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107 Cards in this Set

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Acer spp
Red Maple
Affects horses, equids
Toxic principle: strong oxidants; dried leaves
C/S hemolytic anemia, Heinz bodies, MetHb, Icterus, centrilobular hepatic degeneration
Allium spp
Affects cats > dogs, cattle, horses > sheep
Toxic principle: N-propyl disulfide
C/S: Heinz body anemia, hemoglobinuria, icterus, onion doro in milk or expired air
Tx: blood transfusion, remove source
Meliliotus spp
Sweet Clover
Affects cattle (sheep, horses)
Toxic principle: dicoumarol (due to damage/mold of coumarol, a non-toxic glycoside); affects II, VII, IX, X
C/S: 3-8wks post-ingestion, subQ swellings, anemia, weakness, hypovolemic shock, massive hemorrhage
Tx: blood, vitamin K orally
Trifolium subterran
Subterranean clover
Toxic principle: phytoestrogen
Infertility & repro problems
Pteridium aquilinum
Bracken fern
Affects ruminants (mostly cattle), esp. if on sandy/acid soils in shade
Toxic principle: ptalquiloside (glycoside) -> aplastic anemia, hematuria, hemolysis; carcinogen?, cyanogenetic glycoside
C/S: chronic presentation (ingest 100% BW), hemorrhages, biphasic pyrexia, bone marrow dysfunction (all 3 cell lines), increased cap. fragility
Tx: blood, Batyl alcohol
Asclepias spp
Affects: animals on overgrazed pastures
Toxic principle: cardiac glycoside (cardenolines & bufadienolides)
C/S: neuro & cardiac signs; trembling, rapid/weak pulse, hypersalivation, resp depression, mydriasis, organ congestion
Tx: symptomatic, atropine, beta-blockers, oral KCl
can have secondary toxicity
Baileya multiradiata
Desert Baileya
Affects sheep on sandy desert soils
Toxic principle: unknown; sesquiterpene lactone; all parts are toxic, flower usually ingested (palatable!)
C/S: rapid, pounding heart audible w/o scope; anorexia, emaciation, regurgitation, green material around mouth, posterior ataxia
Tx: none; TLC, pull off pasture
Datura spp
Jimson weed, Thornapple, Moon Trumpet, Angel Trumpet
Affects: all animals, esp. humans
Toxic principle: tropane alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, hyosine)
C/S: parasympatholytic & neuro, primarily cardiac; hyperthermia in ppl, mydriasis, restless, mm. twitching, tachycardia
Tx: physostigmine (able to cross BBB)
Kalanchoe spp
Kalanchoe (ornamental plant)
Affects any animal, but esp dogs
Toxic principle: bufadienolides (cardioactive glycosides with CNS effects)
C/S cardiac + neuro
Tx: beta blocker, atropine, oral KCl, diazepam (early)
Nerium oleander
Affects all animals, esp. man, horses > dogs, cattle
Toxic principle: cardiac glycosides, cardenolides (bitter leaves, until damage & release of sugar)
C/S: bradycardia then tachycardia, vasoconstriction, cold extremities, cardiac depression, trembling
Taxus spp
Affects all, esp. horses, dogs, humans
Toxic principle: Taxine (alkaloid) throughout the plant (conc. in seeds, which must first be cracked) that interfere with Na-K transport to prolong AV; also have cyanogenic-glycosides in leaves, antimicrotubule agents
C/S: cardio depression, bradycardia, heart stops in diastole, sudden death, V/D, trembling, dyspnea
Tx: amiodarone, NaHCO3, resp support, cardiac pacemaker
Gossypol (Gossypium spp)
Toxic principle: yellow-green polyphenolic cmpd that affects Hb & O2 release and incr pulm membrane
Affects monogastrics, humans (can feed whole CS to mature ruminants); swine most sensitive
C/S: cumulative toxin; resp & cardiac; weakness, anorexia, dyspnea, paraparesis & stupor in canines, CHF is COD, hemoglobinuria, flabby heart, nutmeg liver
Tx: none; prevention more impt
"Fog Fever"
Acute Bovine Pulm Edema & Emphysema
Affects cattle > 2yrs, mostly in cow-calf ops
Toxic principle: ingest L-tryptophan -> 3-methylindole -> toxic 3-methyleneindolenine
C/S: 50% morbidity, 30% mortality; sudden onset resp distress, salivation; chronic poor doers w/ nasal discharge & pulm abscesses
Tx: none good; diuretics, antihistamines, steroids, high protein diet
Astragalus emoryanus
Emory Milkvetch, Red-Stemmed Peavine (type of locoweed)
Affects cattle > sheep > goats
Toxic agent: 3-nitro propanol (glycoside), 3-nitro propionic acid (locoweed also has alkaloid Swainsonine)
C/S: resp signs; labored breathing, posterior incoordination, weakness, 20% MetHb, death in 4-20hrs or chronic debilitation
Tx: none good
Cynodon dactylon
Coastal Bermuda grass
Affects cattle on improved pastures
Toxic principle: unknown; fungus?
