed new way to weave, stoneworkers could create sharper tools wih mined flint, potters decorated their wares with geometric shapes, house builders added special rooms to honor gods.
What was the one effect of the development of different specialized jobs?
it was to inspire workers to improve their skills
What happened when workers improved their skills?
it led to better ways of doing things and a greater variety of community life
What is trade?
it is the business of buying and selling or exchanging goods
How did early man trade?
they were mostly concerned with animals & plants and resources they did not have in their area
what is resources?
something that can be used to fulfill a need
Why did traders often travel long distances for resources?
It would bring contact with people from different places and these contacts would help spread ideas and knowledge through the ancient world.
What is a complex?
When cities are arranged in a different way.
What is the name of the present day country that used to be known as Mesopotamia?
What does the word "Mesopotamia" mean in Greek?
the land between 2 rivers
What are the name of the 2 rivers?
Tigris & Euphrates
What were some characteristics of these ancient cities?
They were small, independent countries with its own ruler. Walled area of farmland and mud brick wall surrounded the city. Moats or ditches surrounded the city for protection. People living outside the walls would enter the city during an attack by enemies.
What was the land like in Mesopotamia?
Northern part is hilly and received rain. Southern part was low plains or flat lands with very little rain.
How did Mesopotamians get their water suppluy?
From the rivers that were created by the flood season most of the year.
What are materials?
a resource that can be used to make something else
What does scarce mean?
difficult to find
What were some challenges for the Mesopotamian people?
Reeds or weeds would grow along river, few trees would provide wood, stones were scarce, few natural barriers to keep enemies out (deserts, seas)
Four major problems faced by Mesopotamians
Shortage of food in the hills
an uncontrolled water supply in the plains
difficult in building and maintaining systems that provided water
attacks by neighboring communities
What is the name of the mountain range in Northern Mesopotamia that had good conditions for farming?
The Zagros Mountains
What good conditions did the Zagros Mountains have for farming?
Mild weather, plentiful rain, timber for shelters, stones for tools,
What problem arose in the Zagros Mountains when the population grew?
not enough land to farm to provide food so people moved from the foothills to the plains which became to be known as Sumer.
What kinds of problems did farmers face when they moved to the Sumer Valley?
When the snow melted in the spring the Tigris & Euphrates rivers flooded and washed away people, plants, shelter and live stock. The rest of the year had no rain so ground was sun-baked dry and hard.
What is irrigation?
a means of supplying land with water
What are levees?
a wall of earth built to prevent a river from flooding its banks
How did Sumerians create a way to have water supply year round?
They created irrigation systems, they built levees, when soil was dry they would punch a hole in the levee to allow the water onto the dry land, they dug canals and constructed dams that forced water to collect in reservoirs.
What is Silt?
Fine particles of rock
What caused problems in the Irrigation system?
Canals became clogged with Silt and it disruppted the whole system.
What is a city state?
an early city that was like a small independent country with its own laws and government.
When and where was Sumer discoverd?
Sumer was discovered about 150 years ago by archeaologists in the area of the Fertile Crescent
What else was discoverd about Sumarians?
Sumerians had a written language that has never been seen before and they had a complex society.
Sumer was a challenging place to live because...
Hot summers, little rain, rivers flooded in the spring. They built complex irrigation systems and large cities.
What is civilization?
a society marked by developed arts, sciences, government, and social structure.
What is social structure?
the way a civilization is organized with different social levels and jobs.
What did the system of government do?
to ensure order
what is a religous system?
a set of beliefs and forms of worship.
What was considered a developed way of life?
the arts, painting, music, and literature
What is technology?
the use of tools and other inventions for practical purposes
What are the characteristics of a Civilization?
A stable Food supply
A social Structure
A system of government
A Religous System
A Developed Way of life
Advances in Technology
A Highly developed Written Language
What 2 things did Sumarians develop to help create a food supply?
an irrigation system and the plow
What was the first plow made of?
How did farmers use the plow?
they pushed or pulled along the ground or used animals
What were the 3 levels of Social Levels in the Sumarian Society?
Top, Middle, and Botom level
What type of people were in the top level?
Priests, landowners, & government officials. They had luxorious homes, located near center of city.
What type of people were in the middle level?
Merchants, artisans, farmers, & fishers.
What kind of things did artisans make?
They made such things as swords and arrowheads for the army. Tools like plows and hoes for farmers. And luxury items like mirrors and jewelry for the upper class.
What is a merchant?
a person who makes money by selling goods.
