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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the CNS depressants?

1. Benzodiazepines

2. Barbiturates

3. Hypnotics

4. Ethanol

5. General anesthetics

What are the effects of barbiturates and other hypnotics at higher doses?

1. Depress respiratory and vasomotor centers

2. Induce anesthesia

3. Coma

4. Death

Are benzodiazepines or barbiturates abused more often?

1. Barbiturates

What is the MOA of benzodiazepines?

1. Potentiate actions of GABA in CNS

2. Via GABA A receptors

3. Positive allosteric modulators

What type of GABA receptor has underlying hypnotic effects?

1. Those with a1 subunit

What is the MOA of barbiturates?

1. Potentiate action of GABA

2. GABA agonist at high concentrations

3. Inhibit AMPA receptors

4. Inhibit Na/K channels

What is the MOA of flumazenil?

1. Competitive benzodiazepine antagonist

How do you tx barbiturate toxicity?

1. Respiratory/CV support

2. Alkalization of urine for phenobarbital and thiopental

What are the indications for benzodiazepines?

1. Anxiety

2. Insomnia

3. Seizure disorders

4. Muscle spasm

5. Alcohol withdrawal

What are the side effects of benzodiazepines?

1. Decreased motor skills and confusion

2. Anterograde amnesia

What is the effect of benzodiazepines on the P450 system?

1. Induction

What can inhibit benzodiazepine metabolism?

1. Cimetidine

2. OCs

3. Isoniazid

What is the pregnancy category for benzodiazepines?

1. D (most)

2. X

When are benzodiazepines contraindicated?

1. Pregnancy

2. L/D

3. Breastfeeding

What are the benzodiazepine-like drugs?

1. Zolpidem (ambien)

2. Zaleplon

3. Eszopiclone

What is the MOA of benzodiazepine-like drugs?

1. Bind to benzodiazepine binding site

2. Selectively bind a1 subunit-containing GABA receptors

What is the effect of zolpidem?

1. Minimal muscle relaxation and anticonvulsant effects

What are the adverse effects of zolpidem?

1. Drowsiness

2. Drugged feeling

3. Mild rebound insomnia after d/c

What metabolizes zolpidem?

1. Cytochrome P450 and cyp3A4 in liver

What are the side effects of zaleplon?

1. Next-day amnesia

2. Psychomotor impairment

What is the MOA of doxepin?

1. H1 antagonist

What is the indication of doxepin?

1. Tx of insomnia with difficulty in sleep maintenance

What are the adverse effects of doxepin?

1. Somnolence

2. Sedation

3. Nausea

4. URI

What is the MOA of ramelteon?

1. Melatonin agonist (MT1 and MT2)

What is the use of ramelteon

1. Induce sleep

2. Decrease awakening

3. Not very powerful

What are the side effects of ramelteon?

1. Increase prolactin level

What are the DOCs for narcolepsy/

1. Modafinil

2. Armodafinil

3. MOA unknown

What is the MOA of amphetamines?

1. Reverse dopamine transporters and VMAT2

2. Elicits release of catecholamines into the synapse

3. Phosphorylates transporters

What is the MOA of cocaine?

1. Block monoamine reuptake

What is the DOC for cataplexy?

1. Protriptyline

2. Venlaxafine

What is the MOA of protriptyline?

1. TCA--- inhibits NE reuptake

What are the DOC for RSBD?

1. Clonazepam