C/S: resp & neuro signs; pulm edema & emphysema, tremors, post. paralysis, hepatic problems (icterus & photosensitization)
Tx: remove from pasture
Perilla frutescens
Beefsteak Plant, Perilla Mint
Affects horses, cattle
Toxic principle: Perilla ketone, egomaketone, isoegomaketone in leaves, stems, & roots; inc perm in lungs
C/S: pulm edema & emphysema, mint-like odor in GI tract, signs of agonal death, flabby heart (due to pulm congestion)
Tx: none good
Aesculus spp
Affects ruminants, horses
Toxic principle: Glycosidic saponins (aesculin, fraxin), highest in fruit, but animals eat new growth
C/S: GI, neuro; staggering, congested MM, hemolysis, coma
Tx: symptomatic
Astragalus spp
Affects equine > bovine > ovine > caprine
Toxic principle: Alkaloid swaisonine, Selenium accumulation
C/S: progessive sensory & motor loss, hyperexcitable, impaired prioprioception, habituation, emaciation, resp depression (A. emoryanus), abortogenic, teratogenic, Brisket Dz?
Tx: none
Oxytropis spp
Affects equine > bovine > ovine > caprine
Toxic principle: Alkaloid swaisonine, Selenium accumulation
C/S: progessive sensory & motor loss, hyperexcitable, impaired prioprioception, habituation, emaciation, resp depression (A. emoryanus), abortogenic, tertagoenic, Brisket Dz?
Tx: none
Brunfelsia spp
Affects mostly dogs; maybe cattle
Toxic principle: Alkaloids Brunfelsamidine, hopeanine
C/S: excessive salivation, clonic-tonic convulsions, GI
Tx: pentobarbital, empty stomach
Centaurea spp
Yellow star thistle, Russian knapweed
Affects horses
Toxic principle: unknown; maybe sesquiterpene lactone; nitrate accumulation
C/S: cumulative, but acute onset; impaired swallowing, inability to prehense food, head pressing, hypertonic head mm; Equine Nigropaladial Encephlomalacia
Tx: none
Cicuta spp
Spotted Water Hemlocks
Affects all, esp. calves
Toxic principle: highly unsat. alcohol, cicutoxin (highest in hollow root & stalk)
C/S: 15-30 min post-ingest, salivation, tremors, opisthotons, mydriasis, resp failure, fever
Tx: usually not fast enough
Claviceps purpurea
Ergot on Rye
Affects mostly cattle
Toxic principle: lysergic acid derivatives of indole alkaloids (ergotamine, ergototoxin, paspoline)
C/S: neuro & gangrene, convulsions, abortions, lame, necrosis of ear and tail
Tx: none
Claviceps cinerea
Ergot on Tobosa
Affects mostly cattle
Toxic principle: lysergic acid derivatives of indole alkaloids (ergotamine, ergototoxin, paspoline)
C/S: neuro & gangrene, convulsions, abortions, lame, necrosis of ear and tail
Tx: none
Claviceps paspali
Ergot on Bahia & Dallis grass
Affects mostly cattle
Toxic principle: lysergic acid derivatives of indole alkaloids (ergotamine, ergototoxin, paspoline)
C/S: neuro only; convulsions, abortions
Tx: none
Conium maculatum
Poison Hemlock
Affects all animals
Toxic principle: Piperidine alkaloid, coniine
C/S: 1hr post-ingest, ataxia, mydriasis, bradycardia, hypothermia, coma, resp depression, abortion/teratogenic in pig & cattle
Tx: none
Cycads, Sago Palms
Affects all
Toxic principle: carcinogenic glycoside cycasin, hepatotoxic
C/S: neuro signs in cattle; liver dysfunction in other species, hemorrhage, jaundice
Tx: supportive, contorl hemorrhage & anemia, S. adenosine meth
Delphinium spp
Affects cattle > equine > sheep (4x resistant)
Toxic principle: polycyclic diterpene alkaloid delphinine
C/S: sudden death, nervousness, hypersalivation, bloat, colic, irregular tachycardia, resp paralysis; death in 24hrs
Tx: procainamide, sternal recumbency to prevent bloat
Helenium amarum
Bitter sneezeweed