What is an artisan?
a Craftsperson
What type of people were in the bottom level?
slaves who lived in their owner's homes and had no property of their own.
Sumerian city-states are ruled by...
Describe the role of the Sumerian King
Sumerians believed their kings were chosen by their gods.
Kings were very powerful.
King reinforced the social order because obeying god was a strong belief.
Kings enforced laws, collected taxes, built temples, and made sure irrigation systems were maintained.
Kings led the city-states army.
Why did All city-states need an army?
Constant fighting over land boundaries & water use
What is a religous system?
a set of beliefs or belief in a god or gods and some form of worship.
What is a ziggurats?
A religous temple or tower
Describe an ancient Mesopotamian Ziggurat
Temple tower with Outside staircases and a shrine on the top. Platforms made of mud-bricks. Very large structures could be seen from great distance. Sumerians believed their gods lived in the ziggurate. Gods would use the staircases as a way to the earth. Kings & priests would stand in the shrine to ask for blessings. Statues expressed religous beliefs. Sumerians believed their gods were pleased when the people showed devotion and obedience.
What is culture?
a characteristic of civilization that includes the beliefs and behaviors of a society or a group of people.
What type of arts were in the Mesopotamian culture?
painting, architecture, and music
What type of artists were there?
Metalworkers made weapons, cups, mirrors and jewelry. Architects designed temples and ziggurats.
What did Sumerians believe music did for their people?
Music brought joy to the gods and people.
What is a lyre?
a small harp
What type of technology was created during the Mesopotamian civilization?
The wheel and the arch
What was the wheel used for?
Potters used the wheel for spinning table to shape pottery It was used for carts for farmers, chariots for the army.
What did the people use before the wheel?
People dragged goods on a flat-bottomed cart called sledges. They would get stuck in the mud and could not support heavy loads.
What were the arches used for?
Arches added strength and beauty to buildings. It was a common feature for temple openings and upper-class homes. Usually in the shape of U or V. Some historians believe the arch was the Sumerian's greatest architectural achievement.
What was the name of the Sumerian's written language that used wedge-shaped characters?
What was the Latin word meaning of Cuneiform?
What tools did Sumerians used to write?
a wedged shaped stylus (sharp pointed tool) and wet clay tablets
What was the earliest forms used to record?
The goods exchanged with one another.
What is a pictograph?
a symbol that stands for an object
True or False: Religon also strengthen the pharaoh's authority or power.
True or False: Classes near the bottom of the pyramid has fewer people and enjoyed a higher status or importance.
True or False: Greece is a small country in Southern Africa on the Balkan Penninsula
True or False: Greek communities sent people to search for new places to farm so the food could be grown there and shipped back home.
True or False: The Nile River flowing south from east Africa ending in a marshy delta where it emptied into the Mediterrean Sea that created the fertile valley.
The leaders of ancient Egypt were called Pharoahs
True or False: Ruling during the New Kingdom was the pharoah Hatshepsut
True or False: Hatsheput was a male ruler
True or False: The Greeks traded among the city-states with the Greek colonies on other lands and across the Mediterranean area.
True or False: Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. A social pyramid showed the positions of the social classes according to their social status.
Greece is a small country in the southern part of Europe on the ____peninsula.
The_____Sea is to the east of the mainland Greece.
Classes near the top of the pyramid had fewer people and enjoyed a higher______(another word for importance)
The Egyptians and the Kushites settled near the ___ River the longest river in the world.
The Nile River
To prepare for a journey Greeks would consult an_____ to find out whether their efforts would be successful or not.
The____of Ancient Egypt were called Pharoahs.
Historians called the ___________the period of the Age of Pyramids.
Old Kingdom
______like Mesopotamia played a central role in the social and politcal order.
Ruling during the New Kingdom wa the pharoah______ the first female ruler of Egypt.
____made peace with the Hittites by signing the first peace ____ a written agreement by which two or more states agree on peaceful relations
Ramses, Peace Treaty
Six societies made up the ____ ____ of Egypt.
Social Pyramid
As population grew beyond the production of food from farmland to feed all the people, a solution was a start a _____(a settlement under the control of usually a distant country)
_____recorded information for government and religous leaders.
The____ believed that the class system created a stable well ordered society
The pharoah____established the term "pharoah" as a central authority (leader)
An _____ was a holy person who Greeks thought could communicate with the gods
What was the order of social classes in the Egyptian society?
Pharoahs, Government Officicals, Priests, Scribes, Artisans, Peasants