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35 Cards in this Set

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Define photosynthesis

a process that converts light energy into chemical energy (sugars)

Photosynthesis occurs in ...

free-living bacterial cells or in chloroplasts

Light reactions

1. requires

2. converts

3. produces

4. happens where

1. light dependent

2. convert solar energy to chemical energy

3. produces O2, ATP and NADPH

4. thylakoid membrane

Calvin cycle (carbon fixation)

1. light dependent?

2. is a process of

3. uses what kind of energy

4. happens where

1. not light dependent, does not require light

2. process of carbohydrate synthesis

3. uses chemical energy from light rxtns

4. stroma

Chloroplast role in light dependent rxtns

pigments in chloroplast used to absorb light energy

Main photosynthetic pigments are

chlorophyll a and b

1. Chlorophyll a absorbs and reflects

2. Chlorophyll a absorbs and reflects

1. absorbs: red/blue reflects: dark green

2. absorbs: red/blue reflects: light green

1. Accessory pigments job

2. 2 accessory pigments are

1. absorb energy and transfer it to chlorophyll a

2. carotenoids and anthocyanins

1. carotenoids absorb, reflect

2. anthocyanins absorb, reflect

1. absorb: red/green reflect: yellow, orange, red

2. absorb: green, yellow reflect: purple, blue, red

Chlorophyll structure and function

1. porphyrin ring absorbs light

2. hydrocarbon tails anchors pigment in thylakoid membrane

light harvesting unit located in

2. contains

thylakoid membrane

2. several light harvesting complexes: many chlorophyll molecules attached to proteins, gather light energy and transfer it

3 ways electrons can release or transfer energy

1. fluorescence

2. resonance transfer

3. electron transfer

What happens in the light harvesting complexes? (2)

1. pigment molecule absorbs photon

2. energy transferred from pigment molecule to pigment molecule by resonance transfer

What happens in the reaction-center complex in the middle?

(mostly made of protein)

1. pair of special chloro. a molecules accept energy from light-harvesting complexes

2. primary e- acceptor accepts excited e- from the chlorophyll a pair

Photosystem 2 (PSII)

1. acts first or second

2. absorbs light best at

3. chlrorphyll a pair called

1. first

2. 680nm

3. P680

Photosystem 1 (PSI)

1. acts first or second

2. absorbs light best at

3. chlorophyll a pair called

1. second

2. 700nm

3. P700

Linear Electron Flow (8)

1. P680 transfers its high energy electron to the primary electron acceptor

2. P680 chlorophyll now has an electron hole that must be filled by an electron donor (water)

3. excited electrons move from primary e acceptor of PS2 thru an ETC

4. movement of e- down the ETC releases energy at each step (exergonic)

5. chlorophyll a molecules in light harvesting complexes of PS1 absorbs photons of light

6. transer their energy to P700 chlorophyll pair of PS1

7. low energy e- released from bottom of ETC (Pc) fills e- hole in P700

8. NADP+ reductase transfers 2 e- from ferredoxin to NADP+

(reduces NADP+ to NADPH in stroma)

What happens in chemiosmosis (3)

1. conc. gradient of protons built up across thylakoid membrane

2. protons diffuse out of the thylakoid into the stroma through ATP synthase (released enrgy causes ATP synthase to rotate)

3. ATP is made in stroma from ADP + Pi (phosphoylation - enrgy originally came frm light)

H+ concentration

1. thylakoid space

2. stroma

1. high

2. low

H+ released into stroma from chemiosmosis can be (2)

1. added to NADP+ to make NADPH

2. actively transported back into thylakoid space

Cyclic electron flow, what happens (4

1. e- in P700 excited and transferred to PSI primary acceptor

2. high energy e- move to Fd

3. e- move backwards to cytochrome complex (protons pumped and ATP is produced by chemiosmosis)

4. e- move to Pc then back to P700 to fill hole

Why is cyclic e- flow used?

1. linear e- flow creates equal amounts of ATP and NADPH but since calvin cycle uses more ATP than NADPH that creates an imbalance, cyclic flow allows cell to make extra ATP w/o making more NADPH to balance levels

Light-independent reactions synthesize

sugars using energy from light dependent reactions (ATP and NAPH)

The Calvin Cycle is a(n) ___________ and ______________ process, the products (____) have (more/less) energy than the reactants (___)

anabolic and endergonic

(sugar) more (CO2)

Where does the Calvin Cycle receive its energy?

ATP and NADPH from light reactions

The carbohydrate produced from the Calvin Cycle is is

gylerceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)

- 3 carbon sugar

- high energy

To make 1 G3P you need

3 molecules of CO2 to be fixed (3 turns of the cycle)

What is the overall formula for 3 turns of calvin cycle?

3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH --> 1G3P

What is RUBISCO?

an enzyme that fixes CO2

(5C sugar)

Phases of Calvin Cycle (3)

1. Carbon fixation

2. Reduction

3. Regeneration

Role of ATP in reduction

phosphates added to reactants provide energy to drive reactions

Role of NADPH in reduction phase

each molecule donates 2 high energy electrons for reduction of reactants

Reduction produces

6 high-energy G3P

(1 G3P is released for use (new gain = 3c)

(5 G3P is used to regenerate RuBP (15 C resused))

What happens in regeneration?

5 G3P + 3 ATP ---> 3 RuBP

- RuBP are used in next cycle to fix 3 more CO2

G3P can be used to make (3)

1. sugars (glucose) for cellular resp, or building blocks for other mol.

2. energy storage compounds (starch)

3. cell wall constituents (cellulose)