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22 Cards in this Set

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Fasciola hepatica "liver fluke"
1st Intermediate - Aquatic Snail
2nd Intermediate - Vegetation
Definitive - Cattle, sheep, goats, camelids
Location - Liver + bile duct
Fascioloides magna
1st Intermediate - Aquatic Snail
2nd Intermediate - Vegetation
Definitive - Wild cervids, ruminants
Location - Liver + bile duct
Paramphistomum cervi
1st Intermediate - Aquatic Snail
2nd Intermediate - Vegetation
Definitive - Cattle, sheep, goats
Location - Rumen
Paragonimus kellicotti
1st Intermediate - Aquatic Snail
2nd Intermediate - Crayfish
Definitive - Dogs, cats, pigs, mink, muskrats
Location - Lungs
Nanophyetus salmincola
1st Intermediate - Aquatic Snail
2nd Intermediate - Fish (salmon, trout)
Definitive - Dogs, cats, wild carnivores
Location - Intestine
Platynosomum fastosum
1st Intermediate - Terrestrial snail
2nd Intermediate - Terrestrial isopods
Definitive - Felids (cats + wild)
Location - Bile duct + pancreatic duct
Eurytrema procyonis
1st Intermediate - Terrestrial snail
2nd Intermediate - Terrestrial arthropod
Definitive - Raccoons, fox, cats
Location - Pancreatic duct
Dicrocoelium dendriticum "lancet fluke"
1st Intermediate - Terrestrial snail
2nd Intermediate - Ants
Definitive - Ruminants (sheep/goats), deer, rabbits, pig, other
Location - Bile duct
Alaria sp.
1st Intermediate - Aquatic snail
2nd Intermediate - Tadpole
Definitive - Carnivores: dogs, cats, fox, wild felids, mink
Location - Intestine
Heterobilharzia americana "blood fluke"
1st Intermediate - Aquatic snail
Definitive - Dogs, raccoons, wild canids, bobcat
Location - Blood
Schistosoma sp
(definitive host, location)
Definitive - Human, cow
Location - Blood
Trichobilharzia, Gigantobilharzia
"swimmer's itch"
Definitive - Human
What large animal trematodes are located in the liver/bile duct
Fasciola hepatica
Fascioloides magna
Dicrocoelium dendriticum
What trematode is located in the rumen
Paramphistomum cervi
What trematode is located in the lungs of small animals
Paragonimus kellicotti
What trematodes are located in the intestine of small animals
Nanophyetus salmincola
Alaria sp
What trematode is located in the pancreatic duct of small animals
Eurytrema procyonis
What trematode is located in the Bile duct + pancreatic duct of small animals
Platynosomum fastosum
What trematode is located in the blood of small animals
Heterobilharzia americana
What is the trematode located in the blood of humans and cows
What are the two trematodes causing 'swimmer's itch'
What hosts are associated with the lifecycle of Lecithodendrid Flukes Potomac Horse fever
Bats, stream snails, caddisflies and mayflies