gives bitter taste to milk
Helenium microcephalum
Small-headed sneezeweed
Affects sheep > cattle, goats, horses
Toxic principle: sesquiterpene lactone, helenalin
C/S: ataxia, V/D, bloat, hypersalivation, dyspnea, nasal discharge, regurg thru nose
Tx: none
Helenium hoopseii
Orange sneezeweed
Affects sheep > cattle, goats, horses
Toxic principle: sesquiterpene lactone, helenalin
C/S: ataxia, hypersalivation, V/D, bloat, nasal discharge, spewing sickness
Tx: none
Hymenoxys spp
Affects sheep, goat
Toxic principle: sesquiterpene lactone hymenoxon
C/S: ingest 1% BW; habitutation, anorexia, depression, rumen stasis, bloat, regurg (green muzzle), affects CNs IX/XI/XII (VII?), colic, chronic wt loss
Tx: prevent with high natural protein, high sulfate, ethoxyquine
Ipomoea violcea
Morning Glory
Affects man and other animals
Toxic principle: lysergic acid (amide of indole alkaloid)
C/S: hallucinations, resp depression
Tx: none
MOA: irreversible inactivation of AChE, acts on serine at esteratic site
C/S: SLUDD, convulsions, ataxia, resp depression
ADME: readily absorbed by all routes, liver biotrans, excr in kidney, milk, feces, transplacental
Tx:support resp, Atropine, Oximes (2-PAM), diazepam for seizures
MOA: competitive inhibition with AChE, acts at serine at esteratic site
C/S: SLUDD, convulsions, ataxia, resp depression
ADME: readily absorbed by all routes, liver biotrans, excr in kidney, milk, feces, transplacenta
Tx: support resp, Atropine, Oximes (2-PAM may be contraindicated), diazepam for seizures
MOA: depolarization at NMJ
C/S: mm. relaxation, incr intra-ocular P, brady- then tachy-cardia, hypoxia
Tx: support resp
Root of Derris spp
MOA: blocks conversion NADH2 --> NADH
C/S: emesis, mm. tremors, incoordination, convulsions, resp failure
Tx: supportive
Chrysantehmum spp
MOA: incr Na conduction, GABA inhibition
C/S: musc & nico signs, ventroflexion of neck, aggression
ADME: rapid metabolism (add piperonly butoxide)
Tx: supportive, Diazepam
monocyclic terpene from citrus plants
MOA: HPS in cats
C/S: ataxia, mm. tremors, salivatoin, scrotal irritation, acute necrotizing dermatitis
Tx: usually self-limiting
Organochlorine insecticides
MOA: decr membrane potential of nerves
C/S: salivation, vomiting, hyper-excitability, spasms, V-fib, tonic-clonic convulsions, resp failure
ADME: lipid soluble, little biotrans, excr in urine; stored in adipose, nervous tissue, adrenal medulla
Tx: symptomatic, barbiturates
Alkaloid indole derived from Strychnos nux-vomica
MOA: blocks Glycine receptors at Renshaw cells
C/S: anxiety, restless, incr resp, mm. tremors, tetanic seizures, acidosis, asphyxia, opisthotonos, extension
ADME: slighlty water soluble, good GI absorption, rapid metabolim (80%), rapid elim
Tx: induce emesis; Na pentobarbital, Diazepam, Diuresis, Tannic acid, Iodine, K permanganate, support resp
Sodium fluoroacetate
Cmpd 1080 (plant-derived)
MOA: replaces acetate in acetyl-CoA, fluorocitrate blocks TCA cycle
C/S: GI in dogs, restless, seizures, myocardial depression in cattle/horse/cat
ADME: highly water soluble, rapid GI absorption, excr in urine
Tx: none good; Euthanasia, sodium glycerol monoacetate, ethanol & acetic acid orally
Dicoumarol, moldy sweet clover (Melilotus)
MOA: inhibit vit K epoxide reductase, affect facts II, VII, IX, X
C/D: hemorrhage, ataxia, lameness, pale MM, hypovolemic shock
ADME: rapid GI absorption, highly protein-bound, biotrans, excr in urine & feces
Tx: vit K orally, whole lood
Uncoupling agent
C/S: heat dissipation, anorexia, incoordination, paralysis
Tx: diazepam
