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36 Cards in this Set

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What is the source of ethylene glycol?
*Describe the characteristics of pure ethylene glycol.
Sweet tasting ***
How can you confirm that you completely cleaned up an ethylene glycol spill?
Some have a fluorescent so can use a wood lamp
-may also be able to see on muzzle using this
-can see fluorescent in urine bc 50% excreted unmetabolized
What animals are susceptible to ethylene glycol toxicity? What animals are most commonly affected?
All are susceptible
Dogs & cats most commonly affected
Why is the mortality rate of ethylene glycol so high?
Mortality high due to *difficult diagnosis and *narrow treatment time frame
*What is the toxic dose of ethylene glycol to a 10 lb cat?
Typical radiator solutions are 50: 50 so 1 tbsp is lethal
Describe the metabolism to toxicity of ethylene glycol.
Ethylene glycol--------> glycoaldehyde--------> glycolic acid---->Glyoxylic acid----> oxalic acid----> calcium oxalate---> birefringent crystals
**What is the rate limiting step of ethylene glycol toxicity?
Hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase
converts ethylene glycol to glycoaldehyde
What enzyme converts glycoaldehyde into glycolic acid during ethylene glycol metabolism?
Aldehyde dehydrogenase
What is the second rate limiting step of ethylene glycol toxicity?
Lactate dehydrogenase converts glycolic acid into oxalic acid + calcium to calcium oxalate
True or false. Ethylene glycol is directly toxic to the body.
False, EG is no more toxic than ethanol, its the *metabolites that affect the various systems
What are the 2 primary mechanisms of toxicity of the metabolites of ethylene glycol?
1) Metabolic acidosis --> pH 6.9
2) Renal damage
Why does metabolic acidosis develop from ethylene glycol toxicity? What are the sequelae?
Glycolic acid produced w/in 3-4 hours of ingestion--> cerebral edema & loss of consciousness
What is the mechanism of renal damage from ethylene glycol toxicity?
Acute renal failure due to cytotoxic & renal edema --> decreases blood flow + CaOxalate crystals blocking kidney tubules w/in 1-3 days
What are the 4 mechanisms of toxicity of ethylene glycol?
1) metabolic acidosis
2) renal damage
3) GI gastric irritant--> vomiting, bleeding, abdominal pain
4) Nervous system-glycoaldehyde
--> glucose and serotonin metabolism depression
When are peak blood levels of ethylene glycol reached?
Rapid absorption from GI tract so peak blood levels in 1-4 hours
Most ethylene glycol is metabolized or excreted (>50% unchanged in urine) by ___-___ hrs.
16-24 hours
What 6 things occur during stage 1 of ethylene glycol toxicity ( 30 min to 12 h)?
1) Ataxia & obtundness
2) Nausea & vomiting
3) PU/PD
4) Hypothermia
5) Reduced withdrawl & righting reflexes
6) Goes to seizure, coma and rarely, death
What 2 things occur during the second stage (12-24 hours) of ethylene glycol toxicity?
1) Dogs may look recovered; cats remain obtund
2) Dehydration, tachycardia and tachypnea
What is the primary sign seen during stage 3 (12-24 hours in cats & 36-72 hrs in dogs) of ethylene glycol toxicity?
Acute **Oliguric renal failure
What are the 4 things that can happen during stage 3 of ethylene glycol toxicity (12-24 hrs in cats & 36-72 hrs in dogs)?
1) Oliguric renal failure
2) Severe obtundness, lethargy--> coma
3) Anorexia, continuous vomiting, oral ulcers & hypersalivation
4) Seizure, coma and death
***What is the key to treating ethylene glycol toxicity?
Difficult bc need early diagnosis (1-4 hr) paramount for successful outcome
-Key: high index of suspicion
How can you diagnose ethylene glycol other than suspecting exposure?
Appropriate clinical signs/ clin path**
-chemical analysis of blood, urine, serum, plasma
-woods lamp
**What is an in house chemical analysis test for ethylene glycol? what is the time frame to use this?
*Kacey diagnostics KCEGT for **Parent EG
-detects >20 mg/dL
**Do in first 12 hours or may get false +
*What's the only way to rule ethylene glycol toxicity out?
Have to do multiple rounds of testing to rule this out
-Abnormalities are time dependent!!!!
What is the freezer test?
Take stomach contents or vomitus and try to freeze it, if there's ethylene glycol in it then it won't freeze
What clinical pathologies result from anuria due to ethylene glycol toxicity? (4)
1) Hyperkalemia
2) Hypocalcemia (50%)
3) Hyperglycemia (50%)
4) Hyperhphosphatemia
***How long does it take dogs with ethylene glycol toxicity to have calcium oxalate crystals in the urine? Cats?
Dogs: by 6 hours
Cats: by 3 hours
*What are the 4 components of treatment of a medical emergency with ethylene glycol toxicity?
1) Detoxify w/ emesis or gastric lavage
-doesn't bind well to activated charcoal
2) Steps to inhibit EG metabolism
3) Steps to correct acid-base and electrolyte imbalances
4) Steps to correct fluid imbalances
What are 2 ways to inhibit the metabolism of ethylene glycol?
1) 4 MP (Antizol Vet)
2) Ethanol 7% IV- less preferred bc side effects of depression & acidosis
What is the mechanism of action of 4 MP?
Competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase IV
As long as a dog is treated with 4 MP _____ hours after ethylene glycol exposure they should live.
8 hours
**What are the 2 steps to correct acid-base and electrolyte imbalances caused by ethylene glycol?
1) Bicarb if severe metabolic acidosis
2) Calcium gluconate (if severe hypocalcemia)
***When correcting fluid imbalances what is one thing you should make sure to check for?
Make sure animal can make urine
***When is the prognosis of ethylene glycol definitely poor?
animals with oliguric renal failure
*what is the main source of most diagnoses of ethylene glycol toxicity?
-calcium oxalate/ hippurate crystals in renal tubules
-degeneration/ necrosis of tubular epithelium