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18 Cards in this Set

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Criterion A for PTSD relates to what?

Trauma exposure in one of 4 forms;

Experiencing a traumatic event.

Witnessing it happen to others.

Learning that it is happen to someone close.

Exposure to the aversive details of traumatic events.

Criterion B for PTSD relates to what?

Intrusive symptoms associated with the trauma.

What forms might the intrusive symptoms of PTSD take and how many must be reported for a diagnosis?

One of;

1. Recurrent involuntary and intrusive distressing memories.

2. Recurrent distressing dreams related to the event.

3. Dissociative reactions that feel as though the traumatic events were recurring e.g. flashbacks.

4. Intense or prolonged psychological distress at cues that resemble aspect of the event.

5. Marked physiological reactions at cues that resemble aspect of the event

Criterion C for PTSD relates to what?

Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumatic event

Symptoms of avoidance and PTSD include…

One of;

  • Avoidance of distressing memories, thoughts or feelings associated with the event.

  • Avoidance of external reminders that arouse memories, thoughts or feelings of the event.
Criterion D for PTSD relates to what?
Negative alterations and cognitions and mood associated with the event.

Negative cognitions and mood (numbing) that are symptomatic of PTSD include…

2 of;

Inability to remember important aspects of the event.

Exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about oneself, others or the world.

Self blame for the event.

Persistent negative emotional state.

Markedly diminished interest in significant activities.

Feelings of detachment from others.

Inability to experience positive emotions.

Criterion E for PTSD relates to what?

Marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with the event.

How might the hyperarousal and reactivity associated with PTSD be evidenced in symptoms?

2 of;

1. Irritable behaviour and angry outbursts.

2. Reckless or self-destructive behaviour.

3. Hypervigilance.

4. Exaggerated startle response.

5. Problems of concentration.

6. Sleep disturbance.

What are the 1st five criterion for PTSD, and what is the pneumonic?




Negative mood and thought.


Trauma Intrudes At Nasty Angles

How might criterion A for PTSD be different in children?

Trauma is of particular significance if occurring to a parent or caregiver.

How might some of the symptoms of PTSD be evidenced differently in children?

Signs of it may come through in the play.

What are the specifiers for PTSD?

With dissociative symptoms, either depersonalisation or derealisation.

With delayed expression. Longer than 6 months after the event.

How long must symptoms of PTSD been present in order for a diagnosis?

One month

Symptoms for acute stress disorder encompass criterions B through E for PTSD, how many symptoms are required for the diagnosis?


To the duration of symptoms required for ASD?

3 days to one month after exposure to trauma.

What is the minimum number of symptoms required for a diagnosis of adult PTSD?

7 including trauma exposure, one from intrusion, one from avoidance, two from negative mood/numbing and 2 from hyperarousal.

what are the criteria for adjustment disorder?

The development of emotional or behavioural symptoms in response to a stressor occurring within 3 months of the onset of the stressor.

The symptoms or behaviour are clinically significant, is evidenced by one or both of the following:

Marked distress that is out of proportion to the severity or intensity of the stressor, taking into account external context and factors that might influence symptom severity and presentation.

Significant impairment in social, occupational orother areas of functioning.

The stress-related disturbance does not meet the criteria for another mental disorder and is not merely an exacerbation of a pre-existing mental disorder.

The symptoms do not represent normal bereavement.

Once the stress or its consequences have terminated the symptoms do not persist for more than an additional 6 months.