Diethyl Toluamide
C/S: CNS, mild convulsions, blisters, skin necrosis, erythema, hyper-steatosis
ADME: lipid soluble, skin absorption, detectable for 2wks
Tx: wash, Diazepam
MOA: alpha2 agonist, weak MAO
C/S: hypotension, bradycardia, hypoperistalsis, mydriasis, V/D, ataxia, sedation, hyperglycemia
Tx: yohimbine, atipamezole
C/S: emesis (acetylene odor), tachycardia, tachypnea, incoorindation, cyanosis, convulsions, opisthotonus; secondary liver damage wks later
Tx: Diazepam, Pentobarbital, small quantites of high protein food
Methyl Bromide
C/S: CNS depression, inebriration, myocardial depression; neuropathy
ADME: volatile organic vapor; 27% excr via lungs
Phthalmides (Captan, Folpet)
dyspnea, anorexia, depression, hydrothorax, ascites
Carbamate derivative fungicides
MOA: not inhibition AChE
C/S; depression, anorexia, diarrhea, friable liver/kidney; chronic: hypothyroidism, hypertension
Uncoupling agents (Bromethalin, DNP, PCP, DNOC)
MOA: dissipate H+ gradient
C/S: burned buccal mucosal, fatigue, thirst, flushing of skin, restless, V/D, abd pain, convulsions, hyperpnea, tachycardia, pyrexia; late: nephritis, hepatitis, jaundice
ADME: rapid GI absorb, protein-bound, excr as conjugate
Tx: cool animal
Phosphorus (white, yellow)
MOA: P affects mitochondrial & SER membranes
C/S: biphasic; acute GI signs, later icterus, fatty change in liver, convulsions, coma; chronic cachexia, anemia, & bronchitis
ADME: liposoluble
Tx: activated charcoal + mineral oil
Zinc phosphide
MOA: release of phosphine gas in stomach
C/S: anorexia, bloody vomit, abd pain, ataaxia, convulsions, rapid resp, terminal hypoxia
ADME: insoluble in water
Tx: activated charcoal, MgO
MOA: active form vit D, mobilizes Ca, cardiotoxic
C/S: abnormal ECG, calciuria; chronic calcification of soft tissue
Tx: Furosemide, calcitonin, P binder
Alphanaphthylthiourea (ANTU)
MOA: increased perm of pulm capillaries
C/S: dyspnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, decr heart sounds
ADME: insoluble in water; not found in tissues >24hrs
Tx: O2, atropine early
Thallium sulfate
MOA: handled as K
C/S: pantrophic; early neuro, tremors, hemorrhagic GI; acute conjunctiva, lacrimation, resp, hyperemic MM, renal/liver disease; chronic derm
ADME: water soluble, absorbed via GI tract and skin, accumulates in kidney, excr in urine
Tx: Prussian blue, KCl orally
Avitrol (4-aminopyridine)
Causes alarm behavior in birds
horses: back up, fall down, convulsions
cattle: head down, bowed neck, tremor, tenesmus
Phenoxy derivatives of fatty acids (2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, Agent Orange)
MOA: unknown; hormonal in nature
C/D: reluctance of move, myotonia, depression, rear limb weakness, clonic spasms, TCC in Scottish terriers; Cattle: rumen atony, emaciation, bright green feed in rumen
ADME: ingestion of spray or concentrate
MOA: amide compound
C/S: ADR, organ congestion
may be toxic at conditions of use
substituted urea compounds
C/D: ADR, incoordination, organ congestion
may be toxic at conditions of use
thiocarbamate compounds
C/S: ADR, mm. spasms, ataxia, chronic alopecia, friable liver
moderately toxic
triazines (atrazine, simazine)
C/S: ADR, anorexia, mm. spasms, ataxia, dyspnea, friable liver, organ congestion
hazardous under conditoins of use
Bipyridyl compounds (paraquat, diquat, morfamquat)
MOA: oxidation reactions to generate oxygen radical
C/S: hyperexcitable, convulsions, resp distress --> chronic fibrinous pneumonia
ADME: soluble in water, little GI absorption, excr thrus kidneys; most gone in 48hrs, rest lingers 2-4wks
