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29 Cards in this Set

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How many limbs should be removed yearly when pruning a mature tree

1 to 2 per year

What kind of cut maintains a mature tree


What relationship does pruning alter in a mature tree

Balance between root system and tree top

What is the goal of limb spreading

To develop limb orientation @ 60° from vertical

To develop strong wide crotch angles of 35° or wider

Describe the natural target pruning method

The method of pruning using the correct anatomical location beyond the branch collar or shoulder

What is a good guide for size when removing branches

Under 2 inches...go ahead

Between 2 and for inches....think twice

Greater....haveva good reason

Examples of harmful practices



Bark ripping

Flush cutting

Stub cutting

What is the best time of year to prune

Early spring....growth after pruning is maximized if done before this period of rapid growth

If goal is to reduce risk of failure

Crown cleaning

Crown thinning

Crown raising

Crown reduction

Restoration pruning

Goal is provide clearance

Crown raising

Crown reduction

Goal to reduce shade and wind resistance

Crown thinning

Crown reduction

Goal is to Maintain health


Crown cleaning

Restorative. Pruning

Goal is influence flower or fruit production


Crown thinning

Crown reduction

Restoration pruning

Goal is to improve view

Crown thinning

Crown raising

Crown reduction

Goal is to Improve aesthetics


Crown thinning, cleaning and restoration pruning

Goal tree planting


Root pruning

Goal is Hardscape repair

Root pruning

What do branches develop from?

Apical buds at the tip of the same stem

After they develop from apical buds what type of branches are formed


At development what should be done with codominant branches

Best removed when young....remove one at properr angle in relation to crotch

What is the goal when pruning young trees for structure

Should be to have branches no greater than one half the diameter of trunk or parent stem

What is crown cleaning

A series pf pruning cuts that remove hazardous declining and or dead branches. Also ecessive epicormic branches

What is an epicormic branch

Watersprouts and suckers

What is the goal of a properly trimmed tree

It should look natural as if no work had been done

What is the goal of thinning if not to influence size and shape of tree

Should result in even distribution of branches along individual limbs

Describe the technique of Crown Raising

The removal of lower branches in order to privide clearance for vehixle or pedestrian traffic.

When should crown raising take place in tree life span

While young to medium aged trees to prenent low branches from reaching large diameter.younger trees heal faster

To promote tree health and stability what is the max percent of lower canopy that can be removed

30 to 33 percent

What is a xommon practice on young trees to avoid large low branches

To shorten low brancheed regularly and suppress their growth and force more growth in upper branches. These lower limbs can be removed later in crown raising