Tx: Fuller's earth, sodium sulfate cathartic
safest herbicide available
Sodium chlorate
MOA: combustible oxidizing agent
C/S: GI irritaiton, IV hemolysis, MetHb
Tx: methylene blue
Equisetum palustre
Affects equine, bovine
Toxic principle: thiaminase, aconitic acid, palustrine (alkaloid)
C/S, horse: convulsions, incoordination, mm. twitching, violent tremors
C/S, ruminant: lose condition, decr milk production
Tx: none
Isocoma wrightii
Rayless goldenrod
Toxic principle: tremotol (alcohol), tremetone (ketone)
Bovine: posterior paralysis, knuckling, acetone on breath, urinary incontinence
Goats: also liver dysfunction, photosensitizing
Equine: cardiac signs, sudden death
Tx: remove source, leave alone
Eupatorium rugosum
White snakeroot
Toxic principle: tremotol (alcohol), tremetone (ketone)
Bovine: posterior paralysis, knuckling, acetone on breath, urinary incontinence
Angora Goats**: also liver dysfunction, photosensitizing
Equine: cardiac signs, sudden death
Tx: remove source, leave alone
Equisetum palustre
Affects: horses > cattle
Toxic principle: thiaminase, aconitic acid, palustrine (alkaloid)
C/S, horse: incoordination, tremors, convulsions
C/S, ruminant: lose condition, decr milk production
Tx: none
Kallistroemia spp
Affects bovine > ovine, caprine
Toxic principle: unknown
C/S: posterior paralysis, knuckling at fetlocks (sheep on knees), convulsions, death due to resp depression or starvation
no CNS lesions
Tx: place in shade with food & water, leave alone
Karwinskia spp
Affects all: caprine > ovine > bovine; newly-introduced animals
Toxic principle: Karwinol A (polycyclic alcohol)
C/S: trembling, incoordination, debilitation, limber leg, dyspnea, indirect mm. damage, nephritis & hepatitis
Tx: none
Triaryl phosphate, Tri-O-Cresyl Phosphate
From lubricant, oil fields, feed mills
Affects: young chicks particularly
Toxic principle: anti-esterase, biotransformed to more-toxic neurotoxic esterase in spinal cord
C/S: rough hair coat, muscular weakness, bloat, dyspnea, posterior paralysis
Neuronal vacuolation & demyelination
Acacia berlanderii
Affects sheep, goats
Toxic principle: unknown (sympathomimetic amine)
C/S: sole diet for 6-9mos; incoordination, wobbles, recumbency, death due to starvation
NGL, no neuro lesions
Tx: supplement ration
Lobelia spp
Indian tobacoo, Cardinal flower
Affects bovine > caprine, ovine
Toxic principle: N-methyl piperidine (alkaloid)
C/S: diarrhea, anorexia, lethargy, mydriasis, hypersalivation, nasal discharge, oral ulcers, recumbency
Tx: hand feeding, prevent hypostatic congestion, protect from environ
Peganum spp
African rue
Affects bovine > ovine, equine, guinea pigs, humans
Toxic principle: alkaloids (vasicine, harmaline, harmine, harmalol--highest in seed)
C/S: acute stiffness, trembling, ataxia, PU, hypothermia, hypersalivation; chronic anorexia, listless, hindlimb weakness, knuckling at fetlock
Tx: remove from source, provide feed & water
Solanum dimidatum
Potato weed, thread salve
Affects bovine
Toxic principle: unknown, posisble glycoalkaloid (indolizidine alkaloid) that causes lysosomal disease
C/S: "crazy cow syndrome"; recurrent seizures, extension of head & thoracic limbs, opisthotonus, nystagmus
Tx: none; prevent by removing cattle after first frost
Sophora secundiflora
Mountain laureal, mescal bean
Affects bovine, ovine, caprine, human
Toxic principle: Cystisine, a quinolizidine alkaloid (highest in seed)
C/S: forced exercise stiffens rear legs, tremors, coma; cattle often die, sheep often recover
Tx: none; keep animals quiet
Strychnos nux-vomica
convulsion/neuro syndrome
Vicia spp
Affects: cattle, horses, poultry, humans
Toxic principle: several glycosides, beta-cyano-L-alanine
C/S: CNS signs, subQ swelling, Dermatitis (exudative crust), conjunctivitis; convulsions & blindness in poultry; granulomatous lesions in organs
Tx: selenium might prevent damage from radicals
Zigadenus nuttalli
Death camas
Affects: ovine, bovine, equine, porcine
Toxic principle: Zygacine (steroidal alkaloid; all parts toxic)
C/S: hypersalivation, emesis, ataxia, trembling, hyperesthesia, cardiac depression, dyspnea
Tx: atropine (for hypotension), CNS stimulants
Euphorbia spp
Affects: Dogs, children
Toxic principle: Euphorbin (irritant) & saponin
C/S: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; blistering of lips & tongue; dermatitis
Tx: induce vomiting; milk, AlOH
Lantana camara
Affects: all (most likely in dogs)
Toxic principle: Lantadenes A & B (polycyclic triterpenoids); green berry most toxic
C/S: bloody diarrhea, weakness, hypovolemia, anemia, detah in 3-4d; liver dysfunction & cholestasis in dogs; renal involvement in horses
Tx: none
Phytolacca americana
Affects: swine (eat roots), humans
Toxic principle: rutin, saponin, tannin, alkaloid; entire plant
C/S: bloody vomiting, depression, diarrhea, prostration, convulsions, resp failure
Lesions: ulcerative gastritis, swollen liver
Tx: symptomatic for shock
Phoradendron serotinum
Affects: humans, all animals
Toxic principle: sympathomimetic amine (beta-phenethylamine, tyramine), smooth mm. stimulants
C/S: nausea, V/D, abdominal pain, tachypnea, dyspnea, hypertension, delirium, hallucinations, abortifactent; mydriasis, convulsions, CV collapse
Tx: supportive
Ricinus communis
Castor Bean
Affects: all, including humans, esp horses
Toxic principle: Ricin (toxalbumin, antigenic protein, affects protein synthesis @ 50S), saponin
C/S: severe GI irritation, hemolysis, urticaria, edema, dyspnea; colic, elevated PCV, tumultous HR, terminal convulsions in horses
Tx: supportive
Sesbania spp
Rattlebox, coffee senna, Bagpod
Affects: cattle, sheep, humans, horses (unlikely)
Toxic principle: unknown saponin (highest in seeds)
C/S: 1-2d post-ingestion; depression, diarrhea, tachycardia, weakness, dyspnea, hemolysis, HbUria, hemorrhagic abomasum
Tx: supportive
DDx: Arsenic
Solanum spp
Potato, Bull Nettle, Nightshade, Tomato
Affects: all spp
Toxic principle: steroidal alkaloid (glycoalkaloid, glycoside); cholinesterase inhibitor?
C/L: GI and neuro; dyspnea, hypersalivation, apathy, drowsy, trmbling, tachycardia, bloat, lung congestion
Xanthium spp
Affects: swine, cattle, sheep, chickens, horses; esp. young calves in Texas
Toxic principle: Carboxytaracytyloside (sulfated glycoside), esp. in cotyledonary stage
C/S: within few hrs post-ingestion; depression, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, weakness, dyspnea, mm. convulsions, rapid pulse; centrilobular necrosis of liver, renal degeneration
Tx: supportive
DDx: gossypol, alfatoxicosis
Amaranthus retroflexus
Pigweed, Carelessweed
Affects: pigs, cattle, sheep
Toxic principle: soluble oxalate, nitrate
C/S: summertime or early fall; trembling, ataxia, recumbency, coma, retroperitoneal edema, coag necrosis of PT and DT, possible MetHb in ruminants; acute death due to systemic acidosis
DDx: Rumex spp
Tx: address MetHb
Beta vulgaris
Beet, Mangel, Chard
Affects: sheep, cattle; possibly pig
Toxic principle: soluble oxalate, saponin, nitrate (mostly in leaves)
C/S: bloody diarrhea, hematuria, convulsions, death; perirenal edema?
Tx: none, supportive
Halogeton glomeratus
Affects: sheep (cattle maybe)
Toxic principle: soluble oxalate
C/S: depression, colic, dyspnea, acute death in 10hrs due to systemic acidosis, hydrothorax, ascites, hemorrhage
Kochia scoparia
Kochia, Mexican fireweed
Affects: ruminants; horses
Toxic principle: soluble oxalate, hepatotoxin, thiamine-responsive polioencephalomalacia
C/S: ataxia, muscular spasms, recumbency, hepatopathy, photoS, hyperbilirubinemia, cystitis in mares
Tx: none, thiamine in ruminants
Sarcobatus vermiculatus
Affects: sheep (cattle)
Toxic principle: soluble oxalate
C/S: within 3-5hrs post-ingestion; depression, weakness, prostration, coma, depress resp & CV; death 12-20hrs post-ingest
Larrea tridentata
Texas Greasewood
Lilium spp, Hemerocallis spp
Affects: cats
Toxic principle: unknown
C/S: renal failure 48-96hrs post-ingestion; high mortality if untreated, renal tubular necrosis (BM preserved)
Tx: within 24hrs; emesis, activated charcoal, fluid diuresis
Quercus spp
Oaks, shin oaks
Affects: mostly cattle, sheep & goats
Toxic principle: tannic acid, gallotannin (esp. leaf buds & acorns)
C/S: emaciation, edema, constipation or diarrhea, dehydrated, rough hair coat, Turkey Egg Kidney, ascites
Tx: prevent with CSM, alfalfa meal, 10% CaOH
Plants w/ insoluble oxalates
Affects: monogastrics
Toxic principle: insoluble oxalates (Ca, Mg)
C/S: mechanical damage/irritation, pharyngeal & GI irritation
Crotalaria spp
Rattlebox, Crotalaria
Affects: poultry, cattle, horses, swines
Toxic principle: pyrrolizidine alkaloid (monocrotaline)
C/S: acute salivation, weakness, GI signs, neuro signs; tenesmus & rectal prolapse in bovine; resp signs in horses; chronic anorexia, inactivity, emaciation, icterus and neuro signs in horses; congested liver
Senecio spp
Tansy Ragwort
Affects: mostly cattle, horses
Toxic principle: pyrrolizidine alkaloids (longilobine)
C/S: continuous walking, nervous, tenesmus, weakness, may show aggression or die quietly, icterus, photoS, acute hepatic necrosis
Tx: none
DDx: rabies, hepatoencephalopathies
Sago Palms
Affects: all, esp. dogs
Toxic principle: cycasin (carcinogenic glycoside)
C/S: hepatosis and jaundice; hepatic, renal, or intesitnal neoplasm
Hepatic Fatty Cirrhosis
Affects: all ruminants (sheep > cattle > deer > antelope)
Toxic principle: unknown
C/S: retarded growth, rough hair coat, emaciation, hepatoencephalopathy, ascites, icterus & photoS, hyperproteinemia, fatty change in liver
Ammi spp
Bishop's Weed
Affects: cattle, sheep, geese, ducks (esp. seeds)
Toxic principle: xanthotoxin, bergapten (furocoumarins)
C/S: erythema, pruritis, shaking of head, seeks shade, crackling of skin, secondary infections
Cooperia pedunculata
Rain Lily
Affects: cattle, deer, horses ("sand burn")
Toxic principle: unknown
C/S: erythema, pruritis, shaking of head, corneal opacity, crackling of skin
Thamnosma texana, montana
Dutchman's Breeches
Affects: cattle, sheep
Toxic principle: linear furocoumarins
C/S: erythema, pruritis, shaking of head, corneal opacity, crackling of skin, etc.
Agave lechuguilla
Affects: sheep, goats; maybe cattle (during drought)
Toxic principle: saponin (glycoside)
C/S: 2nd photoS, icterus, erythema, pruritis, yellow liver, incr BUN, albuminuria
Nolina texana
Bear grass
Affects: cattle, sheep, goats
Toxic principle: saponin
C/S: hepatogenous photoS (must eat another source of chlorophyll)
Panicum coloratum
Kleingrass 75
Affects: lambs, kids, horses (not photoS)
Toxic principle: saponin (not in all Kleingrass)
C/S: hepatogenous photoS, coronary bands involved, lamness, hyperemia